IBM Cloud Docs


With IBM® Netezza® Performance Server for IBM Cloud Pak® for Data as a Service and you can connect to the Hive Metastore (HMS) which is a data lake metastore server and query from Apache Iceberg tables that live on your data lake S3 object store.

  • You must use Apache Iceberg tables with the parquet file format.
  • SELECT and INSERT operations are supported.
  • LZ4 data compression format is supported.
  • NETEZZA_SCHEMA is the default schema when you connect to a data lake database. It is a regular schema which contains Netezza objects like tables, external tables, and sequences. NETEZZA_SCHEMA, DEFINITON_SCHEMA, and INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema names are all reserved, and schemas of those names in the metastore are not exposed to NPSaaS users.
  • The following datatypes are not supported:
    • timestamptz
    • uuid
    • struct
    • list
    • map

Use cases for include: