IBM Cloud Docs
Packaging apps for reuse in multiple environments with Kustomize

Packaging apps for reuse in multiple environments with Kustomize

As part of a twelve-factor, cloud-native app, you want to maintain dev-to-prod parity by setting up a continuous development and delivery pipeline that uses a common, version-controlled code base source. In your code base repositories, you store your Kubernetes resource configuration manifest files, often in YAML format. You can use the Kubernetes project Kustomize both to standardize and customize your deployments across multiple environments.

For example, you can set up a base kustomization YAML file to declare Kubernetes objects such as deployments and PVCs that are shared in your development, testing, and production environments. Next, you can set up separate kustomization YAML files that have customized configurations for each environment, such as more replicas in production than testing. These customized YAML files can then overlay, or build on, the shared base YAML file so that you can manage environments that are mostly identical except for a few overlay configuration differences that you source-control. For more information about Kustomize such as a glossary and FAQ, check out the Kustomize docs.

Before you begin: Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

To set up configuration files with Kustomize:

  1. Install the kustomize tool.

    • For macOS, you can use the brew package manager.
      brew install kustomize
    • For Windows, you can use the chocolatey package manager.
      choco install kustomize
  2. Create a directory for your app in a version control system, such as Git.

    git init ~/<my_app>
  3. Create your repo structure for your kustomize base directory, overlay directory, and environment directories such as staging and production. In the subsequent steps, you set up these repos for use with kustomize.

    mkdir -p ~/<my_app>/base &&
    mkdir -p ~/<my_app>/overlay &&
    mkdir -p ~/<my_app>/overlay/staging &&
    mkdir -p ~/<my_app>/overlay/prod

    Example repo structure

    ├── base
    └── overlay
        ├── prod
        └── staging
  4. Set up the base repo.

    1. Navigate to the base repo.

      cd ~/<my_app>/base
    2. Create an initial set of Kubernetes configuration YAML files for your app deployment. You might use the wasliberty YAML example to create a deployment, service, config map, and persistent volume claim.

    3. Create a kustomization file that specifies the base configuration to be applied across environments. The kustomization file must include the list of Kubernetes resource configuration YAMLs that are stored in the same base repo. In the kustomization file, you can also add configurations that apply to all the resource YAMLs in the base repo, such as a prefix or suffix that is appended to all the resource names, a label, the existing namespace all the resources are created in, secrets, configmaps, and more.

      kind: Kustomization
      namespace: wasliberty
      namePrefix: kustomtest-
      nameSuffix: -v2
        app: kustomized-wasliberty
      - deployment.yaml
      - service.yaml
      - pvc.yaml
      - configmap.yaml
      - secret.yaml

      The names of the resources YAMLs must match the names of the other files in the base repo. You might include multiple configurations in the same file, but in the example, the configurations are separate files such as deployment.yaml, service.yaml, and pvc.yaml.

    4. Build your resource YAML files with the configurations that you defined in the kustomization base YAML file. The resources are built by combining the configurations in the kustomization and resource YAMLs together. The combined YAML files are returned in stdout in the output. Use this same command to build any subsequent changes that you make to the kustomization YAML, such adding a label.

      kustomize build
  5. Set up your overlay repo with unique kustomization YAML files for each of your environments, such as staging and prod.

    1. In the staging repo, create a kustomization.yaml file. Add any configurations that are unique to staging, such as a label, image tag, or YAML for a new component that you want to test out.

      kind: Kustomization
      namePrefix: staging-
        env: staging
        owner: TeamA
      - ../../base
      - configmap.yaml
      - new_staging_resource.yaml
      - new_staging_resource.yaml
      Understanding YAML components
      Component Description
      namePrefix Specify a prefix to attach to the name of each resource that you want to create with your staging kustomization file, such as staging-.
      commonLabels Add labels that are unique to the staging objects, such as the staging environment and responsible team.
      bases Add a relative path to a directory or URL to a remote repo that contains a base kustomization file. In this example, the relative path points to the base kustomization file in the base repo that you previously created. This field is required for an overlay kustomization.
      patchesStrategicMerge List the resource configuration YAML files that you want to merge to the base kustomization. You must also add these files to the same repo as the kustomization file, such as overlay/staging. These resource configuration files can contain small changes that are merged to the base configuration files of the same name as a patch. The resource gets all the components that are in the base configuration file, plus any additional components that you specify in the overlay configuration file. If the configuration is a new file that is not in the base, you must also add the file name to the resources field.
      resources List any resource configuration YAML files that are unique to the staging repo and not included in the base repo. Include these files in the patchesStrategicMerge field also, and add them to the same repo as the kustomization file, such as overlay/staging.
      Other possible configurations For more configurations that you might add to your file, see the Make a kustomization file.
    2. Build your staging overlay configuration files.

      kustomize build overlay/staging
    3. Repeat these steps to create your prod overlay kustomization and other configuration YAML files. For example, you might increase the number of replicas in your deployment.yaml so that your prod environment can handle more user requests.

    4. Review your kustomize repo structure to make sure that it includes all the YAML configuration files that you need. The structure might look similar to the following example.

      ├── base
      │   ├── configmap.yaml
      │   ├── deployment.yaml
      │   ├── kustomization.yaml
      │   ├── pvc.yaml
      │   ├── secret.yaml
      │   └── service.yaml
      └── overlay
          ├── prod
          │   ├── deployment.yaml
          │   ├── kustomization.yaml
          │   └── new_prod_resource.yaml
          └── staging
              ├── configmap.yaml
              ├── kustomization.yaml
              └── new_staging_resource.yaml
  6. Apply the Kubernetes resources for the environment that you want to deploy. The following example uses the staging repo.

    1. Navigate to the staging overlay directory. If you did not build your resources in the previous step, create them now.
      cd overlay/staging && kustomize build
    2. Apply the Kubernetes resources to your cluster. Include the -k option and the directory where the kustomization file is located. For example, if you are already in the staging directory, include ../staging to mark the path to the directory.
      oc apply -k ../staging
      Example output
      configmap/staging-kustomtest-configmap-v2 created
      secret/staging-kustomtest-secret-v2 created
      service/staging-kustomtest-service-v2 created
      deployment.apps/staging-kustomtest-deployment-v2 created
      job.batch/staging-pi created
      persistentvolumeclaim/staging-kustomtest-pvc-v2 created
    3. Check to make sure that the staging-unique changes are applied. For example, if you added a staging- prefix, the pods and other resources that are created include this prefix in their name.
      oc get -k ../staging
      Example output
      NAME                                        DATA   AGE
      configmap/staging-kustomtest-configmap-v2   2      90s
      NAME                                  TYPE     DATA   AGE
      secret/staging-kustomtest-secret-v2   Opaque   2      90s
      NAME                                    TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
      service/staging-kustomtest-service-v2   NodePort   <none>        9080:30200/TCP   90s
      NAME                                               READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
      deployment.apps/staging-kustomtest-deployment-v2   0/3     3            0           91s
      NAME                   COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
      job.batch/staging-pi   1/1           41s        2m37s
      NAME                                              STATUS    VOLUME   CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS       AGE
      persistentvolumeclaim/staging-kustomtest-pvc-v2   Pending                                      ibmc-file-bronze   90s
    4. Repeat these steps for each environment that you want to build.
  7. Optional: Clean up your environment by removing all the resources that you applied with Kustomize.

    oc delete -k <directory>

    Example output

    configmap "staging-kustomtest-configmap-v2" deleted
    secret "staging-kustomtest-secret-v2" deleted
    service "staging-kustomtest-service-v2" deleted
    deployment.apps "staging-kustomtest-deployment-v2" deleted
    job.batch "staging-pi" deleted
    persistentvolumeclaim "staging-kustomtest-pvc-v2" deleted