Integrating OpenLDAP with your IBM Spectrum LSF cluster
You enable OpenLDAP with your IBM Spectrum LSF cluster, during deployment by setting the enable_ldap
, ldap_server
, ldap_user_name
, and ldap_user_password
deployment input values. If you do not have an existing LDAP server, the deployment process creates one for you and connect it to IBM Spectrum
LSF cluster. If you have an existing LDAP server, you can provide LDAP information during the IBM Spectrum LSF cluster deployment.
If you have an existing OpenLDAP server, you can use that with your IBM Spectrum LSF cluster. Before you deploy the IBM Spectrum LSF cluster with your existing LDAP server input values, ensure you complete the following LDAP requirements:
- OpenLDAP version 2.4 or later is installed and configured.
- The OpenLDAP server can communicate with the IBM Spectrum LSF cluster nodes over the network. This can be achieved by configuring the network settings on both the OpenLDAP server and the IBM Spectrum LSF cluster nodes.
- The OpenLDAP server and the IBM Spectrum LSF cluster nodes can communicate over port 389.
Also, always allow access to the CIDR ranges for the VPC that the IBM Spectrum LSF cluster deployment creates. Make sure that the security groups for the existing LDAP server are allowlisted with the VPC CIDR range of newly created VPC. This way, the new VPC can connect to the existing your existing OpenLDAP server and that all management and login nodes can access your LDAP server.
If the security groups of the LDAP server are updated with the VPC CIDR ranges, you see a message similar to this:
Emodule.hpc.module.validate_ldap_server_connection.null_resource.validate_ldap_server_connection[0] (remote-exec): The connection to the existing LDAP server was successfully established.
However, if the connection to the existing LDAP server is not established, you see a message similar to this:
Error: remote-exec provisioner error
│ with module.hpc.module.validate_ldap_server_connection.null_resource.
| validate_ldap_server_connection[0],
| on modules/null/ldap_remote_exec/ line 16, in resource
| "null_resource" "validate_ldap_server_connection": 16: provisioner
| "remote-exec" {
│ error executing "/tmp/": Process exited with status 1