IBM Cloud Docs
Cryptographic operations: PKCS #11 API

Cryptographic operations: PKCS #11 API

IBM Cloud® Hyper Protect Crypto Services provides a set of cryptography functions that are executed in a Hardware Security Module (HSM)A physical appliance that provides on-demand encryption, key management, and key storage as a managed service. in the cloud. You can perform cryptographic operations by accessing a PKCS #11 library that is written to the PKCS #11 standard. PKCS #11 is a standard that specifies an application programming interface (API), called Cryptoki, for devices that hold cryptographic information and perform cryptographic functions.

For more information about PKCS #11, see Introducing PKCS #11.

Installing and configuring PKCS #11 library

To perform a PKCS #11 API call, you need to first install the PKCS #11 library, and then set up PKCS #11 user types.

The library file names use the naming convention: pkcs11-grep11-<**platform**>.so.<**version**>. The platform is either amd64 or s390x and the version is the standard syntax. After you download the library, move the library into a folder that is accessible by your applications. For example, if you are running your application on Linux®, you can move the library to /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/lib64, or /usr/lib.

To access the PKCS #11 API, configure the PKCS #11 library by setting the API endpoint and API key in the grep11client.yaml configuration file. And then, initialize the library. For detailed instructions, see Performing cryptographic operations with the PKCS #11 API.

If you are running a Java PKCS #11 application using the SunPKCS11 provider on the IBM Z (s390x) platform, make sure that you use the latest IBM Semeru JVM and specify the -Xjit:noResumableTrapHandler Java option when starting your application. You can download the latest s390x version of the IBM Semeru JVM by changing the Architecture filter field to s390x on the IBM Semeru Runtime Downloads page.

Error handling

The PKCS #11 API of Hyper Protect Crypto Services follows the standard method of PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface for error handling.

Verifying that keys are protected by crypto units

The PKCS #11 API works with generated key objects that can be stored, updated, and retrieved from a remote keystore on IBM Cloud. As an added level of protection, the key objects that are stored in IBM Cloud can also be checked to ensure that no tampering occurs.

Every symmetric key that is generated, derived, or unwrapped contains a digital fingerprint that is stored in a key attribute called CKA_CHECK_VALUE. This attribute is a 3-byte checksum for the key object itself.

After you generate, derive, or unwrap a key object, it is suggested that you store the initial checksum value (contents of the CKA_CHECK_VALUE attribute) along with any unique identifiers of the key object separately. The separately stored checksums can then be used to verify whether keys are tampered with or not.

To verify a key, perform an electronic codebook (ECB) encryption operation of a single block of null (0x00) bytes by using the key to be verified. If the first 3 bytes of the resulting cipher is identical to the value of the CKA_CHECK_VALUE key attribute that is stored locally for the same key, it indicates that the key object is not tampered with. The CKA_CHECK_VALUE key attribute cannot be used to obtain any part of the key value.

An example of how to retrieve checksum values for AES, DES2, and DES3 keys along with the verification of the key checksums can be found here.

PKCS #11 function list

The PKCS #11 standard defines an API called Cryptoki. The following table lists the PKCS #11 Cryptoki API functions and descriptions.

Not all PKCS #11 functions are implemented by Hyper Protect Crypto Services. Functions that are implemented are marked with Yes in the table.

Describes the implemented PKCS #11 functions by service backend
Category PKCS #11 function Implemented? (Yes or No) Description
General Purpose C_Initialize Yes Initializes Cryptoki.
General Purpose C_Finalize Yes Clean up miscellaneous Cryptoki-associated resources.
General Purpose C_GetInfo Yes Obtains general information about Cryptoki.
General Purpose C_GetFunctionList Yes Obtains entry points of Cryptoki library functions.
Slot and token management C_GetSlotList Yes Obtains a list of slots in the system.
Slot and token management C_GetSlotInfo Yes Obtains information about a particular slot.
Slot and token management C_GetTokenInfo Yes Obtains information about a particular token.
Slot and token management C_WaitForSlotEvent No Waits for a slot event (token insertion, removal, and so on) to occur.
Slot and token management C_GetMechanismList Yes Obtains a list of mechanisms that are supported by a token.
Slot and token management C_GetMechanismInfo Yes Obtains information about a particular mechanism.
Slot and token management C_InitToken Yes Initializes a token.
Slot and token management C_InitPIN Yes Initializes the normal user’s PIN.
Slot and token management C_SetPIN Yes Modifies the PIN of the current user.
Session management C_OpenSession Yes Opens a connection between an application and a particular token or sets up an application callback for token insertion.
Session management C_CloseSession Yes Closes a session.
Session management C_CloseAllSessions Yes Closes all sessions with a token.
Session management C_GetSessionInfo Yes Obtains information about the session.
Session management C_GetOperationState Yes Obtains the cryptographic operations state of a session.
Session management C_SetOperationState Yes Sets the cryptographic operations state of a session.
Session management C_Login Yes Logs into a token.
Session management C_Logout Yes Logs out from a token.
Object management C_CreateObject Yes1 Creates an object.
Object management C_CopyObject Yes Creates a copy of an object.
Object management C_DestroyObject Yes Destroys an object.
Object management C_GetObjectSize Yes Obtains the size of an object in bytes.
Object management C_GetAttributeValue Yes Obtains an attribute value of an object.
Object management C_SetAttributeValue Yes Modifies an attribute value of an object. Only Boolean attributes can be modified.
Object management C_FindObjectsInit Yes Initializes an object search operation.
Object management C_FindObjects Yes Continues an object search operation.
Object management C_FindObjectsFinal Yes Finishes an object search operation.
Encryption C_EncryptInit Yes Initializes an encryption operation.
Encryption C_Encrypt Yes Encrypts single-part data.
Encryption C_EncryptUpdate Yes Continues a multiple-part encryption operation.
Encryption C_EncryptFinal Yes Finishes a multiple-part encryption operation.
Decryption C_DecryptInit Yes Initializes a decryption operation.
Decryption C_Decrypt Yes Decrypts single-part encrypted data.
Decryption C_DecryptUpdate Yes Continues a multiple-part decryption operation.
Decryption C_DecryptFinal Yes Finishes a multiple-part decryption operation.
Message digesting C_DigestInit Yes Initializes a message-digesting operation.
Message digesting C_Digest Yes Digests single-part data. The length of the input data cannot be zero and the pointer that points to the input data location cannot be NULL.
Message digesting C_DigestUpdate Yes Continues a multiple-part digesting operation. The length of the input data cannot be zero and the pointer that points to the input data location cannot be NULL.
Message digesting C_DigestKey No Digests a key.
Message digesting C_DigestFinal Yes Finishes a multiple-part digesting operation.
Signing and MACing C_SignInit Yes Initializes a signature operation.
Signing and MACing C_Sign Yes Signs single-part data.
Signing and MACing C_SignUpdate Yes Continues a multiple-part signature operation.
Signing and MACing C_SignFinal Yes Finishes a multiple-part signature operation.
Signing and MACing C_SignRecoverInit No Initializes a signature operation, where the data is recovered from the signature.
Signing and MACing C_SignRecover No Signs single-part data, where the data is recovered from the signature.
Verifying signatures and MACs C_VerifyInit Yes Initializes a verification operation.
Verifying signatures and MACs C_Verify Yes Verifies a signature on single-part data.
Verifying signatures and MACs C_VerifyUpdate Yes Continues a multiple-part verification operation.
Verifying signatures and MACs C_VerifyFinal Yes Finishes a multiple-part verification operation.
Verifying signatures and MACs C_VerifyRecoverInit No Initializes a verification operation where the data is recovered from the signature.
Verifying signatures and MACs C_VerifyRecover No Verifies a signature on single-part data, where the data is recovered from the signature.
Dual-purpose cryptographic functions C_DigestEncryptUpdate Yes Continues simultaneous multiple-part digesting and encryption operations.
Dual-purpose cryptographic functions C_DecryptDigestUpdate Yes Continues simultaneous multiple-part decryption and digesting operations.
Dual-purpose cryptographic functions C_SignEncryptUpdate Yes Continues simultaneous multiple-part signature and encryption operations.
Dual-purpose cryptographic functions C_DecryptVerifyUpdate Yes Continues simultaneous multiple-part decryption and verification operations.
Key management C_GenerateKey Yes Generates a secret key.
Key management C_GenerateKeyPair Yes Generates a public or private key pair.
Key management C_WrapKey Yes Wraps (encrypts) a key.
Key management C_UnwrapKey Yes Unwraps (decrypts) a key.
Key management C_DeriveKey Yes Derives a key from a base key.
Random number generation C_SeedRandom No Adds seed material to the random number generator.
Random number generation C_GenerateRandom Yes Generates random data. The length of the random data cannot be zero and the pointer that points to the random data location cannot be NULL.
Parallel function management C_GetFunctionStatus No Legacy function that always returns CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_PARALLEL.
Parallel function management C_CancelFunction No Legacy function that always returns CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_PARALLEL.

1: The current implementation of the C_CreateObject function supports secret key objects, private key objects, public key objects, data objects, X.509 Public Key Certificate objects, WTLS public key certificate objects, and X.509 attribute certificate objects.

Supported mechanisms

A mechanism is referred to as a process to implement a cryptographic operation. It can vary depending on the level of firmware in the crypto card. The following table shows the mechanisms that are supported and how they relate to common Cryptoki function categories.

Describes the supported PKCS #11 mechanisms
Function group Supported mechanisms
Digest. CKM_SHA_1, CKM_SHA224, CKM_SHA256, CKM_SHA384, CKM_SHA512, CKM_SHA512_224, CKM_SHA512_256

1: This mechanism supports only single-part operations that are not able to utilize any of the Update Cryptotoki functions, such as C_EncryptUpdate, C_DecryptUpdate, and C_DigestUpdate.

2: This mechanism is not supported by the IBM 4768 crypto card and is not available for C_SignUpdate and C_VerifyUpdate operations.

Supported attributes and key types

PKCS #11 attributes define object characteristics that set up how an object can be used and accessed. The following table shows the supported attributes and their relationship to the various supported key types.

Supported attributes and key types
Attribute Description Supported key types
CKA_BASE DSA Domain parameter and used for C_CreateObject. Base g. DSA private keys, DSA public keys
CKA_CERTIFICATE_CATEGORY Used to indicate if a stored certificate is a user certificate for which the corresponding private key is available on the token (“token user”), a CA certificate (“authority”), or another end-entity certificate (“other entity”). Default value is CK_CERTIFICATE_CATEGORY_UNSPECIFIED. Not applicable
CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE Must be specified when certificate object is created with C_CreateObject. The certificate types are X.509 public key, WTLS public key certificate, and X.509 attribute certificate. Not applicable
CKA_CHECK_VALUE The checksum of the key or certificate. AES keys, DES keys
CKA_CLASS Object class (type) and is common for all objects. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_COEFFICIENT Used for C_CreatObject. RSA private keys
CKA_COPYABLE If set to CKA_TRUE, the object can be copied using C_CopyObject. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_DECRYPT CK_TRUE if key supports decryption. EC private keys, RSA private keys, DH private keys, DSA private keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_DERIVE CK_TRUE if key supports key derivation (other keys can be derived from this key). Default is CK_FALSE. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_EC_PARAMS (CKA_ECDSA_PARAMS) DER-encoding of an ANSI X9.62 Parameters value. EC private keys, EC public keys
CKA_EC_POINT DER-encoding of ANSI X9.62 ECPoint value Q. EC public keys
CKA_ENCRYPT CK_TRUE if key supports encryption. EC public keys, RSA public keys, DH public keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_END_DATE End date for the certificate or key. Default is empty. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_EXTRACTABLE CK_TRUE if key is extractable and can be wrapped. EC private keys, RSA private keys, DH private keys, DSA private keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_EXPONENT_1 Use for C_CreateObject. Private exponent d modulo q-1. RSA private keys
CKA_EXPONENT_2 Use for C_CreateObject. CRT coefficient q-1 mod p. RSA private keys
CKA_HASH_OF_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY Hash of the issuer public key for a certificate. Default is empty. Not applicable
CKA_HASH_OF_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY Hash of the subject public key for a certificate. Default is empty. Not applicable
CKA_IBM_PQC_PARAMS Supporting parameters for post-quantum cryptography mechanisms. In the case of the Dilithium mechanism CKM_IBM_DILITHIUM, it provides a marshaled object identifier (OID) that represents the strength of Dilithium algorithm to use. Currently, only the strength of Dilithium 4 round 2 is supported. Dilithium keys
CKA_IBM_USE_AS_DATA An object is used for hashing or key derivation operations when CK_TRUE EC private keys, EC public keys
CKA_ID Key identifier for public or private key pair or key. Default is empty. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_ISSUER DER-encoding of the certificate issuer name. Default is empty. Not applicable
CKA_JAVA_MIDP_SECURITY_DOMAIN Java MIDP security domain for a certificate. Default is CK_SECURITY_DOMAIN_UNSPECIFIED. Not applicable
CKA_KEY_TYPE Type of key. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_LABEL Description of the object. Default is empty. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_LOCAL CK_TRUE only if the key was generated locally (on the token) with a C_GenerateKey or C_GenerateKeyPair call or created with a C_CopyObject call as a copy of a key that had the CKA_LOCAL attribute set to CK_TRUE. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_MODIFIABLE Set to CK_TRUE if the object can be modified. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_MODULUS Modulus n. RSA private keys
CKA_MODULUS_BITS Length in bits of modulus n. RSA public keys
CKA_NAME_HASH_ALGORITHM Defines the mechanism used to calculate the hash of the Subject and Issuer public keys for a certificate. Default is SHA-1. Not applicable
CKA_PRIME DSA Domain parameter and used for C_CreateObject. Prime p (512 to 2048 bits in steps of 64 bits). DSA private keys, DSA public keys
CKA_PRIME_1 Used for C_CreateObject. Prime q. RSA private keys
CKA_PRIME_2 Used for C_CreateObject. Private exponent d modulo p-1. RSA private keys
CKA_PRIVATE CK_TRUE if object is a private object; CK_FALSE if object is a public object. Default value is token-specific, and can depend on the values of other attributes of the object. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT Used for C_CreateObject. Prime p. RSA private keys
CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT Public exponent e. RSA private keys, RSA public keys
CKA_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO DER-encoding of the SubjectPublicKeyInfo for the public key. The value is derived from the underlying public key data and is empty by default. RSA public keys, EC public keys, Dilithium public keys
CKA_SENSITIVE CK_TRUE if key is sensitive. EC private keys, RSA private keys, DH private keys, DSA private keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER DER-encoding of the certificate serial number. Default is empty. Not applicable
CKA_SIGN CK_TRUE if key supports signatures where the signature is an appendix to the data. EC private keys, RSA private keys, DH private keys, DSA private keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_START_DATE Start date for the certificate or key. Default is empty. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_SUBJECT DER-encoding of the certificate or key subject name. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys
CKA_SUBPRIME DSA Domain parameter and used for C_CreateObject. Subprime q (160 bits for p <= 1024 bits, 224 bits, or 256 bits for p > 1024 bits). DSA private keys, DSA public keys
CKA_TOKEN CK_TRUE if object is a token object; CK_FALSE if object is a session object. EC private keys, EC public keys, RSA private keys, RSA public keys, DH private keys, DH public keys, DSA private keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_TRUSTED The certificate or key can be trusted for the application that it was created. EC public keys, RSA public keys, DH public keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_UNWRAP CK_TRUE if key supports unwrapping (can be used to unwrap other keys). EC private keys, RSA private keys, DH private keys, DSA private keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_URL The URL where the complete certificate can be obtained. Default is empty. Not applicable
CKA_VALUE Encoded certificate bytes or key bytes when using C_CreateObject. EC private keys, DSA public keys, DSA private keys, ED25519 private keys, ED448 private keys, AES keys, DES keys
CKA_VALUE_LEN Length in bytes of key value. AES keys
CKA_VERIFY CK_TRUE if key supports verification where the signature is an appendix to the data. EC public keys, RSA public keys, DH public keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_WRAP CK_TRUE if key supports wrapping (can be used to wrap other keys). EC public keys, RSA public keys, DH public keys, DSA public keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_WRAP_WITH_TRUSTED CK_TRUE if the key can only be wrapped with a wrapping key that has CKA_TRUSTED set to CK_TRUE. Default is CK_FALSE. EC private keys, RSA private keys, DH private keys, DSA private keys, AES keys, DES keys, Generic keys
CKA_APPLICATION Description of the application that manages the object (default empty) Not applicable
CKA_OBJECT_ID DER-encoding of the object identifier indicating the data object type (default empty) Not applicable
CKA_OWNER DER-encoding of the attribute certificate's subject field. This is distinct from the CKA_SUBJECT attribute contained in CKC_X_509 certificates because the ASN.1 syntax and encoding are different. Not applicable
CKA_AC_ISSUER DER-encoding of the attribute certificate's issuer field. This is distinct from the CKA_ISSUER attribute contained in CKC_X_509 certificates because the ASN.1 syntax and encoding are different. (default empty) Not applicable
CKA_ATTR_TYPES BER-encoding of a sequence of object identifier values corresponding to the attribute types contained in the certificate. When present, this field offers an opportunity for applications to search for a particular attribute certificate without fetching and parsing the certificate itself. (default empty) Not applicable

Supported curves

The PKCS #11 library supports limited types of curves for certain mechanisms. The following table lists the supported curve names for different mechanisms. The number in the curve name means the supported prime bitcount.

Supported curves for generating Elliptic Curve (EC) keys

Mechanism CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN is supported when you call the C_GenerateKeyPair function to generate Elliptic Curve (EC) keys. The curve name parameters must be specified as object identifiers (OIDs) by using CKA_EC_PARAMS. You can get the OID by searching the curve name in the OID repository.

Supported curve types for generating EC keys
PKCS #11 mechanism Supported curve types Supported curve names
CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) curves
  • P-192, also known as secp192r1 and prime192v1.
  • P-224, also known as secp224r1.
  • P-256, also known as secp256r1 and prime256v1.
  • P-384, also known as secp384r1.
  • P-521, also known as secp521r.
CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN Regular Brain pool (BP) curves
  • BP-160R, also known as brainpoolP160r1.
  • BP-192R, also known as brainpoolP192r1.
  • BP-224R, also known as brainpoolP224r1.
  • BP-256R, also known as brainpoolP256r1.
  • BP-320R, also known as brainpoolP320r1.
  • BP-384R, also known as brainpoolP384r1.
  • BP-512R, also known as brainpoolP512r1.
CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN Twisted Brain pool (BP) curves
  • BP-160T, also known as brainpoolP160t1.
  • BP-192T, also known as brainpoolP192t1.
  • BP-224T, also known as brainpoolP224t1.
  • BP-256T, also known as brainpoolP256t1.
  • BP-320T, also known as brainpoolP320t1.
  • BP-384T, also known as brainpoolP384t1.
  • BP-512T, also known as brainpoolP512t1.
CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN Standards for Efficient Cryptography (SEC) curves
  • secp256k1
CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN Edwards curves
  • Ed25519
CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN Edwards curves
  • Ed448

Supported curves for encrypting digital assets and generating digital signatures

The following curves are supported for mechanisms that are related to digital asset and digital signature.

Supported curve types for encrypting digital assets and signatures
Standard or scheme PKCS #11 mechanism Supported curve types Supported curve names
BIP32/BIP44 CKM_IBM_BTC_DERIVE Standards for Efficient Cryptography (SEC) curves
  • secp256k1
SLIP10 CKM_IBM_BTC_DERIVE National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) curves
  • P-256, also known as secp256r1 and prime256v1
SLIP10 CKM_IBM_BTC_DERIVE Standards for Efficient Cryptography (SEC) curves
  • secp256k1
SLIP10 CKM_IBM_BTC_DERIVE Edwards curves
  • Ed25519
EdDSA CKM_IBM_ED25519_SHA512 Edwards curves
  • Ed25519
Schnorr CKM_IBM_ECDSA_OTHER Standards for Efficient Cryptography (SEC) curves
  • secp256k1
Schnorr CKM_IBM_ECDSA_OTHER National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) curves
  • P-256, also known as secp256r1 and prime256v1
Schnorr CKM_IBM_ECDSA_OTHER Regular Brain pool (BP) curves
  • BP-256R, also known as brainpoolP256r1
Schnorr CKM_IBM_ECDSA_OTHER Twisted Brain pool (BP) curves
  • BP-256T, also known as brainpoolP256t1
  • secp256r1
  • secp256k1
  • BP-256R, also known as brainpoolP256r1
  • BP-256T, also known as brainpoolP256t1
  • secp256r1
  • secp256k1
  • BP-256R, also known as brainpoolP256r1
  • BP-256T, also known as brainpoolP256t1

Standard PKCS #11 API reference

To review the PKCS #11 standard documentation, see: