IBM Cloud Docs
Opening tickets

Opening tickets

If you experience problems with NPSaaS, you can use the Support Center to create a support case. Users with a Basic, Advanced, or Premium support plan can create a technical support case by attaching a specific resource or product to ensure that the case gets to the correct support engineer faster. This allows for a more efficient and effective resolution.

By default, account users don't have access to create, update, search, or view cases. The account owner must provide users access by assigning an Identity and Access Management (IAM) access policy. For more information, see Assigning user access for working with support cases.

Creating a support case

Complete the following steps to create a support case:

  1. In the web console, go to Support > Contact support section.

  2. Click Create a case.

  3. Select All products.

  4. Select Netezza Performance Server.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Provide the necessary information.

    To maintain security, do not include any personal information, sensitive data, or device or service credentials in case responses. For example, don't include passwords, API keys, secrets, or credit card information.

    You can also:

    • Attach files and resources to provide more details about the issue you are experiencing.
    • If you want a specific user that is associated with your account to be updated about the case, add the user by using Contact watchlist. For more information about assigning users access to your account, see Adding users to your case management access group.
    • Select Email me updates about this case to receive support case notifications.
  7. Click Next.

  8. Review your case summary and click Submit case.

    After you receive an email verification for the case that you submitted, follow the instructions that are included in the email for further communication on the issue.

    After your support case is created, you can follow its progress on the Manage cases page.

Supported file types for cases

When you create a case, you can attach a file. The following file types are supported:

7z, ace, ams, arm, asp, bash, history, bkp, big, bmp, bz2, ca, ca-bundle, ca-crt, cabundle, cap, cer, cert, cfg, cnf, crt, csr, csv, dat, dbs, debug, dib, dmesg, dmp, doc, docx, dotx, dump, email, eml, emz, env, eps, error, evt, evtx, fragment, gif, gz, gz_aa, gz_ab, gz_ac, har, hosts, htaccess, html, iaf, ics, id, img, info, jpb, jpe, jpeg, jpg, key, lic, log, logsm lon02, lst, lzh, mai, md5, mib, mjpg, msg, mso, odp, ods, odt, oft, openssh, out, ovf, ovpn, p7b, p7s, pages, pcap, pcf, pcx, pdb, pem, pfx, pic, pix, png, ppk, ppt, pptx, psd, psp, pspimage, pub_key, rar, raw, rdp, req, rpt, rtf, sjc03-raid-2, sjc03-raid-log-1, snag, sql, ssh, stats, sth, svg, sxc, tar, targz, tbz2, tcpdump, text, tgz, tgz-aa, tgz-ab, tgz-ac, tgz-ad, tgz-ae, tgz-af, tgz-ag, tgz-ah, tgz-ai, tgz-aj, tgz-ak, tgz-ak, tgz-al, tgz-al, tgz-am, tif, tiff, tip, trace, tsv, txt, ufo, vcf, vdx, vsdx, webarchive, wml, wps, wpz, wrf, wri, xcf, xlog, xlr, xls, xis, xism, xisx, xit, xml, xpm, xps, xslic, xz, yaml, zip, zipaa, zipx, zone