IBM Cloud Docs
Why can't I list crypto units?

Why can't I list crypto units?

You get an error message when you list crypto units by using command ibmcloud tke cryptounits.

You might receive an error message similar to the following one:

ibmcloud tke cryptounits API endpoint: Region: XX-XX User: Account: myaccount (GUID) Resource group: Default No service instances were found for the current resource group.

It might be caused by one of the following reasons:

  • You haven't logged in to the correct region or resource group where your service instance resides.
  • If you have multiple accounts, you are not using the correct account with which your service instance is created. Or, your account doesn't have the permission to view the service instance.

Try the following solutions:

  • Make sure that you are logged in to the correct region and resource group with the following command:

    ibmcloud target -r <region> -g <resource_group>
  • Make sure that your account is assigned the Manager service access role to list the crypto units. The account with which you create the service instance is granted as the Administrator role by default and can assign various roles that correspond to the specific Hyper Protect Crypto Services permissions. For more information about roles and permissions, see Managing user access.