IBM Cloud Docs
Viewing a list of managed keys

Viewing a list of managed keys

You can view a list of your managed keys in Unified Key Orchestrator with the UI, or programmatically with the Unified Key Orchestrator.

Viewing a list of managed keys with the UI

To view a list of your managed keys by using the UI, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Hyper Protect Crypto Services instance.

  2. Click Managed keys from the navigation to view all the available keys.

  3. Browse the general characteristics of your keys in the table. By default, only active and pre-active keys are displayed.

    To customize how the table is to be presented, click the Settings icon Settings icon and check the columns to be displayed.

    Managed keys table
    Property Description
    Name The unique, human-readable name that is assigned to your key.
    Version The version of the managed key. It is in the format of V plus the version number. For example, V2 means that the key was rotated once and this is the second version of the key material.
    ID A string that uniquely identifies the key.
    Vault The vault that controls access to the managed key.
    State Key states include Pre-active, Active, Deactivated, and Destroyed. For more information, see Monitoring the lifecycle of encryption keys in Unified Key Orchestrator.

    If your key state is different from the key state in its keystores, an Out of sync flag is displayed beside the state. There can be multiple reasons why the key state is out of sync. For example, there is an issue in relinking the key in the keystore, the key is failed to be destroyed in some of the distributed keystores, or the key is modified in the target keystore outside of Unified Key Orchestrator. You can sync the key state by selecting Show details on the Actions Actions icon menu and clicking Sync key. For more information, see Syncing keys in keystores with managed keys manually.

    A pending flag is displayed beside the state after you move a key from Deactivated to Destroyed state, the key will be pending on destruction for a time period defined by the default destruction policies of the external cloud providers. For Azure Key Vault and Google Cloud KMS keystore, the pending destruction time period can also be customized on the external cloud provider side. You cannot cancel pending destruction using the Unified Key Orchestrator UI or API. However, you might still do so through the third-party keystores that the keys are created in. For more information, see Monitoring the lifecycle of encryption keys in Unified Key Orchestrator.

    Key template The key template that the key is created with. For more information, see Creating key templates.
    Activation date The date when the key gets activated, or the date on which you plan to activate the key.
    Expiration date The date when the key gets deactivated, or the date on which you plan to deactivate the key.
    Last updated The date and time when the key was last updated. This field gets updated when the key is created, edited, or any part of the key metadata is modified.
    Last rotated The date and time when the key was last rotated. If the key was not rotated before, it shows Never.
    Creation date Set a date range of when the key was created.
    Keystores The keystores where the key is activated.
    Algorithm The encryption algorithm to encrypt data for the key.
    Length The number of bits that represents the encryption strength of the key.
    Keystore type The type of keystore where the key is stored.

    You can search for a specific key by using the search bar, or filter keys based on your needs by clicking the Filter icon Filter icon in the Managed keys table. For more information, see Filtering and searching keys.

Viewing a list of keys with the API

To view a list of managed keys through the API, follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve your service and authentication credentials to work with keys in the service.

  2. View a list of managed keys by making a GET call to the following endpoint.


    For detailed instructions and code examples about using the API method, check out the Hyper Protect Crypto Services Unified Key Orchestrator API reference doc.

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