IBM Cloud Docs
Configuring a logging agent

Configuring a logging agent

You can customize a logging agent by configuring parameters for Linux agents, or environment variables for Kubernetes agents.

As of 28 March 2024 the IBM Log Analysis and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker services are deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 30 March 2025. Customers will need to migrate to IBM Cloud Logs, which replaces these two services, prior to 30 March 2025. IBM Cloud Logs will become generally available during the summer of 2024 in Frankfurt and Madrid with day-one support for EU-managed controls. The service will continue its worldwide multizone region (MZR) roll-out through 3Q2024.

Environment variables for the V3 logging agent

Table 4. Tags that are available for the logging agent V2
Environment variable YAML path name Description Default value Sample value
LOGDNA_CONFIG_FILE Default configuration file. /etc/logdna/config.yaml
LOGDNA_DB_PATH log.db_path The directory where the agent stores status information.
The directory must be on a persistent volume.
The agent must have write access to the directory.
LOGDNA_INGESTION_KEY http.ingestion_key Reference to the logging ingestion key. secretKeyRef
LOGDNA_HOST IBM Log Analysis ingestion endpoint.
LOGDNA_ENDPOINT http.endpoint Ingestion log path. /logs/agent/
LOGDNA_HOSTNAME http.params.hostname Log Source name. Machine's default OS hostname. MyCluster
LOGDNA_IP http.params.ip IP address that is included as metadata to log lines that are forwarded from the agent.
LOGDNA_JOURNALD_PATHS journald.paths[] List of journald paths that you want to monitor. /var/log/journal, /run/systemd/journal
LOGDNA_LOG_DIRS log.dirs[] Defines custom paths that you want the agent to monitor.
Separate multiple paths by using commas.
You can use glob patterns. Use double quotation marks to add a globe pattern.
/var/log/ /output/,/mylogs/myapplogs/
LOGDNA_REDACT_REGEX log.line_redact_regex Regex custom rules that you can define to mask sensitive information before the agent sends the log line.
LOGDNA_LINE_INCLUSION_REGEX log.line_inclusion_regex[] Regex custom rules that you can define to configure what log lines to monitor.
When you set this field, the agent sends only log lines that match any of the patterns.
LOGDNA_INCLUSION_RULES log.include.glob[] Custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to monitor.
These files can be located in any of the paths that are defined through the logdir parameter.
You can use glob patterns. For more information, see Glober rules
LOGDNA_LINE_EXCLUSION_REGEX log.line_exclusion_regex[] Regex custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to exclude from monitoring. For more information, see regex syntax
These files can be located in any of the paths that are defined through the logdir parameter.
LOGDNA_EXCLUSION_RULES log.exclude.glob[] Custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to exclude from being monitored.
You can use glob patterns. For more information, see Glober rules
LOGDNA_EXCLUSION_REGEX_RULES log.exclude.regex[] Regex custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to exclude from being monitored. /var/log/containers/**,/var/log/pods/**
LOGDNA_USE_SSL http.use_ssl Boolean that defines whether TLS 1.2 should be used when the agent sends logs to the logging instance.
The default value is set to true.
true Valid values are true and false.
LOGDNA_USE_COMPRESSION http.use_compression Boolean that defines whether compression is enabled when the agent sends logs to the logging instance.
The default value is set to true.
true true
LOGDNA_GZIP_LEVEL http.gzip_level Compression level for gzip.
Valid values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
When you set this variable to 1, you are configuring the agent to use the fastest compression speed but at a lower ratio. When you set this variable to 9, you are configuring the agent to use the highest compression ratio but at a lower speed.
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LOGDNA_TAGS http.params.tags Define tags to group hosts automatically into dynamic groups. prod,appA
LOGDNA_MAC http.params.mac MAC address that is attached as metadata to log lines.
LOGDNA_LOOKBACK log.lookback Defines the lookback strategy on startup of the agent. smallfiles Valid values are: smallfiles, start or none
LOGDNA_METRICS_PORT log.metrics_port Port number to expose Prometheus metrics for the agent.
LOGDNA_LOG_K8S_EVENTS Boolean that defines if Kubernetes resource events are logged.
LOGDNA_USE_K8S_LOG_ENRICHMENT Set to enrich log lines from other pods by allowing the agent to query the K8s API. always Valid values are: always, never

Environment variables for the V2 logging agent

Table 5. Tags that are available for the logging agent V2
Environment variable Description Default value Sample value
DEFAULT_CONF_FILE Default configuration file. /etc/logdna/config.yaml
LOGDNA_PLATFORM Log source type. k8s
LOGDNA_INGESTION_KEY Reference to the logging ingestion key. secretKeyRef
LOGDNA_HOST IBM Log Analysis ingestion endpoint.
LOGDNA_API_HOST IBM Log Analysis API ingestion endpoint.
LOGDNA_ENDPOINT Ingestion log path. /logs/agent/
LOGDNA_HOSTNAME Log Source name. MyCluster
LOGDNA_LOG_DIRS Defines custom paths that you want the agent to monitor.
Separate multiple paths by using commas.
You can use glob patterns. Use double quotation marks to add a globe pattern.
/var/log/ /output/,/mylogs/myapplogs/
LOGDNA_INCLUSION_RULES Custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to monitor.
These files can be located in any of the paths that are defined through the logdir parameter.
You can use glob patterns. For more information, see Glober rules
LOGDNA_INCLUSION_REGEX_RULES Regex custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to monitor. For more information, see regex syntax
These files can be located in any of the paths that are defined through the logdir parameter.
LOGDNA_EXCLUSION_RULES Custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to exclude from being monitored.
You can use glob patterns. For more information, see Glober rules
LOGDNA_EXCLUSION_REGEX_RULES Regex custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to exclude from being monitored. /var/log/containers/**,/var/log/pods/**
LOGDNA_USE_SSL Boolean that defines whether TLS 1.2 should be used when the agent sends logs to the logging instance.
The default value is set to true.
true true
LOGDNA_USE_COMPRESSION Boolean that defines whether compression is enabled when the agent sends logs to the logging instance.
The default value is set to true.
true true
LOGDNA_GZIP_LEVEL Compression level for gzip.
Valid values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
When you set this variable to 1, you are configuring the agent to use the fastest compression speed but at a lower ratio. When you set this variable to 9, you are configuring the agent to use the highest compression ratio but at a lower speed.
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LOGDNA_TAGS Define tags to group hosts automatically into dynamic groups. production,serviceA

Standard Kubernetes clusters: environment variables for the V1 logging agent

Table 6. Tags that are available for the logging agent V2
Environment variable Description Default value Sample value
DEFAULT_CONF_FILE Default configuration file. /etc/logdna/config.yaml
LOGDNA_PLATFORM Log source type. k8s
LOGDNA_INGESTION_KEY Reference to the logging ingestion key. secretKeyRef
LDLOGHOST IBM Log Analysis ingestion endpoint.
LDAPIHOST IBM Log Analysis API ingestion endpoint.
LDLOGPATH Ingestion log path. /logs/agent/
LOGDNA_HOSTNAME Log Source name. MyCluster
LOG_DIRS Defines custom paths that you want the agent to monitor.
Separate multiple paths by using commas.
You can use glob patterns. Use double quotation marks to add a globe pattern.
var/log /output/,/mylogs/myapplogs/
LOGDNA_INCLUDE Custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to monitor.
These files can be located in any of the paths that are defined through the logdir parameter.
You can use glob patterns. For more information, see Glober rules
LOGDNA_INCLUDE_REGEX Regex custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to monitor. For more information, see regex syntax
These files can be located in any of the paths that are defined through the logdir parameter.
LOGDNA_EXCLUDE Custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to exclude from being monitored.
These files can be located in any of the paths that are defined through the logdir parameter.
Separate multiple files by using commas. You can use glob patterns. You can configure specific files.
LOGDNA_EXCLUDE_REGEX Regex custom rules that you can define to configure what log files to exclude from being monitored. /var/log/containers/*,/var/log/pods/*
LDLOGSSL Boolean that defines whether TLS 1.2 should be used when the agent sends logs to the logging instance.
The default value is set to true.
true true
COMPRESS Boolean that defines whether compression is enabled when the agent sends logs to the logging instance.
The default value is set to true.
true true
GZIP_COMPRESS_LEVEL Compression level for gzip.
Valid values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
When you set this variable to 1, you are configuring the agent to use the fastest compression speed but at a lower ratio. When you set this variable to 9, you are configuring the agent to use the highest compression ratio but at a lower speed.
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LOGDNA_TAGS Define tags to group hosts automatically into dynamic groups. production,serviceA

Linux: configuration parameters for V1 logging agent

Table 7. Configuration options for the logging agent V1
Parameter Description
tags Define tags to group hosts automatically into dynamic groups.
logdir Define custom paths that you want the agent to monitor.
Separate multiple paths by using commas. You can use glob patterns. You can configure specific files. Enter glob patterns by using double quotation marks.
exclude Define the files that you do not want the logging agent to monitor. Note: These files can be located in any of the paths that are defined through the logdir parameter.
Separate multiple files by using commas. You can use glob patterns. You can configure specific files.
exclude_regex Define regex patterns to filter out any lines that match the pattern. Do not include leading and trailing /.
hostname Define the hostname. This value overrides the operating system hostname.
autoupdate Set to 1 to update the agent automatically when the public repo agent definition is updated. Set to 0 to disable this feature.

Configuring tags to group data

You can configure tags at the agent level so that all lines that are sent by this agent can be grouped automatically into a group when you filter data in a view.

  • You can define multiple tags.
  • You separate tags by using commas.
  • The maximum number of characters that you can set to define multiple tags is 80 characters.
Table 8. Adding tags
Platform How to install and configure
Kubernetes cluster Adding tags to logs from a Kubernetes cluster
Linux Ubuntu or Debian Adding tags to logs from Linux Ubuntu or Debian

Exclude log files that are monitored by the agent

You can configure a logging agent to exclude logs that you do not want to monitor through the logging UI.

  • You can exclude files that are located in any of the paths that are defined through the logdir parameter in a Linux system or the LOGDNA_EXCLUDE variable in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • You can configure multiple files. You separate multiple files by using commas.
  • You can use glob patterns to define what you want to exclude.
  • You can configure specific files.

For more information, see Excluding log files through the logging agent.