IBM Cloud Docs
IAM and Activity Tracker action by API method

IAM and Activity Tracker action by API method

When you use Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud® such as through the command line or console, the service calls application programming interface (API) methods to complete your requests. In IBM Cloud IAM, each API operation is associated with an IAM action that the user must have an access role to use the API operation. You can keep track of the requests that you make with an IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance.

Review the following list of IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) actions and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker events that correspond to each API method in Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

For more information, see the following topics.


Review the following account API methods, their corresponding actions in IBM Cloud IAM, and the events that are sent to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

Account API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Event sent to Activity Tracker
DELETE​/v1​/credentials Remove IBM Cloud infrastructure account credentials from your Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud account. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.account.delete
GET​/v1​/addons List available add-ons that you can enable in a cluster. N/A N/A
GET​/v1​/config List configuration values for your IBM Cloud account. N/A
GET​/v1​/credentials View the IBM Cloud infrastructure account credentials that are set for your Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud account. N/A
GET​/v1​/datacenters​/{datacenter}​/machine-types List available machine types for a zone (data center). N/A N/A
GET​/v1​/datacenters​/{datacenter}​/vlans List available VLANs for a zone. N/A N/A
GET​/v1​/infra-permissions Get details on the permissions that the IBM Cloud infrastructure credentials have. N/A
GET​/v1​/kube-versions Deprecated: List available Kubernetes versions. N/A N/A
GET​/v1​/locations List available locations. N/A N/A
GET​/v1​/messages View the current user messages. N/A N/A
GET​/v1​/prodconfig List product-specific values to substitute for variables in other files. N/A N/A
GET​/v1​/regions Deprecated: List available Kubernetes Service regions. N/A N/A
GET​/v1​/subnets List available IBM Cloud infrastructure subnets. N/A
GET​/v1​/subnets​/vlan-spanning View the VLAN spanning status. N/A
GET​/v1​/user-config View a user's ability to create clusters in a region and resource group. N/A
GET​/v1​/versions List available Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud versions. N/A
GET​/v1​/zones List available zones (data centers). N/A N/A
GET​/v2​/getMessages View the current user messages. N/A N/A
GET​/v2​/getQuota View the quota for resources per region in the account. N/A
GET​/v2​/getVersions List available Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud versions. N/A
GET​/v2​/vpc​/getZones List available zones in a region. N/A N/A
POST​/v1​/credentials Set IBM Cloud infrastructure account credentials for your Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud account. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create N/A
POST​/v1​/keys Reset the IAM API key. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create N/A

Certificate authority

Cluster CA certificate API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Event sent to Activity Tracker
GET/v2/getCACert Get the cluster's CA certificate. containers-kubernetes.cluster.view cluster-ca-certificate.get
POST/v2/rotateCACert Rotate the cluster's CA certificate. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-ca-certificate.rotate
POST/v2/createCA Create a CA certificate. cluster-ca-certificate.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.create


Review the following cluster API methods, their corresponding actions in IBM Cloud IAM, and the events that are sent to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

Cluster API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
DELETE​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName} Delete a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.delete
DELETE​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/apiserverconfigs​/auditwebhook Delete an audit webhook configuration. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.cluster.delete
DELETE​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/services​/{namespace}​/{serviceInstanceId} Unbind an IBM Cloud service from a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.service.delete
DELETE​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/usersubnets​/{subnetId}​/vlans​/{vlanId} Remove a user-managed subnet from a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.vlan.delete
GET​/v1​/clusters List the clusters that you have access to. N/A
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName} View details for a cluster. N/A
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/addons View details of the add-ons that are enabled in a cluster. N/A
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/apiserverconfigs​/auditwebhook View details for an audit webhook configuration. N/A
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/config Get the cluster-specific configuration and certificates. containers-kubernetes.cluster.config
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/services List the IBM Cloud services bound to a cluster across all namespaces. N/A
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/services​/{namespace} List the IBM Cloud services bound to a specific namespace in a cluster. N/A
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/subnets List subnets from your IBM Cloud infrastructure account that are bound to a cluster. N/A
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/usersubnets List user-managed subnets that are bound to a cluster. N/A
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/webhooks List all webhooks for a cluster. N/A
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workerpools List the worker pools in a cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/classic​/getCluster Get detailed cluster information. N/A
GET​/v2​/classic​/getClusters List the classic clusters that you have access to. N/A
GET​/v2​/classic​/getVLANs List available classic infrastructure VLANs for a zone. N/A
GET​/v2​/getCluster View details for a cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/getClusterAddons View details of the add-ons that are enabled in a cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/getCRKs List the root keys for a key management service (KMS) instance. N/A
GET​/v2​/getFlavors List available flavors types for a VPC zone (data center). N/A N/A
GET​/v2​/getKMSInstances Get key management service (KMS) instances tied to an account N/A
GET​/v2​/getKubeconfig Get the cluster's kubeconfig file. Optionally include the network configuration file. containers-kubernetes.account.get
GET/v2/getOperatingSystems Get a list of available worker node operating systems. N/A cluster-worker-pool-supported-operating-systems.get
GET/v2/getRBACStatus Get the status of an RBAC. containers-kubernetes.cluster.view cluster-rbac.status
GET​/v2​/vpc​/getCluster Get detailed information for a VPC cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/vpc​/getClusters List the VPC clusters that you have access to. N/A
GET​/v2​/vpc​/getSubnets View subnets for a given VPC. N/A
GET​/v2​/vpc​/getVPC View details of a VPC. N/A
GET​/v2​/vpc​/getVPCs View available VPCs for the infrastructure provider. N/A
PATCH​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/addons Enable, disable, or update add-ons for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
PATCH​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/subnets​/{subnetId} Detach a public or private portable subnet from a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate
POST​/v1​/clusters Create a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.create
POST​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/kms Create a key management service (KMS) provider configuration for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.account.update
POST​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/services Bind an IBM Cloud service to a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update containers-kubernetes.service.create
POST​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/usersubnets Add an existing user-managed subnet to a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.subnet.create
POST​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/vlans​/{vlanId} Create an IBM Cloud infrastructure subnet and add it to an existing cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.vlan.create
POST​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/webhooks Add a webhook to a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update containers-kubernetes.cluster.create
POST​/v2​/applyRBACAndGetKubeconfig Apply IAM roles to the cluster, then retrieve the cluster's kubeconfig file. Optionally include the network configuration file. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
POST​/v2​/autoUpdateMaster Set the autoupdate status of the cluster master. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.account.update
POST​/v2​/disablePrivateServiceEndpoint Disable a private cloud service endpoint for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
POST​/v2​/disablePublicServiceEndpoint Disable a public cloud service endpoint for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
POST​/v2​/enableKMS Enable a key management service (KMS) for a cluster containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.account.update
POST​/v2​/enablePrivateServiceEndpoint Enable the private cloud service endpoint for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
POST​/v2​/enablePublicServiceEndpoint Enable the public cloud service endpoint for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
POST​/v2​/enablePullSecret Create image pull secret to IBM Cloud Container Registry in the default Kubernetes namespace. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
POST​/v2​/refreshMaster Refresh the Kubernetes master. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.account.update
POST​/v2​/updateMaster Update the version of the Kubernetes cluster master node. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.account.update
POST​/v2​/vpc​/createCluster Create a VPC cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.create
PUT​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName} Update the version of the Kubernetes cluster master node. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
PUT​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/apiserverconfigs​/auditwebhook Create or update an audit webhook configuration for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
PUT​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/masters Refresh the Kubernetes master. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
PUT​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/subnets​/{subnetId} Add an existing IBM Cloud infrastructure subnet to an existing cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.subnet.update

Image security

Image security API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
POST​/v2/enableImageSecurity Enable image security. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate cluster-image-security.enable
POST​/v2/disableImageSecurity Disable image security. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate cluster-image-security.disable


Ingress API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
GET​/ingress​/v2​/secret​/getSecret View Ingress secret details. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-ingress-secret.get
GET​/ingress​/v2​/secret​/getSecrets View Ingress secrets for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-ingress-secret.list
POST​/ingress​/v2​/secret​/createSecret Create an Ingress secret for a certificate. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-ingress-secret.create
POST​/ingress​/v2​/secret​/deleteSecret Delete an Ingress secret from the cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-ingress-secret.delete
POST​/ingress​/v2​/secret​/updateSecret Update an Ingress secret for a certificate. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-ingress-secret.update
POST/ingress/v2/secret/addField Add a field to an Ingress secret. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate cluster-ingress-secret-field.add
POST/ingress/v2/secret/removeField Remove fields from an Ingress secret with a secret stored in IBM Cloud Secrets Manager. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate cluster-ingress-secret-field.remove
POST/ingress/v2/secret/registerInstance Register an IBM Cloud Secrets Manager instance to the cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-ingress-instance.create
POST/ingress/v2/secret/unregisterInstance Unregister an IBM Cloud Secrets Manager instance from the cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-ingress-instance.delete
POST/ingress/v2/secret/updateInstance Update an IBM Cloud Secrets Manager instance registration configuration to the cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-ingress-instance.update
GET/ingress/v2/secret/getInstances View IBM Cloud Secrets Manager instances registered to the cluster. cluster-ingress-instance.list
GET/ingress/v2/secret/getInstance View an IBM Cloud Secrets Manager instance registered to the cluster. cluster-ingress-instance.get

Ingress ALB

Review the following Ingress application load balancer (ALB) API methods, their corresponding actions in IBM Cloud IAM, and the events that are sent to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

ALB API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
DELETE​/v1​/alb​/albs​/{albID} Disable an ALB in a classic cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-alb.delete
DELETE​/v1​/alb​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/albsecrets Delete an ALB secret that is imported from Secrets Manager from a classic cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-ingress-secret.delete
GET​/v1​/alb​/albs​/{albID} View details of an ALB in a classic cluster. cluster-alb.get
GET​/v1​/alb​/albtypes List the ALB types that are supported in classic clusters. N/A
GET​/v1​/alb​/clusters​/{idOrName} List all ALBs in a classic cluster. cluster-alb.list
GET​/v1​/alb​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/albsecrets View details of an ALB secret that you imported from Secrets Manager to a classic cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-ingress-secret.list
GET​/v1​/alb​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/updatepolicy Check if automatic updates for Ingress ALBs are enabled in a classic cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-alb-policy.get
GET​/v2​/alb​/getAlb View details of an ALB. cluster-alb.get
GET​/v2​/alb​/getAlbImages List supported Ingress controller images. alb-image.list
GET​/v2​/alb​/getClusterAlbs List all ALBs in a cluster. cluster-alb.list
GET​/v2​/alb​/getMigrationStatus Get the status of the Ingress migration process. cluster-alb-migration-status.get
POST​/v1​/alb​/albs Enable an existing ALB in a classic cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-alb.enable
POST​/v1​/alb​/albsecrets Import an ALB secret from Secrets Manager to a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-ingress-secret.create
POST​/v1​/alb​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/zone​/{zoneId} Create a public or private ALB in a classic cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-alb.create
POST​/v2​/alb​/cleanupMigration Clean up any Ingress resources and configmaps that are no longer needed after an Ingress migration. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-alb-migration.cleanup
POST​/v2​/alb​/startMigration Start a migration of your IBM Cloud Ingress ConfigMap and Ingress resources to the Kubernetes Ingress format. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-alb-migration.start
POST​/v2​/alb​/updateAlb Update ALBs in a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-alb.update
POST​/v2​/alb​/vpc​/createAlb Create a public or private ALB in a VPC cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-alb.create
POST​/v2​/alb​/vpc​/disableAlb Disable an ALB in a VPC cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-alb.delete
POST​/v2​/alb​/vpc​/enableAlb Enable an existing ALB in a VPC cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-alb.enable
PUT​/v1​/alb​/albsecrets Update an ALB secret that you imported from Secrets Manager. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create cluster-ingress-secret.update
PUT​/v1​/alb​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/update Force a one-time update of all ALB pods to the latest build. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-alb.update
PUT​/v1​/alb​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/updatepolicy Enable or disable automatic updates for the Ingress ALBs in a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-alb-policy.update
PUT​/v1​/alb​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/updaterollback Roll back all ALB pods in a cluster to their previously running build. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-alb-policy.update

Ingress load balancer

Ingress load balancer API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
GET/ingress/v2/load-balancer/configuration Get the configuration of load balancers for Ingress ALBs. N/A
PATCH/ingress/v2/load-balancer/configuration Update the configuration of load balancers for Ingress ALBs. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate N/A

Ingress status

Ingress status API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
GET/v2/alb/getIngressClusterHealthcheck Get the status of the in-cluster ALB health checker. cluster-alb-healthcheck.get
GET/v2/alb/getStatus Get the status of the Ingress resources in a cluster. cluster-ingress-status.get
GET/v2/alb/listIgnoredIngressStatusErrors List all Ingress status errors that are ignored for the cluster. cluster-ignored-ingress-status-errors.list
POST/v2/alb/setIngressClusterHealthcheck Set the in-cluster Ingress health checker. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate cluster-alb-healthcheck.set
POST/v2/alb/setIngressStatusState Set the state of the Ingress status. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-ingress-status-state.set
POST/v2/alb/addIgnoredIngressStatusErrors Ignore specific ingress status errors in Ingress status reporting. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-ignored-ingress-status-errors.add
DELETE/v2/alb/removeIgnoredIngressStatusErrors Stop ignoring specific status errors in Ingress status reporting. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-ignored-ingress-status-errors.remove

Fluentd logging

Review the following Fluentd logging configuration API methods, their corresponding actions in IBM Cloud IAM, and the events that are sent to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

Logging API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
DELETE​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/filterconfigs Deletes all logging filter configurations for the cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update containers-kubernetes.logging-filter.delete
DELETE​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/filterconfigs​/{id} Delete a logging filter configuration. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update containers-kubernetes.logging-filter.delete
DELETE​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/loggingconfig Delete all log forwarding configurations for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update containers-kubernetes.logging-config.delete
DELETE​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/loggingconfig​/{logSource}​/{id} Delete a log forwarding configuration. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update containers-kubernetes.logging-config.delete
GET​/v1​/log-collector​/{idOrName}​/masterlogs Show the status for the most recent master log collection request. containers-kubernetes.masterlog-status
GET​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/clusterkeyowner View information about the containers-kubernetes-key API key owner. N/A
GET​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/default View the default logging endpoint for the target region. N/A
GET​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/filterconfigs List all logging filter configurations in the cluster. N/A
GET​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/filterconfigs​/{id} View a logging filter configuration. N/A
GET​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/loggingconfig List all log forwarding configurations in the cluster. N/A
GET​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/loggingconfig​/{logSource} List all log forwarding configurations for a log source in the cluster. N/A
GET​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/updatepolicy Check if automatic updates for the Fluentd logging add-on are enabled in the cluster. N/A
POST​/v1​/log-collector​/{idOrName}​/masterlogs Create a new master log collection request. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.masterlog-retrieve
POST​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/filterconfigs Create a logging filter configuration. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update containers-kubernetes.logging-filter.create
POST​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/loggingconfig​/{logSource} Create a log forwarding configuration. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update containers-kubernetes.logging-config.create
PUT​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/filterconfigs​/{id} Update a logging filter configuration. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update N/A
PUT​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/loggingconfig​/{logSource}​/{id} Update a log forwarding configuration. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update N/A
PUT​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/refresh Refresh the cluster's logging configuration. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update containers-kubernetes.logging-config.refresh
PUT​/v1​/logging​/{idOrName}​/updatepolicy Enable or disable automatic updates for the Fluentd logging add-on in the cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.logging-autoupdate.changed


Review the following network load balancer (NLB) domain name system (DNS) API methods, their corresponding actions in IBM Cloud IAM, and the events that are sent to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

NLB DNS API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
DELETE​/v1​/nlb-dns​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/host​/{nlbHost}​/ip​/{nlbIP}​/remove Remove an IP address from an NLB subdomain. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-nlb-dns.delete
GET​/v1​/nlb-dns​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/list List registered NLB subdomains and NLB IP addresses. cluster-nlb-dns.list
GET​/v1​/nlb-dns​/health​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/host​/{nlbHost}​/config View the health check monitor settings for an NLB subdomain. cluster-nlb-dns-monitor.get
GET​/v1​/nlb-dns​/health​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/list List the health check monitor settings for all NLB subdomains. cluster-nlb-dns-monitor.list
GET​/v1​/nlb-dns​/health​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/status List the health check status for the IPs behind NLB subdomains in a cluster. cluster-nlb-dns-monitor-status.list
GET​/v2​/nlb-dns​/getNlbDNSList List registered NLB subdomains in a cluster. cluster-nlb-dns.list
PATCH​/v1​/nlb-dns​/health​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/config Configure a health check monitor for an NLB subdomain. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-nlb-dns-monitor.create
POST​/v1​/nlb-dns​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/register Create a NLB subdomain and associate one or more NLB IP addresses with it. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-nlb-dns.update
POST​/v2​/nlb-dns​/deleteSecret Remove a secret from an NLB subdomain. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-ingress-secret.delete
POST​/v2​/nlb-dns​/regenerateCert Regenerate certificates for a secret. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-ingress-secret.update
POST​/v2​/nlb-dns​/vpc​/createNlbDNS Create a NLB subdomain in a VPC cluster and associate a load balancer hostname with it. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-nlb-dns.create
POST​/v2​/nlb-dns​/vpc​/removeLBHostname Remove the load balancer hostname from the DNS record for an existing NLB subdomain. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-lb-hostname.delete
POST​/v2​/nlb-dns​/vpc​/ReplaceLBHostname Update the DNS record for an NLB subdomain by replacing the load balancer hostname. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-lb-hostname.update
PUT​/v1​/nlb-dns​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/add Update a DNS record by adding an NLB IP address. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-nlb-dns.update
PUT​/v1​/nlb-dns​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/health Enable or disable a health check monitor for an NLB subdomain. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update cluster-nlb-dns-monitor.update

Observability: Log Analysis

Review the following observability logging API methods, their corresponding actions in IBM Cloud IAM, and the events that are sent to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

Observability logging API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
GET​/v2​/observe​/logging​/getConfig Show the details of an existing Log Analysis configuration. N/A
GET​/v2​/observe​/logging​/getConfigs List all Log Analysis configurations for a cluster. N/A
POST​/v2​/observe​/logging​/createConfig Create a Log Analysis configuration for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.observe.logging.create
POST​/v2​/observe​/logging​/discoverAgent Discover a Log Analysis agent previously deployed in the cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create N/A
POST​/v2​/observe​/logging​/modifyConfig Update a Log Analysis configuration in the cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.observe.logging.modify
POST​/v2​/observe​/logging​/removeConfig Remove a Log Analysis configuration from a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.observe.logging.remove

Observability: Monitoring

Review the following observability monitoring API methods, their corresponding actions in IBM Cloud IAM, and the events that are sent to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

Observability monitoring API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
GET​/v2​/observe​/monitoring​/getConfig Show the details of an existing Monitoring configuration. N/A
GET​/v2​/observe​/monitoring​/getConfigs List all Monitoring configurations for a cluster. N/A
POST​/v2​/observe​/monitoring​/createConfig Create a Monitoring configuration for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.observe.monitoring.create
POST​/v2​/observe​/monitoring​/discoverAgent Discover a Monitoring agent previously deployed in the cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create N/A
POST​/v2​/observe​/monitoring​/modifyConfig Update a Monitoring configuration in the cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.observe.monitoring.modify
POST​/v2​/observe​/monitoring​/removeConfig Remove a Monitoring configuration from a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.observe.monitoring.remove

Private service endpoint allowlist

Review the following access control list (ACL) API methods, their corresponding actions in IBM Cloud IAM, and the events that are sent to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud if you use a private cloud service endpoint allowlist.

ACL API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
DELETE​/v1​/acl​/{idOrName} Disable the private cloud service endpoint allowlist feature for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create
GET​/v1​/acl​/{idOrName} Get the subnets in the private cloud service endpoint allowlist.
PATCH​/v1​/acl​/{idOrName}​/add Add subnets to a cluster's private cloud service endpoint allowlist. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create
PATCH​/v1​/acl​/{idOrName}​/rm Remove subnets from a cluster's private cloud service endpoint allowlist. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create
POST​/v1​/acl​/{idOrName}​/enable Enables the private cloud service endpoint allowlist feature for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create


Review the following API methods, their corresponding actions in IBM Cloud IAM, and the events that are sent to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for IBM Cloud Satellite.

Satellite API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
GET​/v2​/nlb-dns​/getSatLocationSubdomains List registered NLB subdomains in a Satellite location. N/A
POST​/v2​/nlb-dns​/registerMSCDomains Register NLB subdomains c001, c002, and c003, which each correspond to an IP address of a host that is assigned to the Satellite location control plane. The c000 subdomain corresponds to all the IP addresses for the cluster. Also, register one CNAME, ce00, for the specified Satellite location control plane. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate N/A
GET​/v2​/satellite​/getClusters List the IBM Cloud Satellite clusters that you have access to. N/A
GET​/v2​/satellite​/getController Get the details for an IBM Cloud Satellite location. N/A
GET​/v2​/satellite​/getControllers List the IBM Cloud Satellite locations that you have access to. N/A
GET​/v2​/satellite​/hostqueue​/getHosts List the hosts in your IBM Cloud Satellite location. N/A
POST​/v2​/satellite​/createCluster Create an IBM Cloud Satellite cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.create
POST​/v2​/satellite​/createController Create an IBM Cloud Satellite location. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.create
POST​/v2​/satellite​/hostqueue​/createAssignment Assign a host to an IBM Cloud Satellite location or cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.cluster.create
POST​/v2​/satellite​/hostqueue​/createRegistrationScript Attach a host to an IBM Cloud Satellite location. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.cluster.create
POST​/v2​/satellite​/hostqueue​/removeHost Remove a host from an IBM Cloud Satellite location or cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.cluster.delete
POST​/v2​/satellite​/hostqueue​/updateHost Update a host in your IBM Cloud Satellite location. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
POST​/v2​/satellite​/removeController Remove an IBM Cloud Satellite Location. containers-kubernetes.cluster.create containers-kubernetes.cluster.delete


Review the following storage API methods, their corresponding actions in IBM Cloud IAM, and the events that are sent to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

Storage API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
GET​/v2​/storage​/getAttachment Get details of a storage attachment.
GET​/v2​/storage​/getAttachments List storage attachments
GET​/v2​/storage​/getVolume Get the details of a storage volume.
GET​/v2​/storage​/getVolumes List storage volumes for a cluster or for the account if no cluster is provided.
POST​/v2​/storage​/createAttachment Attach a volume to a worker node. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update
POST​/v2​/storage​/deleteAttachment Detach a volume from a worker node. containers-kubernetes.cluster.update

Worker nodes and worker pools

Review the following worker node and worker pool API methods, their corresponding actions in IBM Cloud IAM, and the events that are sent to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

Worker node and worker pool API methods, IAM actions, and Activity Tracker events.
API Method Description IAM action for the API Activity Tracker event
DELETE​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workerpools​/{poolidOrName} Remove a worker pool from a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.workerpool.delete
DELETE​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workerpools​/{poolidOrName}​/zones​/{zoneid} Remove a zone from a worker pool. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate
DELETE​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workers​/{workerId} Delete a worker node from a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.worker.delete
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workerpools​/{poolidOrName} View details for a worker pool. N/A
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workers List all worker nodes in a cluster. N/A
GET​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workers​/{workerId} View details of a worker node. N/A
GET​/v2​/classic​/getWorker View details of a worker node for classic cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/classic​/getWorkerPool View details of a worker pool for a classic cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/classic​/getWorkerPools View details of a worker pool for a classic cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/classic​/getWorkers View all workers for a classic cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/getWorker View details of a worker node for cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/getWorkerPool View details of a worker pool for a cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/getWorkerPools View details of a worker pool for a cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/getWorkers View all workers for cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/vpc​/getWorker View details of a worker node for VPC cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/vpc​/getWorkerPool View details of a worker pool for a VPC cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/vpc​/getWorkerPools View details of a worker pool for a VPC cluster. N/A
GET​/v2​/vpc​/getWorkers View all workers for VPC cluster. N/A
PATCH​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workerpools​/{poolidOrName} Resize or rebalance a worker pool. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.workerpool.update
PATCH​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workerpools​/{poolidOrName}​/zones​/{zoneid} Updates network configuration for a worker pool for a given zone. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate
POST​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workerpools Create a worker pool for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.workerpool.create
POST​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workerpools​/{poolidOrName}​/zones Add a zone to the specified worker pool for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.workerpool.create
POST​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workers Add worker nodes to a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.worker.create
POST​/v2​/rebalanceWorkerPool Rebalance workers in a worker pool. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.account.update
POST​/v2​/removeWorker Delete a worker node from a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.account.delete
POST​/v2​/removeWorkerPool Removes a worker pool. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.account.delete
POST​/v2​/replaceWorker Replace a worker node with a new worker node. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.account.update
POST​/v2​/resizeWorkerPool Resize an existing worker pool. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.workerpool.update
POST​/v2​/setWorkerPoolLabels Set custom labels for a worker pool. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.account.update
POST​/v2​/setWorkerPoolTaints Set custom taints for a worker pool. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.account.update
POST​/v2​/vpc​/createWorkerPool Create a worker pool for a VPC cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.account.create
POST​/v2​/vpc​/createWorkerPoolZone Create a zone in the specified worker pool for a VPC cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.account.create
POST​/v2​/vpc​/replaceWorker Replace a worker node with a new worker node. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.account.create
PUT​/v1​/clusters​/{idOrName}​/workers​/{workerId} Reboot, reload, or update a worker node for a cluster. containers-kubernetes.cluster.operate containers-kubernetes.worker.update