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PagerDuty empowers users and organizations to prevent and resolve business-impacting incidents for exceptional customer experience. PagerDuty helps organizations with the insight to proactively manage events that may impact customers across their IT environment.

When you select PagerDuty as service destination, any subscribed notification about an event can be sent as an alert to PagerDuty channels.

Generate PagerDuty API key

Generate the PagerDuty API key as per the guidance here.

Generate PagerDuty routing key

To integrate your PagerDuty service to Event Notifications service destination, you need to generate a PagerDuty routing key. To generate a PagerDuty routing key, follow these steps: Generate a new Integration Key.

If you already integrated EventsV2 api with your PagerDuty service, jump to service directory, select More and select View Integrations. You will find the Integration key inside this view.

Configuring a PagerDuty destination

You can configure a PagerDuty destination in the Destinations tab.

To configure a PagerDuty destination, do the following steps:

  1. From your Event Notifications instance dashboard, click Destinations.

  2. Click Add + to add new destination.

  3. In the Add a destination side panel, provide the following details.

    • Name - Enter a name for your destination.
    • Description - Optionally, enter a description for your destination.
    • Type - Under Destination, for the Type, select Pagerduty from the drop-down as your destination type.
    • API key - Enter the API key that you have generated earlier.
    • Routing key - Enter the routing key generated earlier.
  4. Click Add.

PagerDuty alert events supported by Event Notifications

Event Notifications supports only alert event of Pagerduty. For more information, see here.

Supported PagerDuty alert events
Event Notifications field PagerDuty field Supported
routing_key (Destination Config) routing_key Yes
trigger (default) event_action Partial
ibmendefaultlong payload.summary Yes
critical - HIGH, error - MEDIUM, warning - LOW, info - INFO, Default Severity - LOW payload.severity Yes
time (cloud events) payload.timestamp Yes
data payload.custom_details Yes
source payload.source Yes
NA dedup_key No
NA payload.component No
NA payload.class No
NA images No
NA links No
Event Notifications severity to PagerDuty severity mapping
Event Notifications severity PagerDuty severity
Critical Critical
High Error
Medium Warning
Low Info
Anything Else Info

Testing a PagerDuty destination configuration

You can test a PagerDuty destination in the options menu provided againts the destination. You can effortlessly test a destination, whether the provided configuration is correct or not with a single click.

For more information on testing a destination, see here.

PagerDuty retry policy

When calling a webhook, issues such as network errors and application glitches can cause the requests to fail. A retry is used to provide resiliency to external requests. Attempt to retry the requests in such situations by using the following values:

  • Limit = 60 seconds: total time that the service retries.
  • Step = 5 seconds: after each failure, the service waits 5 seconds before retrying. This delay prevents bombarding of the external services (PagerDuty).

In addition, the following timeout conditions cause the PagerDuty call to fail:

  • A connection timeout of 10 seconds
  • A response timeout of 60 seconds

If a call to the PagerDuty URL fails even after retry attempts, the notification is lost.