IBM Cloud Docs
Updating your support case's watchlist

Updating your support case's watchlist

You can update which users in your account can receive notifications about your support case by adding them to the watchlist. Users can be added to the watchlist when you create a support case or after the support case is created.

By default, account users don't have access to create, update, search, or view cases. The account owner must provide users access by assigning an Identity and Access Management (IAM) access policy. For more information, see Assigning user access for working with support cases.

To ensure that users are notified about updates to an existing support case that you created, complete the following steps to add them to the watchlist.

  1. From the IBM Cloud console menu bar, click the Help icon Help icon > Support center.

  2. Select the support case from the Recent support cases tile.

  3. From the Watchlist section, click the Settings icon Settings icon.

  4. Select users that are in the account to add to the watchlist.

    Users that are added to the watchlist must be a member of the account in which the case was created. For more information about assigning users access to your account, see Adding users to your case management access group.