IBM Cloud Docs
Using Terraform on IBM Cloud to manage your own Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Cloud classic infrastructure

Using Terraform on IBM Cloud to manage your own Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Cloud classic infrastructure

Use this tutorial to create your own highly available Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 environment on IBM® Cloud classic infrastructure by using Terraform on IBM Cloud.

Instead of manually installing Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Cloud classic infrastructure, check out Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud. This offering lets you create an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service cluster with worker nodes that come installed with the OpenShift Container Platform software. You get all the advantages of managed IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service for your cluster infrastructure environment, while the OpenShift tooling and catalog that runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux for your app deployments.

Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform External link icon is built around a core of containers, with orchestration and management provided by Kubernetes, on a foundation of Atomic Host and Red Hat® Enterprise Linux. OpenShift Origin is the community distribution of Kubernetes that is optimized for continuous app development and multi-tenant deployment. The community project provides developer and operations-centric tools that are based on Kubernetes to enable rapid app development, deployment, scaling, and long-term app lifecycle maintenance.

This tutorial shows how you can set up OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 on IBM Cloud classic infrastructure with Terraform on IBM Cloud to try out the high availability capabilities of native Kubernetes and IBM Cloud. Review the following image to find an architectural overview of the classic infrastructure components that are needed for the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform to work properly.

Infrastructure components for the Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Cloud

When you complete this tutorial, the following classic infrastructure components are provisioned for you:

  • 1 OpenShift Container Platform master node
  • 1 OpenShift Container Platform infrastructure node
  • 1 OpenShift Container Platform application node
  • 1 OpenShift Container Platform Bastion node
  • 3 or more GlusterFS storage nodes if you decide to set up your cluster with GlusterFS
  • Native IBM Cloud classic infrastructure services, such as VLANs and security groups


In this tutorial, you set up Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform version 3.11 on IBM Cloud classic infrastructure and deploy your first nginx app in the OpenShift cluster. In particular, you will:

  • Set up your environment and all the software that you need for your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform installation, such as Terraform on IBM Cloud, IBM Cloud Provider plug-in, and the Terraform on IBM Cloud OpenShift project.
  • Retrieve IBM Cloud credentials, configure the IBM Cloud Provider plug-in, and define your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform classic infrastructure components.
  • Provision IBM Cloud classic infrastructure for your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform components by using Terraform on IBM Cloud.
  • Install Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Cloud classic infrastructure.
  • Deploy the nginx app in your OpenShift cluster and expose this app to the public.


This tutorial is intended for network administrators who want to deploy Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Cloud classic infrastructure.


Lesson 1: Configure your environment

In this tutorial, you provision IBM Cloud classic infrastructure for the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform by using Terraform on IBM Cloud. Before you can start the classic infrastructure provisioning process, you must ensure that you set up Terraform on IBM Cloud, the IBM Cloud Provider plug-in, and the Terraform on IBM Cloud OpenShift project.

  1. Create a Docker container that installs Terraform on IBM Cloud and the IBM Cloud Provider plug-in. To execute Terraform on IBM Cloud commands, you must be logged in to the container. You can also install Terraform on IBM Cloud and the IBM Cloud Provider plug-in on your local machine to run Terraform on IBM Cloud commands without a Docker container.

    1. Download the latest version of the Docker image for Terraform on IBM Cloud to your local machine.
      docker pull ibmterraform/terraform-provider-ibm-docker
      Example output:
      Using default tag: latest
      latest: Pulling from ibmterraform/terraform-provider-ibm-docker
      911c6d0c7995: Pull complete 
      fed331e93a76: Pull complete 
      82a1ea1a0cd7: Pull complete 
      a4b4f00ab356: Pull complete 
      78858415d97d: Pull complete 
      515c9be5f236: Pull complete 
      94021f117e26: Pull complete 
      a50b454f6bba: Pull complete 
      dd63d43987e3: Pull complete 
      a098dba94337: Pull complete  
      Digest: sha256:df316f5ed26cbec1bc1ad7a6f6d2c978f767408080a4a4db954c94c91e8271e5
      Status: Downloaded newer image for ibmterraform/terraform-provider-ibm-docker:latest
    2. Create a container from your image and log in to your container. When the container is created, Terraform on IBM Cloud and the IBM Cloud Provider plug-in are automatically installed and you are automatically logged in to the container. The working directory is set to /go/bin.
      docker run -it ibmterraform/terraform-provider-ibm-docker:latest
  2. From within your container, set up the IBM Terraform on IBM Cloud OpenShift Project.

    1. Install OpenSSH inside the container that you created in the previous step.
      apk add --no-cache openssh
      Example output:
      (1/6) Installing openssh-keygen (7.5_p1-r9)
      (2/6) Installing openssh-client (7.5_p1-r9)
      (3/6) Installing openssh-sftp-server (7.5_p1-r9)
      (4/6) Installing openssh-server-common (7.5_p1-r9)
      (5/6) Installing openssh-server (7.5_p1-r9)
      (6/6) Installing openssh (7.5_p1-r9)
      Executing busybox-1.27.2-r11.trigger
      OK: 326 MiB in 50 packages
    2. Download the Terraform on IBM Cloud configuration files to deploy the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
      git clone
      Example output:
      Cloning into 'terraform-ibm-openshift'...
      remote: Enumerating objects: 375, done.
      remote: Total 375 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 375
      Receiving objects: 100% (375/375), 681.75 KiB | 1.22 MiB/s, done.
      Resolving deltas: 100% (190/190), done.
    3. Navigate into the installation directory.
      cd terraform-ibm-openshift
  3. Generate an SSH key. The SSH key is used to access IBM Cloud classic infrastructure resources during provisioning.

    1. Create an SSH key inside the container that you created earlier. Enter the email address that you want to associate with your SSH key. Make sure to accept the default file name, file location, and missing passphrase by pressing Enter.
      ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<email_address>"
      Example output:
      Generating public/private RSA key pair.
      Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): 
      Created directory '/root/.ssh'.
      Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
      Enter same passphrase again: 
      Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
      Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
      The key fingerprint is:
      The key's randomart image is:
      +---[RSA 4096]----+
      |                 |
      |                 |
      |                 |
      | .               |
      |. ..o   S .      |
      |.  +oo * =.. . E |
      | . o+oB B.... .  |
      | .o=+=+%*..      |
      |  +o=o*@X*.      |
    2. Verify that the SSH key is created successfully. The creation is successful if you can see one id_rsa and one file.
      cd /root/.ssh && ls
      Example output:
  4. Navigate back to your OpenShift installation directory.

    cd /go/bin/terraform-ibm-openshift
  5. Open the Terraform on IBM Cloud file and review the default values that are set in the file. The file specifies all information that you want to pass on to Terraform on IBM Cloud during the provisioning of your infrastructure resources. You can change the default values, but do not add sensitive data, such as your infrastructure user name and API key, to this file. The file is usually stored under version control and shared across users.

    Variable Description Default value
    app_count Enter the number of app nodes that you want to create. App nodes are used to run your app pods. 1
    bastion_flavor Enter the flavor that you want to use for your Bastion virtual machine. The Bastion host is the only ingress point for SSH in the OpenShift cluster from external entities. When you connect to the OpenShift Container Platform infrastructure, the Bastion host forwards the request to the infrastructure or app server. For more information, see Bastion instance External link icon. B1_4X16X100
    datacenter Enter the zone where you want to provision your IBM Cloud classic infrastructure. To find existing zones, run ibmcloud ks zones. dal12
    ibm_sl_api_key The IBM Cloud classic infrastructure API key to access classic infrastructure resources. Do not enter this information in this file. Instead, you are prompted to enter this information when you create the classic infrastructure resources. To retrieve your API key, see Managing classic infrastructure API keys. n/a
    ibm_sl_username The IBM Cloud classic infrastructure user name to access classic infrastructure resources. Do not enter this information in this file. Instead, you are prompted to enter this information when you create the classic infrastructure resources. To retrieve your user name, see Managing classic infrastructure API keys. n/a
    infra_count Enter the number of infrastructure nodes that you want to create. Infrastructure nodes are used to run infrastructure-related pods, such as router or registry pods. 1
    master_count Enter the number of master nodes that you want to create. The master runs the API server, controller manager server, and etcd database instance. n/a
    pool_id The Red Hat pool ID that is linked to the subscription that you set up with Red Hat. Do not enter this information here. Instead, follow the steps in Lesson 3 to retrieve your pool ID and provide the pool ID during the OpenShift installation. n/a
    rhn_password The Red Hat Network password External link icon to access the OpenShift project. You can enter this information here or provide it as part of your OpenShift deployment in Lesson 2. n/a
    rhn_username The Red Hat Network user name with OpenShift subscription External link icon to access the OpenShift project. You can enter this information here or provide it as part of your OpenShift deployment in Lesson 2. n/a
    private_vlanid Enter the VLAN ID of your existing private VLAN that you want to use. To find existing VLAN IDs, run ibmcloud sl vlan list and review the ID column. n/a
    public_vlanid Enter the VLAN ID of your existing public VLAN that you want to use. To find existing VLAN IDs, run ibmcloud sl vlan list and review the ID column. n/a
    ssh_label Enter a label to assign to your SSH key. ssh_key_openshift
    ssh_private_key Enter the path to the SSH private key that you created earlier. ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    ssh_public_key Enter the path to the SSH public key that you created earlier. ~/.ssh/
    storage_count Decide whether you want to configure your OpenShift cluster with GlusterFS. Enter 0 to configure your OpenShift cluster without GlusterFS, and 3 or more to set up your OpenShift cluster with GlusterFS. 0
    storage_flavor If you configure your OpenShift cluster with GlusterFS, enter the flavor that you want to use for your storage virtual machine. Each storage node mounts three block storage devices that host the Red Hat Gluster Storage. You can use the combination of compute capacity and local Gluster storage to run a hyper-converged deployment where your apps are placed on the same node as the app's persistent storage. B1_4X16X100
    subnet_size Enter the number of subnets that you want to be able to create with your public and private VLAN. This value is required only if you decide to create a new private and public VLAN pair. 64
    vlan_count Enter 1 to automatically create a new private and public VLAN, or 0 if you want to use existing VLANs. To find existing VLANs, run ibmcloud sl vlan list. The zone where your existing VLAN routers are provisioned is included in the primary_router column of your command line output. 1
    vm_domain Enter the domain name that you want to use for your virtual machine nodes.

Lesson 2: Provision the IBM Cloud classic infrastructure for your Red Hat OpenShift cluster

Now that you prepared your environment, you can go ahead and provision IBM Cloud classic infrastructure resources by using Terraform on IBM Cloud.

Before you begin, make sure that you are logged in to the container that you created in the previous lesson.

  1. Retrieve your IBM Cloud classic infrastructure user name and API key.

  2. From the OpenShift installation directory /go/bin/terraform-ibm-openshift inside your container, create the IBM Cloud classic infrastructure components for your Red Hat OpenShift cluster. When you run the command, Terraform on IBM Cloud evaluates what components must be provisioned and presents an execution plan. You must confirm that you want to provision the classic infrastructure resources by entering yes. During the provisioning, Terraform on IBM Cloud creates another execution plan that you must approve to continue. When prompted, enter the classic infrastructure user name and API key that you retrieved earlier. The provisioning of your resources takes about 40 minutes.

    make rhn_username=<rhn_username> rhn_password=<rhn_password> infrastructure

    Example output:

    Apply complete! Resources: 63 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

    The following resources are created for you.


    Resource Flavor Description
    Master node B1_4X16X100 Three disks that are arranged as SAN with a total capacity of 100 GB
    • Disk 1: 50 GB
    • Disk 2: 25 GB
    • Disk 3: 25 GB
    Infrastructure node B1_2X4X100 Three disks that are arranged as SAN with a total capacity of 100 GB
    • Disk 1: 50 GB
    • Disk 2: 25 GB
    • Disk 3: 25 GB
    App nodes B1_2X4X100 Three disks that are arranged as SAN with a total capacity of 100 GB
    • Disk 1: 50 GB
    • Disk 2: 25 GB
    • Disk 3: 25 GB
    Bastion node B1_2X2X100 Two disks with the following capacity:
    • Disk 1: 100 GB
    • Disk 2: 50 GB
    Storage nodes B1_4X16X100 Two disks with the following capacity:
    • Disk 1: 100 GB
    • Disk 2: 50 GB

    Security groups:

    The default security groups that are created assume the following setup:

    • All outbound traffic from all nodes to the internet is allowed.
    • The Bastion server is the only node that allows inbound SSH access.
    • The Bastion server is connected to both the public and the private VLAN.
    • All OpenShift nodes (master, infrastructure, and app nodes) are connected to a private VLAN only.
    Group VLAN Inbound/ outbound Port From To
    ose_bastion_sq Public Inbound 22/ TCP Internet gateway -
    ose_bastion_sq Private Outbound All - All
    ose_master_sg Private Inbound 443/ TCP Internet gateway -
    ose_master_sg Private Inbound 80/ TCP Internet gateway -
    ose_master_sg Private Inbound 22/ TCP ose_bastion_sg -
    ose_master_sg Private Inbound 443/ TCP ose_master_sg & ose_node_sg -
    ose_master_sg Private Inbound 8053/ TCP ose_node_sg -
    ose_master_sg Private Inbound 8053/ UDP ose_node_sg -
    ose_master_sg Private Outbound All - All
    ose_master_sg (for etcd) Private Inbound 2379/ TCP ose_master_sg -
    ose_master_sg Private Inbound 2380/ TCP ose_master_sg -
    ose_node_sg Private Inbound 443/ TCP ose_bastion_sg -
    ose_node_sg Private Inbound 22/ TCP ose_bastion_sg -
    ose_node_sg Private Inbound 10250/ TCP ose_master_sg & ose_node_sg -
    ose_node_sg Private Inbound 4789/ TCP ose_node_sg -
    ose_node_sg Private Outbound All - All
  3. Validate your deployment.

    terraform show

Lesson 3: Deploy Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on your classic infrastructure

Deploy Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on the IBM Cloud classic infrastructure resources that you created earlier.

During the deployment the following cluster components are set up and configured:

  • 1 OpenShift Container Platform master node
  • 3 OpenShift Container Platform infrastructure nodes
  • 2 OpenShift Container Platform application nodes
  • 1 OpenShift Container Platform Bastion node

For more information, about Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform components, see the Architecture Overview External link icon.

  1. Retrieve the pool ID for your Red Hat account.

    1. From the OpenShift installation directory /go/bin/terraform-ibm-openshift inside your container, log in to your Bastion node by using a secure shell.

      ssh root@$(terraform output bastion_public_ip)
    2. Enter yes to all security questions to proceed. You are now logged in to your Bastion node.

      Example output:

      root@bastion-ose-1a2b3c1234 #
    3. Remove any previous registration of the Bastion node.

      subscription-manager unregister
    4. Import the gpg public key for Red Hat by using the Red Hat Package Manager.

      rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release
    5. Register your Bastion node with the Red Hat Network. Enter the user name and password for your Red Hat account.

      subscription-manager register --serverurl --baseurl --username <redhat_username> --password <redhat_password>
    6. Find your OpenShift Pool ID. For example, the pool ID in the following example is 1a2345bcd6789098765abcde43219bc3.

      subscription-manager list --available --matches '*OpenShift Container Platform*'

      Example output:

      Available Subscriptions
      Subscription Name:   30 Day Self-Supported Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, 2-Core Evaluation
      Provides:            Red Hat Ansible Engine
      Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server for IBM Power LE)
      Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise Infrastructure
      Red Hat JBoss Core Services
      Red Hat Enterprise Linux Fast Data path
      Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform for Power
      JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
      Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Client Tools for Power
      Red Hat Enterprise Linux Fast Datapath (for RHEL Server for IBM Power LE)
      Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise JBoss EAP add-on
      Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
      Red Hat Gluster Storage Management Console (for RHEL Server)
      Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise JBoss A-MQ add-on
      Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Power, little endian Beta
      Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise Client Tools
      Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise Application Node
      Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh
      Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise JBoss FUSE add-on
      SKU:                 SER0419
      Contract:            123456789
      Pool ID:             1a2345bcd6789098765abcde43219bc3
      Provides Management: Yes
      Available:           10
      Suggested:           1
      Service Level:       Self-Support
      Service Type:        L1-L3
      Subscription Type:   Stackable
      Starts:              12/03/2018
      Ends:                01/02/2019
      System Type:         Physical
    7. Exit the secure shell to return to your OpenShift installation directory inside your container.


      Example output:

      Connection to 169.47.XXX.XX closed.
      /go/bin/terraform-ibm-openshift #
  2. Finish setting up and registering the nodes with the Red Hat Network.

    make rhn_username=<rhn_username> rhn_password=<rhn_password> pool_id=<pool_ID> rhn_register

    When you create the nodes, the following software and Red Hat subscriptions are automatically downloaded and installed on the nodes for you:

    Software packages:

    Software Version
    Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 7.4 x86_64 kernel-3.11.0.x
    Atomic-OpenShift (master/clients/node/sdn-ovs/utils) 3.11.x.x
    Docker 1.12.x
    Ansible 2.3.2.x

    Red Hat subscription channels and rpm packages:

    Channel Repository Name
    Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 7 Server (RPMs) rhel-7-server-rpms
    Red Hat® OpenShift Enterprise 3.11 (RPMs) rhel-7-server-ose-3.11-rpms
    Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 7 Server - Extras (RPMs) rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
    Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 7 Server - Fast Datapath (RPMs) rhel-7-fast-datapath-rpms
  3. Prepare the master, infrastructure, and application nodes for the OpenShift installation.

    make openshift

    If the installation fails with the error module.post_install.null_resource.post_install: error executing "/tmp/": wait: remote command exited without exit status or exit signal, go to the IBM Cloud classic infrastructure console, and click Devices > Device List. Then, find the affected virtual server and from the actions menu, perform a soft reboot.

    Example output:

    app_hostname = [
    app_private_ip = [
    app_public_ip = [
    bastion_hostname = IBM-OCP-93735f7b3d-bastion
    bastion_private_ip =
    bastion_public_ip =
    infra_hostname = [
    infra_private_ip = [
    infra_public_ip = [
    master_hostname = [
    master_private_ip = [
    master_public_ip = [
  4. Note the master_hostname and master_public_ip that was assigned to your master node. To show all your resources with the assigned host names and IP addresses, run terraform show.

  5. Exit your container.

  6. On your local machine, add the master node as a host to your local /etc/hosts file.

    1. Open the /etc/hosts file.
      sudo vi /etc/hosts
    2. Insert the following line to the end of your file.
      <master_public_ip> <master_hostname>
  7. Open the OpenShift console.

    open https://$(terraform output master_public_ip):8443/console
  8. Set up users and authentication for your OpenShift cluster. The OpenShift Container Platform master includes a built-in OAuth server. By default, this OAuth server is set up to deny all authentication. To let developers and administrators authenticate with the cluster, follow the steps in Configuring access and authentication External link icon to set up access for your cluster.

  9. Configure your Docker registry. During the creation of your cluster, an internal, integrated Docker registry is automatically set up for you. You can use the registry to build container images from your source code, deploy them, and manage their lifecycle. For more information, see Registry Overview External link icon.

  10. Configure your cluster router to enable incoming non-SSH network traffic for your cluster. For more information, see Router Overview External link icon.

Lesson 4: Deploy an app in your Red Hat OpenShift cluster

With your OpenShift cluster up and running, you can now deploy your first app in the cluster.

  1. Log in to the master node.
    ssh -t -A root@$(terraform output master_public_ip)
  2. Log in to the OpenShift client. Enter admin as your user name and test123 as your password, or use any other user name and password that you set up earlier.
    oc login https://$(terraform output master_public_ip):8443
  3. Create a project directory where you can store all your app files and configurations.
    oc new-project <project_name>
  4. Deploy the app. In this example, nginx is deployed to your cluster.
    oc new-app --name=nginx --docker-image=bitnami/nginx
  5. Create a service for your nginx app to expose your app inside the cluster.
    oc expose svc/nginx
  6. Edit your service and change the service type to NodePort.
    oc edit svc/nginx
  7. Access your nginx app from the internet.
    1. Get the public route that was assigned to your nginx app. You can find the route in the HOST/PORT column of your command line output.
      oc get routes
      Example output:
      NAME            HOST/PORT                                      PATH      SERVICES        PORT      TERMINATION   WILDCARD
      nginx-example             nginx-example   all                   None
    2. In your preferred web browser, open your app by using the public route.

What's next?
Great! You successfully installed Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Cloud classic infrastructure and deployed your first app to your OpenShift cluster. Now you can try out one of the following features: