IBM Cloud Docs
Why is the status of my OpenShift Data Foundation storage cluster stuck at Progressing?

Why is the status of my OpenShift Data Foundation storage cluster stuck at Progressing?

When you run oc describe noobaa or oc describe ocscluster <ocscluster_name>, the status is stuck at Progressing.

To determine why your storage cluster status is stuck, describe your storage cluster resources and review the Status.

  1. Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

  2. Run the command to describe NooBaa. Note any error messages in the Events section of the output.

    oc describe noobaa -n openshift-storage
  3. List the name of your ODF storage cluster.

    oc get ocscluster

    Example output:

    NAME             AGE
    ocscluster-vpc   71d
  4. Describe your ODF storage cluster. Note any error messages in the Events section of the output.

    oc describe ocscluster <ocscluster_name>

Review the following common storage cluster error messages for steps to resolve the issue.

Error: Cloud credentials secret "ibm-cloud-cos-creds" is not ready yet

When you run oc describe noobaa or oc describe ocscluster <ocscluster_name>, the status is stuck at Progressing and you see the following error message:

Error: Cloud credentials secret "ibm-cloud-cos-creds" is not ready yet

You want to use IBM Cloud Object Storage as a backing store for your ODF cluster, but the credentials specified in the ibm-cloud-cos-creds secret are invalid.

Verify your Object Storage credentials and update the Kubernetes secret for your Object Storage service credentials.