IBM Cloud Docs
Getting information about Kubernetes monitoring agent images

Getting information about Kubernetes monitoring agent images

Kubernetes monitoring agent images are public images that are available in IBM Cloud through the IBM Cloud Container Registry service.

You can access the images that are provided by IBM® by using the command line.

Complete the following steps to get information about the monitoring agent images:

Before you begin

Before you begin, complete the following tasks:

  1. Ensure that the IBM Cloud Container Registry CLI is installed, see Installing the container-registry CLI plug-in.

  2. Log in to IBM Cloud:

    ibmcloud login

Step 1. Target the global registry

Run the following command:

ibmcloud cr region-set global

Step 2. List the monitoring agent images that are hosted in the global registry

Run the following command:

ibmcloud cr images --restrict ext/sysdig

The output of this command is the list of monitoring agent images. It includes information about the repository,, the image tag, the image digest, the image namespace, when the image was created, the image size, and the images security status.