IBM Cloud Docs
Gathering Ingress logs

Gathering Ingress logs

Run the following commands to gather the required logs for debugging Ingress.

  1. List ALBs.

    ibmcloud oc ingress alb ls -c CLUSTERID
  2. Get the Ingress status.

    ibmcloud oc ingress status-report get -c CLUSTERID
  3. Get nodes and node labels.

    oc get nodes --show-labels
  4. Get endpoints.

    oc get endpoints -o wide
  5. Describe your Ingress resource.

    oc describe ing <ingress name> -n <namespace>
  6. Get the logs for the nginx-ingress container in your Ingress pods.

    oc logs <ingress pods> -n kube-system -c nginx-ingress
  7. List host names for network load balancer (NLB).

    ibmcloud oc nlb-dns ls -c CLUSTERID
  8. List the alb pods in the kube-system namespace.

    oc get pods -n kube-system | grep alb
  9. Run an nslookup on your Ingress subdomain.


Review the output for error messages, then review the list of Ingress and routers troubleshooting topics for help resolving common Ingress issues.