IBM Cloud Docs
Creating a report of the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing configuration

Creating a report of the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing configuration

After configuring your IBM Cloud® Metrics Routing resources for your account, you should save a copy of your configuration for reference and backup purposes.


Before you use the CLI to save your IBM Cloud Metrics Routing resource data, you must do the following:

  1. Install the IBM Cloud CLI.

  2. Install the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing CLI.

  3. Ensure you have the correct IAM permissions to configure IBM Cloud Metrics Routing routes.

  4. Log in to IBM Cloud. Run the following command: ibmcloud login.

  5. Make sure you have configured your settings, targets and routes.

Saving a copy of your account settings

Run the following command to save a copy of your account settings to a file.

ibmcloud metrics-router setting get --output JSON > ACCOUNT_settings.json

Where ACCOUNT is a unique indicator for your account.

Saving a copy of your route configuration

Run the following command to save a copy of your route configuration to a file.

ibmcloud metrics-router route ls --output JSON > ACCOUNT_routes.json

Where ACCOUNT is a unique indicator for your account.

Saving a copy of your target configuration

Run the following command to save a copy of your target configuration to a file.

ibmcloud metrics-router target ls --output JSON > ACCOUNT_targets.json

Where ACCOUNT is a unique indicator for your account.