IBM Cloud Docs
Managing a logging agent deployed in an OpenShift cluster

Managing a logging agent deployed in an OpenShift cluster

The logging agent is responsible for collecting and forwarding logs to your IBM Log Analysis instance. After you provision an instance of IBM® Log Analysis, you must configure a logging agent for each log source that you want to monitor.

As of 28 March 2024 the IBM Log Analysis and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker services are deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 30 March 2025. Customers will need to migrate to IBM Cloud Logs, which replaces these two services, prior to 30 March 2025.

To configure your Kubernetes cluster to send logs to your IBM Log Analysis instance, you must install a logging-agent pod on each node of your cluster. The logging agent reads log files from the pod where it is installed, and forwards the log data to your logging instance.

Deploy the logging agent by using kubectl commands

Complete the following steps from the command line to configure your OpenShift cluster to forward logs to your logging instance by using the default YAML file:

You can use an existing YAML file if you are configuring a newer logging agent version. Change the image value in your existing YAML file to match the version you are configuring.


To deploy the logging agent in a cluster, you must have a user ID that has the following IAM roles:

  • Viewer platform role, and Manager service role to work with that cluster instance.
  • Viewer permissions on the resource group where the cluster is available.

To configure the logging agent in the cluster, you need the following CLIs:

  • The IBM Cloud CLI to log in to the IBM Cloud by using ibmcloud commands, and to manage the cluster by using ibmcloud ks commands. Learn more.
  • The Kubernetes CLI to manage the cluster by using kubectl commands. Learn more.
  • The Openshift CLI to login to the cluster from the command line and deploy the agent. Learn more.

Step 1. Set the cluster context and log in to the cluster

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal to log in to IBM Cloud.

    ibmcloud login -a

    Select the account where you provisioned the IBM Log Analysis instance.

  2. List the clusters to find out in which region and resource group the cluster is available.

    ibmcloud oc clusters
  3. Set the resource group and region.

    ibmcloud target -g RESOURCE_GROUP -r REGION


    RESOURCE_GROUP is the name of the resource group where the cluster is available, for example, default.

    REGION is the region where the cluster is available, for example, us-south.

  4. Set the cluster context in your session.

    ibmcloud oc cluster config --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>

    When the download of the configuration files is finished, a command is displayed that you can use to set the path to the local Kubernetes configuration file as an environment variable. Copy and paste the command that is displayed in your terminal to set the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

  5. Log in to the cluster. Choose a method to login to an OpenShift cluster. Learn more about the methods to login.

Step 2. Store your logging ingestion key as a Kubernetes secret

You must create a Kubernetes secret to store your logging ingestion key for your service instance. The logging ingestion key is used to open a secure web socket to the logging ingestion server and to authenticate the logging agent with the IBM Log Analysis service.

  1. Create a project. A project is a namespace in a cluster.

    oc adm new-project --node-selector='' ibm-observe

    Set --node-selector='' to disable the default project-wide node selector in your namespace and avoid pod recreates on the nodes that got unselected by the merged node selector.

  2. Create the service account logging-agent in the cluster namespace ibm-observe. A service account is in Openshift what a service ID is in IBM Cloud. Run the following command:

    oc create serviceaccount SERVICEACCOUNT_NAME -n PROJECT


    PROJECT is the namespace where the logging pods run. Set this value to ibm-observe.

    SERVICEACCOUNT_NAME is the name of the service account that you use to deploy the logging agent. Set this value to logging-agent. Notice that if you leave the service account name blank, the default service account is used instead of the service account that you created.

    oc create serviceaccount logging-agent -n ibm-observe
  3. Grant the serviceaccount access to the Privileged SCC so the service account has permissions to create priviledged logging pods. Run the following command:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:PROJECT:SERVICEACCOUNT_NAME


    PROJECT is the namespace where the logging pods run. Set this value to ibm-observe.

    SERVICEACCOUNT_NAME is the name of the service account that you use to deploy the logging agent. Set this value to logging-agent.

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:ibm-observe:logging-agent
  4. Add a secret. The secret sets the ingestion key that the logging agent uses to send logs.

    oc create secret generic logdna-agent-key --from-literal=logdna-agent-key=INGESTION_KEY -n PROJECT


    PROJECT is the namespace where the logging pods run. Set this value to ibm-observe.

    INGESTION_KEY is the ingestion key for the logging instance where you plan to forward and collect the cluster logs. To get the ingestion key, see Get the ingestion key through the IBM Log Analysis with logging UI.

Step 3. Enable virtual routing and forwarding (VRF)

This step is required if you plan to use private endpoints.

You must enable virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) and connectivity to service endpoints for your account. Learn more

Step 4. Deploy the logging agent in the cluster

Create a Kubernetes daemonset to deploy the logging agent on every worker node of your Kubernetes cluster.

The logging agent collects the following logs:

  • Logs with the extension *.log, and extensionsless files that are stored in the /var/log directory of your pod.

By default, logs are collected from all namespaces, including kube-system, and automatically forwarded to the IBM Log Analysis service.

Logging agent V2 and V3

The logging agent version 2 and version 3 are supported for Red Hat OpenShift (version 4.5 or later).

To configure the logging agent by using kubectl commands, run the following command:

Table 1. Commands by endpoint type
Type of endpoint Command
Public endpoint kubectl apply -f https://assets.<REGION><VERSION>/agent-resources-openshift.yaml
Private endpoint kubectl apply -f https://assets.<REGION><VERSION>/agent-resources-openshift-private.yaml


  • <REGION> indicates the region where the logging instance is available. For more information about regions, see Locations.
  • <VERSION> indicates the version of the agent that you want to deploy. You must use a version that has a tag with the following format: X.Y.Z.

If you need to use a version that has a tag with any of the following formats: X.Y.Z-<date>.[hash], X, or X.Y, you must download the agent yaml file and modify it. Replace the version for all entries in the file with the one that you want to use. You must download the yaml file that has the format X.Y.Z. Then, after you make the version changes, you can run kubectl apply -f <CUSTOM_YAML_FILE> to deploy the agent.

For more information about the agent tags, see Understanding image tags.

For more information about the versions that are available, see Getting information about Kubernetes logging agent images.

For example, to configure an agent that sends data to a logging instance in Dallas, you must run the following command:

kubectl apply -f

Logging agent V1

Choose one of the following commands to install and configure the logging agent version 1 by using kubectl commands::

Table 2. Commands by location when you use public endpoints
Location Command (By using public endpoints)
Chennai (in-che) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Tokyo (jp-tok) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Sydney (au-syd) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Osaka (jp-osa) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Frankfurt (eu-de) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
London (eu-gb) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Toronto (ca-tor) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Dallas (us-south) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Washington (us-east) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Table 3. Commands by location when you use private endpoints
Location Command (By using private endpoints)
Chennai (in-che) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Tokyo (jp-tok) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Sydney (au-syd) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Osaka (jp-osa) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Frankfurt (eu-de) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
London (eu-gb) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Toronto (ca-tor) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Dallas (us-south) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe
Washington (us-east) kubectl apply -f -n ibm-observe

Step 5. Forward your API audit logs

Follow the forwarding Kubernetes API audit logs steps to configure the system to collect and forward events from your Kubernetes API server to IBM® Log Analysis.

Step 6. Verify that the logging agent is deployed successfully

To verify that the logging agent is deployed successfully, run the following command:

  1. Target the project where the logging agent is deployed.

    oc project ibm-observe
  2. Verify that the pods on each node are in a Running status.

    oc get pods -n PROJECT_NAME

    For example, the following command lists all the pods in the namespace ibm-observe.

    oc get pods -n ibm-observe

The deployment is successful when you see one or more logging pods.

  • The number of logging pods equals the number of worker nodes in your cluster.
  • All pods must be in a Running state.
  • Stdout and stderr are automatically collected and forwarded from all containers. Log data includes application logs and worker logs.
  • By default, the logging agent pod that runs on a worker collects logs from all namespaces on that node.

After the agent is configured, you should start seeing logs from this cluster in the logging UI. If after a period of time you cannot see logs, check the agent logs.

To check the logs that are generated by a logging agent, run the following command:

oc logs logdna-agent-<ID>

Where ID is the ID for a logging agent pod.

For example,

oc logs logdna-agent-xxxkz

Next, launch the logging UI to verify that logs from the cluster are available through the UI. See Navigating to the web UI and Viewing logs.

Deploy the logging agent within the context of the cluster

When you deploy and connect a logging agent within the context of the cluster, consider the following information:

  • You can launch the logging UI from the OpenShift cluster UI in IBM Cloud.
  • The view that opens displays logs for your cluster.
  • The agent is deployed in the ibm-observe namespace.
  • A tag that informs about the cluster name is associated to each log line as metadata.
  • A tag that informs about the version of the agent is associated to each log line as metadata.
  • The logging instance must be available in the same IBM Cloud account where the cluster is provisioned.
  • The logging instance can be in a different resource group and IBM Cloud region than your cluster.

Before you can deploy the logging agent in a cluster, verify that you are assigned the following IAM roles:

  • Viewer permissions on the resource group where the cluster is available.
  • Viewer permissions on the resource group where the logging instance is available.
  • Viewer platform role and Writer or Manager service role for the OpenShift service to configure the logging agent.
  • Viewer platform role, and Reader service role for the IBM Log Analysis instance to launch the logging UI, and analyze logs through the logging UI.

The minimum persmissions that a user must have to launch the logging UI from the cluster UI, and analyze cluster logs are the following:

  • Viewer permissions on the resource group where the cluster is available.
  • Viewer permissions on the resource group where the logging instance is available.
  • Viewer platform role and Reader service role for the OpenShift service to see the cluster and open the cluster's UI.
  • Viewer platform role, and Reader service role for the IBM Log Analysis instance to launch the logging UI, and analyze logs through the logging UI.

Deploy the logging agent from the OpenShift console

Complete the following steps from the OpenShift console:

  1. Select the cluster for which you want to create a logging logging configuration.

  2. On the cluster Overview page, in the Logging section, click Connect.

    The page Connect an existing IBM Log Analysis with logging instance opens.

  3. Select the region where the logging instance is provisioned.

  4. Select the IBM Log Analysis instance that you want to use to analyze your logs.

  5. If your account is VRF-enabled, check the box Use private endpoint to keep all network traffic to your service instance on the private network.

    Your cluster must be set up with a private service endpoint to use this option. To enable the private service endpoint, use the cluster Overview page.

    To check if your account is VRF-enabled, run the following command:

    ibmcloud account show
  6. Click Connect.

Deploy the logging agent by using ob commands

To configure the logging agent in a cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. [Pre-req] Install the OpenShift observability CLI plug-in (ibmcloud ob).

    ibmcloud plugin install observe-service
  2. Set the cluster context.

    Open a terminal to log in to IBM Cloud.

    ibmcloud login -a

    Select the account where you provisioned the IBM Log Analysis instance.

    List the clusters to find out in which region and resource group the cluster is available.

    ibmcloud ks clusters

    Set the resource group and region.

    ibmcloud target -g RESOURCE_GROUP -r REGION


    RESOURCE_GROUP is the name of the resource group where the cluster is available, for example, default.

    REGION is the region where the cluster is available, for example, us-south.

    Set the cluster where you want to configure logging as the context for this session.

    ibmcloud oc cluster config --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
  3. Deploy the logging agent by using the ob CLI. Run the following command:

    ibmcloud ob logging config create --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID> --instance <instance_name_or_ID> [--LogDNA-ingestion-key <Ingestion_Key>] [--private-endpoint]


    • <cluster_name_or_ID> is the name or the ID of the cluster.

    • <instance_name_or_ID> is the name or the ID of the logging instance where you want to forward the cluster logs for analysis.

    • <Ingestion_Key> is the ingestion key that you want to use to connect the logging agent with the logging instance.

    • [--private-endpoint] is optional. Add this option to connect to your logging instance by using private service endpoints.