IBM Cloud Docs
Customizing Kubernetes monitoring agents

Customizing Kubernetes monitoring agents

In IBM Cloud Monitoring, you can customize the monitoring agent configuration to set a log level, block ports, include or exclude metric data, add or remove events, and filter out containers.

To customize a Kubernetes monitoring agent, you need to configure the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file.

There are two methods that you can use to modify a configuration file:

  • Method 1: Modify the file directly on the cluster where the agent is running.
  • Method 2: Modify the file locally and apply the changes to the cluster.

Editing the Kubernetes monitoring agent configuration by using kubectl edit

Complete the following steps to edit a Kubernetes monitoring agent configuration:

  1. Set up the cluster environment. Run the following commands:

    First, get the command to set the environment variable and download the Kubernetes configuration files.

    ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
  2. Edit the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file.

    Run the following command:

    kubectl edit configmap sysdig-agent -n ibm-observe

    Make changes. Note: Refer to vi editor instructions to learn how to make changes.

    Save the changes. Changes are applied automatically.

Editing the Kubernetes monitoring agent configuration by using kubectl apply

Use this method if you have the configuration yaml files stored and managed in a source control system.

Complete the following steps to edit a Kubernetes monitoring agent configuration:

  1. Get the latest copy of each file from the source controller.

    To create a local file with the configuration that is deployed in a cluster, you can also run the command:

    kubectl get configmap sysdig-agent -n=ibm-observe -o=yaml > prod-sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml
  2. Edit the configuration.

  3. Apply the changes by using the following commands:

    kubectl apply -f sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml

Running agents will automatically pick the new configuration after Kubernetes pushes the changes across all the nodes in the cluster.

Adding more tags to data that is collected from a Kubernetes monitoring agent

Complete the following steps to add more tags to a Kubernetes monitoring agent configuration that you have already deployed:

  1. Set up the cluster environment. Run the following commands:

    First, get the command to set the environment variable and download the Kubernetes configuration files.

    ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
  2. Edit the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file.

    Run the following command:

    kubectl edit configmap sysdig-agent -n ibm-observe
  3. Make changes. Note: Refer to vi editor instructions to learn how to make changes.

    apiVersion: v1
            k8s_cluster_name: mycluster
            collector_port: 6443
            ssl: true
            sysdig_capture_enabled: false
            new_k8s: true
            tags: department:finance,region:us-south
  4. Save the changes.

Changes are applied automatically.

For the sample provided, you would get the tags agent.tag.department and agent.tag.region. You could use them to define alerts, customize scopes and more.

Collecting a set of Kubernetes events

Monitoring supports event integrations with Kubernetes. {}} agents automatically discover these services and collect event data from them. You can edit the agent config file to change its default behavior, and include or exclude event data.

By default, only a limited set of events is collected. For more information about the events that are collected by default, see Event Types.

To add or remove events, you must customize the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file and specify what events to include and which ones to filter out. Note: An entry in a section in sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml overrides the entire section in the default configuration.

To filter events from Kubernetes pods, complete the following steps:

  1. Set up the cluster environment. Run the following commands:

    First, get the command to set the environment variable and download the Kubernetes configuration files.

    ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
  2. Edit the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file.

    Run the following command:

    kubectl edit configmap sysdig-agent -n ibm-observe
  3. Make changes. Add the events section or update the section.

    Note: Refer to vi editor instructions to learn how to make changes.

    For example, you might want to collect Kubernetes pod pulling events and filter out other pod events that are collected by default. You still want to collect default Kubernetes events for nodes and replicationControllers.

          - Pulling
  4. Save the changes.

Changes are applied automatically.

Another example where you can see how to collect a subset of Kubernetes events: You only want to monitor pulling, pulled, and failed events for pods.

  • Option 1: Define the sequence on entries as a bulleted list:

          - Pulling
          - Pulled
          - Failed
  • Option 2: Define the sequence on entries in a bracketed single line:

        pod: [Pulling, Pulled, Failed]

For more information on how to work with custom events, see Custom Events.

Disabling collection of events

To disable a monitoring agent from collecting Kubernetes events, you must modify the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file. Set the Kubernetes entry in the events section to none.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Set up the cluster environment. Run the following commands:

    First, get the command to set the environment variable and download the Kubernetes configuration files.

    ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
  2. Edit the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file.

    Run the following command:

    kubectl edit configmap sysdig-agent -n ibm-observe
  3. Make changes. Add the events section or update the section.

      kubernetes: none
  4. Save the changes.

Changes are applied automatically.

Including and excluding metrics

To filter custom metrics, you must customize the metrics_filter section in the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file. You can specify which metrics to include and which ones to filter out by configuring the include and exclude filtering parameters.

The filtering rule order is set as follows: the first rule that matches a metric is applied. Follow up rules for that metric are ignored.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Set up the cluster environment. Run the following commands:

    First, get the command to set the environment variable and download the Kubernetes configuration files.

    ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
  2. Edit the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file.

    Run the following command:

    kubectl edit configmap sysdig-agent -n ibm-observe
  3. Make changes. Add the metrics_filter section or update the section.

    For example, if the metrics_filter section of a monitoring agent looks as follows:

      - include: metricA.*
      - exclude: metricA.*
      - include: metricB.*
      - include: haproxy.backend.*
      - exclude: haproxy.*
      - exclude: metricC.*
    • You are configuring the monitoring agent to collect all data from metrics that start with metricA, metricB, and haproxy.backend.

    • You are filtering out metrics that start with metricC and other metrics that start with haproxy.

    • The entry exclude: metricA.* is ignored.

  4. Save the changes.

Changes are applied automatically.

Filtering kubernetes objects and containers from which data is collected

A Kubernetes monitoring agent automatically collects metrics from all containers that it detects in a cluster, including Prometheus, StatsD, JMX, app-checks, and built-in metrics.

You can customize the monitoring agent to exclude containers from metrics collection.

When you exclude containers, consider the following information:

  • You reduce agent and backend load.
  • You only collect data from containers that you want to monitor.
  • You can control costs by reporting on important containers, and filtering out unnecessary or not critical containers.

To enable the feature where a monitoring agent filters containers, you must customize the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file. Set the use_container_filter entry in the containers section to true. Note: By default, this feature is turned off. Then, define the rules that include one or more conditions and that you want to apply.

The following table outlines the parameters that you can define to set the filtering rules in a cluster:

Table 1. Parameters to define conditions on containers
Parameter Condition
container.image Container image name Container name
container.label.* Container label
kubernetes.object.* Kubernetes object. An object can be a pod, a namespace, etc.
kubernetes.object.annotation.* Kubernetes object annotation
kubernetes.object.label.* Kubernetes object label
all Default rule to specify all objects

Consider the following information on how the monitoring agent applies the rules that you define in the container_filter section:

  • You define conditions by configuring them with the include and exclude filtering parameters.
  • The first matching rule in the list determines if the container is included or excluded.
  • The conditions consist of a key name and a value. If the given key for a container matches the value, the rule is applied.
  • When a rule contains multiple conditions, all the conditions need to match for the rule to be applied.

Complete the following steps to filter out containers that a monitoring agent monitors in a cluster:

  1. Set up the cluster environment. Run the following commands:

    First, get the command to set the environment variable and download the Kubernetes configuration files.

    ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
  2. Edit the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file.

    Run the following command:

    kubectl edit configmap sysdig-agent -n ibm-observe
  3. Make changes. Add the use_container_filter entry and container_filter section or update the the existing entries.

    For example, see the following extract of a config map:

    # Enable the feature
    use_container_filter: true
    # Include or exclude conditions
      - include:
            container.image: appdomain/my-app-image
      - include:
      - exclude:
  4. Save the changes.

Changes are applied automatically.

Blocking ports

To block network traffic and metrics from network ports, you must customize the blacklisted_ports section in the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file. You must list the ports from which you want to filter out any data.

Port 53 (DNS) is always in the blocklist and does not need to be specified in the blacklisted_ports.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Set up the cluster environment. Run the following commands:

    First, get the command to set the environment variable and download the Kubernetes configuration files.

    ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
  2. Edit the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file.

    Run the following command:

    kubectl edit configmap sysdig-agent -n ibm-observe
  3. Make changes. Add the metrics_filter section or update the section.

    For example, the following sample shows how to set the blacklisted_ports section of a monitoring agent to exclude data coming from ports 6666 and 6379:

      - 6666
      - 6379
  4. Save the changes.

Changes are applied automatically.

Changing the log configurations

To configure the log configurations, you must customize the log section in the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file.

The monitoring agent generates log entries in /opt/draios/logs/draios.log.

  • The log file rotates when it reaches 10MB in size.
  • The 10 most recent log files are kept. The date-stamp that is appended to the filename is used to determine which files to keep.

The following table lists some common scenarios and the value that you must set in each one of them:

Table 2. Log section entries
Use cases Log section entry Default Value
Troubleshoot agent behavior file_priority: debug info
Reduce container console output console_priority: warning info
Filtering events by severity event_priority: warning information
Verify what metrics are included or excluded metrics_excess_log: true false

Changing the log level

  • The file_priority in the log section controls the type of log entries written to the file /opt/draios/logs/draios.log.
  • The console_priority in the log section controls the type of log entries written to the container console output when running the containerized agent.
  • The default log level is info, where a log entry is created for each aggregated metrics transmission to the backend servers, once per second, in addition to entries for any warnings and errors.
  • Valid log levels are: none, error, warning, info, debug, trace

Filtering Kubernetes events by severity

  • The event_priority in the log section controls the type of events that are sent from the agent
  • The default log level is information. This means that only information and higher severity events are transmitted.
  • Valid levels are: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, information, debug and none. Note: The values are listed from high priority to low priority.
  • Setting the level to none will block all event collection.

Logging into a file what metrics are included or excluded

  • Setting metrics_excess_log to true in the log section will enable logging of the custom metrics that are included or excluded.

  • Metric logging is disabled by default.

  • Logging occurs at INFO-level every 30 seconds and lasts for 10 seconds.

  • The metricsfile setting is required to specify the location for the metrics to be written by the agent. The metricsfile.location value is a relative path under the /opt/draios directory. Note: The metricsfile entry is specified at the same level as log( not as a child in the yaml)

  • Logging data is formatted as follows:

    +/-[type] [metric included/excluded]: (filter: +/-[metric.filter])
    • +/- is a symbol that indicates if the metric is included or excluded. Plus (+) indicates that a metric is included. Minus (-) indicates that a metric is excluded.

    • [type] specifies the metric type, for example, statsd.

    • [metric included/excluded] indicates in a human readable way whether the metric is included or excluded.

    • indicates the metric name.

    • (filter: +/-[metric.filter]) provides information about any filters that are defined in the metrics_filter section in the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file.

A sample log entry looks as follows:

-[statsd] metric excluded: mongo.statsd.vsize (filter: -[mongo.statsd.*])
+[statsd] metric included: mongo.statsd.netIn (filter: +[*])

Complete the following steps to configure the log settings:

  1. Set up the cluster environment. Run the following commands:

    First, get the command to set the environment variable and download the Kubernetes configuration files.

    ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
  2. Edit the sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml file.

    Run the following command:

    kubectl edit configmap sysdig-agent -n ibm-observe
  3. Make changes. Add the log section or update the section and include the configurations that you wish to modify based on the prior descriptions.

    For example:

      file_priority: warning
      console_priority: info
      event_priority: warning
      metrics_excess_log: true
    metricsfile: { location : metrics }
  4. Save the changes.

Changes are applied automatically.

Sample configmap yaml file

apiVersion: v1
  dragent.yaml: |
    ### Agent tags
    # tags: linux:ubuntu,dept:dev,local:nyc

    # collector address
    # collector:
    # Collector TCP port
    # collector_port: 6666
    # Whether collector accepts ssl
    # ssl: true
    # collector certificate validation
    # ssl_verify_certificate: true
    k8s_cluster_name: cluster12
    collector_port: 6443
    ssl: true
    ssl_verify_certificate: true
    sysdig_capture_enabled: false
    new_k8s: true
    tags: type:mycluster,region:us-south
      - 6666
      - 6379
          - Rebooted
      - include: metricA.*
      - exclude: metricA.*
      - include: metricB.*
    use_container_filter: true
      - exclude: kube-system
      file_priority: warning
      console_priority: info
      event_priority: warning
      metrics_excess_log: true
    metricsfile: { location : metrics }
kind: ConfigMap