IBM Cloud Docs
Why does my cluster master status say it is approaching its resource limit?

Why does my cluster master status say it is approaching its resource limit?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure

You see a master status similar to the following example.

The master is approaching its allotted memory resource limit (93%).  Please consider reducing load on your master.  Exceeding the defined resource limit could cause reduced performance for your cluster's master control plane.

Our managed customer masters have a resource cap that limits the amount of memory and CPU that they can consume.

If your master status shows the previous message, then your master is consuming enough resources to approach its given limit. At this point, this message is a warning. Your master control plane is still healthy and functioning as normal. However, if you don't act, your master can reach the limits, potentially causing performance and functional issues.

You have a few options when it comes to dealing with this.

  • Identify the cause of the high resource usage and make changes to reduce the usage.

    • Look for applications that might be generating high load against your master.
    • Reduce the number of resources, such as secrets, configmaps, and replicasets. If a cluster contains a high number of resources, then the queries can cause the master to be overloaded. Use the kubectl get raw command to find the top resources by count. For example, run
      kubectl get --raw /metrics | grep ^apiserver_storage_objects | sort -n -k2
  • For each resource listed, we recommend avoiding a count above 250 per node. For example, a standard 3-node cluster should not exceed 750 per resource.

  • Request a higher resource limit for your master. To request a higher limit, [open a support ticket](/docs/openshift?topic=openshift-get-help with justification. Requests are reviewed and granted on a cluster by cluster basis.

  • Do nothing and risk future performance and functional issues in your master control plane.