IBM Cloud Docs
Adding an Event Notifications source

Adding an Event Notifications source

Various services produce events that can be consumed by Event Notifications. You can add these services as 'sources' within your Event Notifications instance. When a source is added, you can filter the events from it by using topics, and then subscribe destinations to the topics.

Types of sources

There are now four types of sources that are supported for Event Notifications: IBM Cloud sources, generic API sources, IBM Cloud platform sources and the Periodic Timer.

With IBM Cloud sources, events emit from managed services on IBM Cloud. The following sources For example, IBM Cloud Monitoring, IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center, IBM Cloud Secrets Manager, App Configuration, IBM Cloud Projects,Toolchain and IBM can all be added to Event Notifications IBM Cloud sources.

With generic API sources, events emanate from services or applications that are not managed by IBM. For example, if you create your own application that sends events to Event Notifications, your application can be added as an API source.

API sources cannot route notifications to the IBM Cloud email service and IBM Cloud SMS service because these services deliver content that is generated exclusively from IBM Cloud managed services.

By default, IBM Cloud Resource lifecycle events is provided as a source and is disabled. You can enable it, if you like to monitor the IBM Cloud Resource lifecycle events, which you need to incur more charges. IBM Cloud Resource lifecycle events are events around the IBM Cloud resources like instance creation, updating an instance, deleting an instance and other events related to IBM Cloud resources.

The Periodic Timer source is also provided as a default source. It is used to schedule events based on a period defined by the user. It is disabled by deafult and you can enable it to schedule events periodically.

To see the current list of IBM Cloud services available as Event Notifications sources, go to the Sources section of your Event Notifications dashboard, click Add, and select IBM Cloud sources.

The connection protocols differ between source types, so the procedure for adding is different as described in the following sections.

To integrate a source with Event Notifications, an instance of that source also needs to be created. For more information on how the supported sources can be integrated with Event Notifications, refer here.

Adding a source

  1. Verify that the IBM Cloud service is available as a source for Event Notifications.

    • Go to the Sources section of the Event Notifications dashboard.
    • Click Add and select IBM Cloud source.
    • Confirm that the managed service of interest is displayed.
  2. Create a service-to-service authorization between your IBM Cloud service and Event Notifications.

    • From the IBM Cloud console, navigate to Manage > Access(IAM) > Authorizations.
    • Select your IBM Cloud service as the source, and Event Notifications as the target from the authorisation view.
    • Set the service access level to Event Source Manager.
  3. Find your existing service instances in your account resource list and select the instance of interest and open its dashboard.

If you do not have an existing instance, create one from the IBM Cloud catalog.

Adding a generic API source

API Sources cannot be used to send notifications to out-of-the-box destinations like email and SMS.

  1. Go to the Sources section of the Event Notifications dashboard.
  2. Click Add and select API Source.
  3. Type a name and an optional description and click Add.

Follow the instructions in the Event Notifications API documentation, or in the SDK documentation for your programming language to configure the connection as you are connecting from your own application or service.