IBM Cloud Docs
Direct Link CLI

Direct Link CLI

The IBM Cloud® Direct Link command line interface (CLI) is organized into sections, which are listed in the navigation window.

Before you begin

Complete these steps to use the Direct Link CLI, which is implemented as an IBM Cloud CLI plug-in. This plug-in provides you with the means to manage your service instance and its associated resources through a CLI interface.

  1. Install the IBM Cloud CLI.

  2. Install the dl-cli plug-in to the IBM Cloud CLI.

    To install the plug-in, enter the following command.

    ibmcloud plugin install dl-cli

ibmcloud plugin show dl-cli

Show Direct Link CLI plug-in information.

ibmcloud plugin show dl-cli

ibmcloud dl --help

Get help on Direct Link commands.

ibmcloud dl -h|--help

ibmcloud dl asprepends

List all AS prepends on the specified gateway.

ibmcloud dl asprepends GATEWAY_ID

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway. Required.


  • ibmcloud dl asprepends 5cc19d0a-792c-4595-adfc-f90fc650de01
  • ibmcloud dl asps 22f799e8-b4ab-44ca-856b-897be9b0e53d

ibmcloud dl asprepends-replace

Replace all AS prepends on the specified gateway.

ibmcloud dl asprepends-replace GATEWAY_ID --file JSON_FILE --etag ETAG

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway. Required.
JSON file for input data. This file contains the AS prepends to be applied to the gateway.
--etag ETAG
Etag value for the currently defined AS prepends. This value is returned on ibmcloud dl asprepends and the response of the command after you apply the update.


  • ibmcloud dl asprepends-replace 5cc19d0a-792c-4595-adfc-f90fc650de01 --file update.json --etag 'W/\"20-3e8f21374fef9e548af910e4ad4322abe25bfb41\"'
  • ibmcloud dl aspsr 22f799e8-b4ab-44ca-856b-897be9b0e53d --file update.json --etag 'W/\"20-3e8f21374fef9e5477770e4ad4322abe25bfb41\"'

ibmcloud dl completion-notice

Download the completion notice for the gateway in either the current working directory or in an output directory path.

ibmcloud dl completion-notice|cn GATEWAY_ID [--file OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH][--help|-h]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway. Required.
Specify the output directory path where you want to download the completion notice. For example, specify to download the completion notice in the /tmp directory.
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  • ibmcloud dl completion-notice 0e28b9bc-06df-44f1-b5d7-08085b9fc935
  • ibmcloud dl cn 0e28b9bc-06df-44f1-b5d7-08085b9fc935 --file /tmp

ibmcloud dl completion-notice-update

Upload the completion notice from either the working directory or a specified directory.

ibmcloud dl completion-notice-update GATEWAY_ID [-i INPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway. Required.
Specify the directory in which you want to upload the completion notice.


  • ibmcloud dl completion-notice-update 5cc19d0a-792c-4595-adfc-f90fc650de01
  • ibmcloud dl cnu 22f799e8-b4ab-44ca-856b-897be9b0e53d -i /tmp/

ibmcloud dl connect-gateway-create

Create a Connect gateway.

The BGP_BASE_CIDR option is deprecated. Remove this option as it is ignored. See BGP_CER_CIDR and BGP_IBM_CIDR to create a gateway by using either automatic or explicit IP assignment.

ibmcloud dl connect-gateway-create {--file JSON_FILE | GATEWAY_NAME --billing BILLING --bgp-asn BGP_ASN --port-id PORT_ID --routing ROUTING --speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS [--bfd-interval interval] [--bfd-multiplier multiplier] [--bgp-base-cidr BGP_BASE_CIDR] [--bgp-cer-cidr BGP_CER_CIDR] [--bgp-ibm-cidr BGP_IBM_CIDR] [--connection CONNECTION_TYPE] [--resource-group-id RESOURCE_GROUP_ID]} [--help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

--file JSON_FILE
JSON file for input data. Input method for AS Prepend and Route Filter values. Required or specify GATEWAY_NAME.
Specify a name for the new gateway. Required or specify --file JSON_FILE.
--billing BILLING
Billing of resources (metered | non-metered). Select metered to charge per GB and non-metered for a flat rate. Required.
--bgp-asn BGP_ASN
Specify either the default value of 64999, or select an ASN from allowed ranges. Required.
--port-id PORT_ID
Port ID for the gateway. Required when type is connect. Required.
--routing ROUTING
Gateway routing of resources (global | local). Select global to connect resources across regions. Required.
--speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS
Specify a value for the speed. Required.
--bfd-interval VALUE
Configures the minimum interval (in milliseconds) between the transmitted and received BFD packets. Range [300 - 255000]
--bfd-multiplier VALUE
The number of BFD packets not received by a neighbor that causes the originating interface to be declared down. Range [1 - 255]
--bgp-base-cidr BGP_BASE_CIDR
Specify the BGP Base CIDR.
--bgp-cer-cidr BGP_CER_CIDR
Specify the BGP customer edge router CIDR.
--bgp-ibm-cidr BGP_IBM_CIDR
Specify the BGP IBM CIDR.
--connection CONNECTION_TYPE:
Type of network connection that you want to bind to your direct link. One of: direct, transit.
--default-export-route-filter VALUE
Default export route filter. One of permit, deny.
--default-import-route-filter VALUE
Default import route filter. One of permit, deny.
--resource-group-id RESOURCE_GROUP_ID
Resource group ID for this resource. If unspecified, the account's default resource group is used.
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--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

To enable MD5 authentication for BGP peers, or create BGP AS prepends, use the --file option to create the gateway as stated in the template.


  • ibmcloud dl connect-gateway-create dl-gw --billing metered --bgp-asn 64999 --bgp-base-cidr --port-id 2f41cf65-e72a-4522-9526-e156e4ca02b5 --routing local --speed-mbps 1000 --bgp-cer-cidr --bgp-ibm-cidr --connection direct
  • ibmcloud dl connect-gateway-create dl-gw --billing metered --bgp-asn 64999 --bgp-base-cidr --port-id 2f41cf65-e72a-4522-9526-e156e4ca02b5 --routing local --speed-mbps 1000 --bgp-cer-cidr --bgp-ibm-cidr --output json
  • ibmcloud dl connect-gateway-create --file ~/gateway.json

ibmcloud dl dedicated-gateway-create

Create a dedicated gateway.

The BGP_BASE_CIDR option is deprecated. Remove this option as it is ignored. See BGP_CER_CIDR and BGP_IBM_CIDR to create a gateway by using either automatic or explicit IP assignment.

ibmcloud dl dedicated-gateway-create {--file JSON_FILE | GATEWAY_NAME --billing BILLING --bgp-asn BGP_ASN --carrier-name CARRIER_NAME --ccr CROSS_CONNECT_ROUTER --customer-name CUSTOMER_NAME --location-name LOCATION_NAME --routing ROUTING --speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS [--bfd-interval interval] [--bfd-multiplier multiplier] [--bgp-base-cidr BGP_BASE_CIDR] [--bgp-cer-cidr BGP_CER_CIDR] [--bgp-ibm-cidr BGP_IBM_CIDR] [-vlan VLAN] [--connection CONNECTION_TYPE] [--resource-group-id RESOURCE_GROUP_ID]} [--output format]

Command options

Specify a name for the new gateway.
--file VALUE
JSON file for input data. Input method for AS Prepend and Route Filter values.
--bfd-interval VALUE
Configures the minimum interval (in milliseconds) between the transmitted and received BFD packets. Range [300 - 255000]
--bfd-multiplier VALUE
The number of BFD packets not received by a neighbor that causes the originating interface to be declared down. Range [1 - 255]
--bgp-asn VALUE
Specify either the default value of 64999, or select an ASN from allowed ranges.
--bgp-base-cidr BGP_BASE_CIDR
Specify the BGP Base CIDR.
--bgp-cer-cidr BGP_CER_CIDR
Specify the BGP customer edge router CIDR.
--bgp-ibm-cidr BGP_IBM_CIDR
Specify the BGP IBM CIDR.
--billing VALUE
Billing of resources (metered | non-metered). Select metered to charge per GB and non-metered for a flat rate.
--carrier-name VALUE
Specify the gateway CARRIER NAME.
--connection VALUE
Type of network connection that you want to bind to your direct link. One of: direct, transit.
--ccr XCR
Select the IBM cross-connect router for the Direct Link connection.
--customer-name VALUE
Specify the gateway CUSTOMER NAME.
--default-export-route-filter VALUE
Default export route filter. One of permit, deny.
--default-import-route-filter VALUE
Default import route filter. One of permit, deny.
--location-name LOCATION
Specify the location name; for example, dal10.
--resource-group-id VALUE
Resource group ID for this resource. If unspecified, the account's default resource group is used.
--routing VALUE
Gateway routing of resources (global | local). Select global to connect resources across regions.
--speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS
Specify a value for the speed.
--vlan VLAN
Specify the VLAN number. Range [2-3967]. Use null to reset.
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--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

To create a MACsec-enabled gateway, enable MD5 authentication for BGP peers, or create BGP AS prepends, use the --file option to create the gateway as stated in the template.


  • ibmcloud dl dedicated-gateway-create dl-gw --billing metered --bgp-asn 64999 --bgp-base-cidr --carrier-name carrier --ccr LAB-xcr01.dal09 --customer-name customer --location-name dal09 --routing local --speed-mbps 1000 --bgp-ibm-cidr --bgp-cer-cidr --vlan 10 --connection direct
  • ibmcloud dl dedicated-gateway-create dl-gw --billing metered --bgp-asn 64999 --bgp-base-cidr --carrier-name carrier --ccr LAB-xcr01.dal09 --customer-name customer --location-name dal09 --routing local --speed-mbps 1000 --bgp-ibm-cidr --bgp-cer-cidr --output json
  • ibmcloud dl dedicated-gateway-create --file ~/gateway.json

ibmcloud dl export-route-filter

View details of an export route filter by ID.

ibmcloud dl export-route-filter|erf GATEWAY_ID FILTER_ID [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
Specify the ID of the export route filter that you want to list.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl erf beec5de0-a1c0-4730-8888-2ce4a3020ec8 c3df351b-ff64-4444-ba64-92cb7622dfd6

ibmcloud dl export-route-filters

List all export route filters.

ibmcloud dl export-route-filters|erfs GATEWAY_ID [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
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--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dl erfs beec5de0-a1c0-4730-8888-2ce4a3020ec8

ibmcloud dl export-route-filter-create

Create an export route filter.

ibmcloud dl export-route-filter-create|erfc GATEWAY_ID --action ACTION --prefix PREFIX [--before BEFORE] [--ge GE] [--le LE] [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--action ACTION
Specify the action for the export route filter. One of permit, deny.
--prefix PREFIX
Specify an IPv4 subnet CIDR indicating both the address and mask length.
--before BEFORE
To prioritize this filter in the export route filter list, specify the ID of the route filter that comes before this filter.
--ge GE
Specify a minimum matching length (GE, greater than or equal to). For more information, see About route filtering.
--le LE
Specify a maximum matching length (LE, less than or equal to). For more information, see About route filtering.
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--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl erfc dc206f57-5693-442f-8888-6d43b6c82d73 --action permit --prefix
  • ibmcloud dl erfc dc206f57-5693-442f-8888-6d43b6c82d73 --action deny --prefix -le 29

ibmcloud dl export-route-filter-delete

Delete an export route filter.

ibmcloud dl export-route-filter-delete|erfd GATEWAY_ID FILTER_ID [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
Specify the ID of the export route filter that you want to delete.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl erfd beec5de0-a1c0-4730-8888-2ce4a3020ec8 c3df351b-ff64-4444-ba64-92cb7622dfd6

ibmcloud dl export-route-filter-replace

Replace all export route filters.

ibmcloud dl export-route-filter-replace|erfr GATEWAY_ID --file JSON_FILE --etag ETAG [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--file JSON_FILE
Specify the JSON file for input data.
--etag ETAG
Specify the eTag.
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--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dl erfr 58e4f46f-0dab-4025-9999-3df974db0618 --etag 'W/"182-9c1ba4f4ab697f4080f662c18e664d5763ae4b8dcb0542b4b473d661"' --file ~/export.txt

ibmcloud dl export-route-filter-update

Update an export route filter.

ibmcloud dl export-route-filter-update|erfu GATEWAY_ID [--action ACTION] [--prefix PREFIX] [--before BEFORE] [--ge GE] [--le LE] [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--action ACTION
Specify the action of the export route filter. One of permit, deny.
--prefix PREFIX
Specify an IPv4 subnet CIDR indicating both the address and mask length.
--before BEFORE
To prioritize this filter in the export route filter list, specify the ID of the route filter that comes before this filter.
--ge GE
Specify a minimum matching length (GE, greater than or equal to). For more information, see About route filtering.
--le LE
Specify a maximum matching length (LE, less than or equal to). For more information, see About route filtering.
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--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl erfu beec5de0-a1c0-4730-8888-2ce4a3020ec8 c3df351b-ff64-4444-ba64-92cb7622dfd6 --action permit
  • ibmcloud dl erfu beec5de0-a1c0-4730-8888-2ce4a3020ec8 c3df351b-ff64-4444-ba64-92cb7622dfd6 --le 28

ibmcloud dl gateway

View details of a specific gateway.

ibmcloud dl gateway|gw GATEWAY_ID [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl gateway a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3
  • ibmcloud dl gw a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 --output json

ibmcloud dl gateway-change-approve

Approve gateway change request.

ibmcloud dl gateway-change-approve GATEWAY_ID {--file JSON_FILE | [--action Action] [--bfd-interval interval] [--bfd-multiplier multiplier] [--bgp-asn BGP_ASN] [--bgp-cer-cidr BGP_CER_CIDR] [--bgp-ibm-cidr BGP_IBM_CIDR] [--billing BILLING] [--connection CONNECTION_TYPE] [--resource-group-id RESOURCE_GROUP_ID] [--routing ROUTING] [--speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS] [--vlan VLAN]} [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--file VALUE
JSON file for input data. Input method for AS Prepend values.
--action ACTION
Action request. One of: gateway-create, gateway-delete, gateway-attribute-update.
--bfd-interval VALUE
Configures the minimum interval (in milliseconds) between the transmitted and received BFD packets. Range [300 - 255000]
--bfd-multiplier VALUE
The number of BFD packets not received by a neighbor that causes the originating interface to be declared down. Range [1 - 255]
--bgp-asn VALUE
Gateway BGP-ASN. Excluded ASNs: 0, 13884, 36351, 64512, 64513, 65100, 65201‍–‍65234, 65402‍–‍65433, 65500, and 4201065000‍–‍4201065999
--bgp-cer-cidr VALUE
BGP customer edge router CIDR
--bgp-ibm-cidr VALUE
--billing VALUE
Billing (metered | non-metered). Select metered to charge per GB and non-metered for a flat rate. Set for gateway-create requests to select the gateway's metered billing option.
-connection VALUE
Type of network connection that you want to bind to your direct link. One of: direct, transit.
--resource-group-id VALUE
Resource group ID for this resource. Set for gateway-create requests to select the gateway's resource group.
--routing ROUTING
Gateway routing (global | local). Select global to connect resources across regions. Set for gateway-create requests to select the gateway's routing option.
--speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS
Speed of the gateway in Mbps.
--vlan VALUE
Gateway VLAN ID
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.
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To approve the provider-created gateways with MD5 authentication for BGP peers, or create BGP AS prepends, use the -file option to approve the gateway as stated in the template.


  • ibmcloud dl gateway-change-approve a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 --action gateway-create --routing global --billing metered
  • ibmcloud dl gateway-change-approve a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 --action gateway-create --routing global --billing metered --connection direct --output json

ibmcloud dl gateway-change-reject

Reject gateway change request.

ibmcloud dl gateway-change-reject|gwcr GATEWAY_ID [--action Action] [--bgp-asn BGP_ASN] [--bgp-cer-cidr BGP_CER_CIDR] [--bgp-ibm-cidr BGP_IBM_CID] [--speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS] [--vlan VLAN] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--action ACTION
Action request. One of: gateway-create, gateway-delete, gateway-attribute-update.
--bgp-asn VALUE
Gateway BGP-ASN. Excluded ASNs: 0, 13884, 36351, 64512, 64513, 65100, 65201‍–‍65234, 65402‍–‍65433, 65500, and 4201065000‍–‍4201065999
--bgp-cer-cidr VALUE
BGP customer edge router CIDR
--bgp-ibm-cidr VALUE
--speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS
Speed of the gateway in Mbps.
--vlan VLAN
Gateway VLAN ID
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.
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  • ibmcloud dl gateway-change-reject a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 --action gateway-create
  • ibmcloud dl gateway-change-reject a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 --action gateway-create --output json

ibmcloud dl gateway-create

Create a gateway.

This command is deprecated. See connect-gateway-create and dedicated-gateway-create for creating Connect and Dedicated gateways.

The BGP_BASE_CIDR option is deprecated. Remove this option as it is ignored. See BGP_CER_CIDR and BGP_IBM_CIDR to create a gateway by using either automatic or explicit IP assignment.

ibmcloud dl gateway-create|gwc GATEWAY_NAME --billing BILLING --bgp-asn BGP_ASN  --bgp-base-cidr BGP_BASE_CIDR --routing ROUTING --speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS --type TYPE [--bgp-cer-cidr BGP_CER_CIDR] [--bgp-ibm-cidr BGP_IBM_CIDR] [--carrier-name CARRIER_NAME] [--cross-connect-router CROSS_CONNECT_ROUTER] [--customer-name CUSTOMER_NAME] [--location-name LOCATION_NAME] [--port-id PORT_ID] [--resource-group-id RESOURCE_GROUP_ID] [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify a name for the new gateway.
--billing VALUE
Billing of resources (metered | nonmetered). Select metered to charge per gigabyte and nonmetered for flat rate.
--bgp-asn VALUE
Specify either the default value of 64999, or select an ASN from allowed ranges.
--bgp-base-cidr BGP_BASE_CIDR
Specify the BGP Base CIDR.
--bgp-cer-cidr BGP_CER_CIDR
Specify the BGP customer edge router CIDR.
--bgp-ibm-cidr BGP_IBM_CIDR
Specify the BGP IBM CIDR.
--carrier-name VALUE
Specify the gateway carrier name.
--cross-connect-router XCR
Select the IBM cross-connect router for the Direct Link connection.
--customer-name VALUE
Specify the gateway customer name.
--location-name LOCATION
Specify the location name; for example, dal10.
Port ID for the gateway. Required when type is connect.
--resource-group-id VALUE
Resource group ID for this resource. If unspecified, the account's default resource group is used.
--routing VALUE
Gateway routing of resources (global | local). Select global to connect resources across regions.
--speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS
Specify a value for the speed.
--type TYPE
Specify the Direct Link offering type. One of: dedicated, connect.
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--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl gateway-create dl-gw --bgp-asn 64999 --cross-connect-router LAB-xcr01.dal09 --routing local --billing metered --location-name dal09 --speed-mbps 1000 --type dedicated --bgp-base-cidr --bgp-ibm-cidr --bgp-cer-cidr
  • ibmcloud dl gateway-create dl-gw --bgp-asn 64999 --cross-connect-router LAB-xcr01.dal09 --routing local --billing metered --location-name dal09 --speed-mbps 1000 --type dedicated --bgp-base-cidr --bgp-ibm-cidr --bgp-cer-cidr --output json

ibmcloud dl gateway-delete

Delete a specific gateway.

ibmcloud dl gateway-delete|gwd GATEWAY_ID [--help|-h] [--force|-f]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
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Force the delete operation without confirmation.


  • ibmcloud dl gateway-delete e281b18b-0dba-49ee-9c64-aea588b7f1fd
  • ibmcloud dl gateway-delete 8ba9e7b0-dded-400e-ad7e-6481dad0b157 -f

ibmcloud dl gateway-statistics

Fetch the statistics for a specific gateway.

ibmcloud dl gateway-statistics|gw-stats GATEWAY_ID --type STATISTIC_TYPE [--help|-h]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
type VALUE
Type of the statistics to retrieve. One of: macsec_mka_session, macsec_policy, macsec_mka_statistics, bfd_session.
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ibmcloud dl gateway-statistics e281b18b-0dba-49ee-9c64-aea588b7f1fd --type macsec_mka_session

ibmcloud dl gateway-status

Retrieve gateway status

ibmcloud dl gateway-status GATEWAY_ID --type STATUS_TYPE [--output format] [--help|-h]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--type VALUE
Specify the status to retrieve. One of bgp|bfd|link.
--output VALUE
Specify the output format. Only JSON is supported.
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ibmcloud dl gateway-statistics e281b18b-0dba-49ee-9c64-aea588b7f1fd --type macsec_mka_session

ibmcloud dl gateway-update

Update a specific gateway.

ibmcloud dl gateway-update GATEWAY_ID {--file JSON_FILE | [--bfd-interval interval] [--bfd-multiplier multiplier] [--bgp-asn BGP_ASN] [--bgp-cer-cidr BGP_CER_CIDR] [--bgp-ibm-cidr BGP_IBM_CIDR] [--billing BILLING] [--connection CONNECTION_TYPE]  [--default-export-route-filter DEFAULT_ACTION] [--default-import-route-filter DEFAULT_ACTION] [--loa-reject-reason LOA_REJECT_REASON] [--name NAME] [--operational-status OPERATION_STATUS] [--routing ROUTING] [--speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS]} [--vlan VLAN] [--clear-vlan VALUE] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--file VALUE
JSON file for input data.
--bfd-interval VALUE
Configures the minimum interval (in milliseconds) between the transmitted and received BFD packets. Range [300 - 255000]
--bfd-multiplier VALUE
The number of BFD packets not received by a neighbor that causes the originating interface to be declared down. Range [1 - 255]
--bgp-asn VALUE
Gateway BGP-ASN. Excluded ASNs: 0, 13884, 36351, 64512, 64513, 65100, 65201‍–‍65234, 65402‍–‍65433, 65500, and 4201065000‍–‍4201065999
--bgp-cer-cidr VALUE
BGP customer edge router CIDR.
--bgp-ibm-cidr VALUE
--billing VALUE
Billing of resources (metered | non-metered). Select metered to charge per GB and non-metered for a flat rate.
--connection VALUE
Type of network connection that you want to bind to your direct link. One of: direct, transit.
--default-export-route-filter VALUE
Default export route filter. One of:permit, deny.
--default-import-route-filter VALUE
Default import route filter. One of:permit, deny.
--loa-reject-reason LOA_REJECT_REASON
Specify the reason for the Letter of Authorization (LOA) rejection.
--name NAME
Name of the gateway.
--operational-status OPERATIONAL_STATUS
Specify the gateway's operational status. Values are loa_accepted or loa_rejected.
--routing VALUE
Gateway routing of resources (global | local). Select global to connect resources across regions.
--speed-mbps SPEED_MBPS
Specify the speed of the gateway in Mbps.
--vlan VALUE
Specify the VLAN number. Range [2-3967]. Use null to reset. The gateway must have a type of dedicated. Optional.
Clear the mapped VLAN from the Dedicated gateway.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

To clear/update the MD5 authentication for BGP peers, use the --file option to update the gateway as stated in the template.


  • ibmcloud dl gateway-update 8ba9e7b0-dded-400e-ad7e-6481dad0b157 --speed-mbps 5000 --vlan 99 --name dl-gw-updated
  • ibmcloud dl gateway-update 8ba9e7b0-dded-400e-ad7e-6481dad0b157 --speed-mbps 5000 --vlan null --name dl-gw-updated --output json
  • ibmcloud dl gateway-update 8ba9e7b0-dded-400e-ad7e-6481dad0b157 --connection transit --output json
  • ibmcloud dl gateway-update 8ba9e7b0-dded-400e-ad7e-6481dad0b157 --file ~/gateway-update.json

ibmcloud dl gateways

List all gateways.

ibmcloud dl gateways|gws [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

ibmcloud dl import-route-filter

View details of an import route filter by ID.

ibmcloud dl import-route-filter|irf GATEWAY_ID FILTER_ID [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
Specify the ID of the import route filter that you want to list.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dl irf beec5de0-a1c0-4730-8888-2ce4a3020ec8 c3df351b-ff64-4444-ba64-92cb7622dfd6

ibmcloud dl import-route-filters

List all import route filters.

ibmcloud dl import-route-filters|irfs GATEWAY_ID [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dl irfs beec5de0-a1c0-4730-8888-2ce4a3020ec8

ibmcloud dl import-route-filter-create

Create an import route filter.

ibmcloud dl import-route-filter-create|irfc GATEWAY_ID --action ACTION --prefix PREFIX [--before BEFORE] [--ge GE] [--le LE] [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--action ACTION
Specify the action of the import route filter. One of permit, deny.
--prefix PREFIX
Specify an IPv4 subnet CIDR indicating both the address and mask length.
--before BEFORE
To prioritize this filter in the import route filter list, specify the ID of the route filter that comes before this filter.
--ge GE
Specify a minimum matching length (GE, greater than or equal to). For more information, see About route filtering.
--le LE
Specify a maximum matching length (LE, less than or equal to). For more information, see About route filtering.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl irfc dc206f57-5693-442f-8888-6d43b6c82d73 --action permit --prefix
  • ibmcloud dl irfc dc206f57-5693-442f-8888-6d43b6c82d73 --action deny --prefix -le 29

ibmcloud dl import-route-filter-delete

Import an export route filter.

ibmcloud dl import-route-filter-delete|irfd GATEWAY_ID FILTER_ID [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
Specify the ID of the import route filter that you want to delete.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dl irfd beec5de0-a1c0-4730-8888-2ce4a3020ec8 c3df351b-ff64-4444-ba64-92cb7622dfd6

ibmcloud dl import-route-filter-replace

Replace all import route filters.

ibmcloud dl import-route-filter-replace|irfr GATEWAY_ID --file JSON_FILE --etag ETAG [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--file JSON_FILE
Specify the JSON file for input data.
--etag ETAG
Specify the eTag.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dl irfr 58e4f46f-0dab-4025-9999-3df974db0618 --etag 'W/"182-9c1ba4f4ab697f4080f662c18e664d5763ae4b8dcb0542b4b473d661"' --file ~/import.txt

ibmcloud dl import-route-filter-update

Update an import route filter.

ibmcloud dl import-route-filter-update|irfu GATEWAY_ID [--action ACTION] [--prefix PREFIX] [--before BEFORE] [--ge GE] [--le LE] [-–help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--action ACTION
Specify the action of the import route filter. One of permit, deny.
--prefix PREFIX
Specify an IPv4 subnet CIDR indicating both the address and mask length.
--before BEFORE
To prioritize this filter in the import route filter list, specify the ID of the route filter that comes before this filter.
--ge GE
Specify a minimum matching length (GE, greater than or equal to). For more information, see About route filtering.
--le LE
Specify a maximum matching length (LE, less than or equal to). For more information, see About route filtering.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl irfu beec5de0-a1c0-4730-8888-2ce4a3020ec8 c3df351b-ff64-4444-ba64-92cb7622dfd6 --action permit
  • ibmcloud dl irfu beec5de0-a1c0-4730-8888-2ce4a3020ec8 c3df351b-ff64-4444-ba64-92cb7622dfd6 --le 28

ibmcloud dl loa

Download the LOA for the gateway in either the current working directory or in the specified directory.

ibmcloud dl loa GATEWAY_ID [--file OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH] [--help|-h]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
Specify the output directory path. For example, specify to download the LOA in the /tmp directory.
Get help on this command.


  • ibmcloud dl loa 5cc19d0a-792c-4595-adfc-f90fc650de01
  • ibmcloud dl loa 5cc19d0a-792c-4595-adfc-f90fc650de01 --file /tmp

ibmcloud dl location

Retrieves location-specific information for a specific offering type.

ibmcloud dl location|loc LOCATION_NAME OFFERING_TYPE [--help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the name of the location.
Specify the Direct Link offering type. Currently only dedicated is supported.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl location "Washington 2" dedicated
  • ibmcloud dl loc "Washington 2" dedicated --output json

ibmcloud dl locations

List the locations for a specific Direct Link offering type.

ibmcloud dl locations|locs OFFERING_TYPE [–-output format] [--help|-h]

Command options

Specify the Direct Link offering type. Values are dedicated or connect.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.
Get help on this command.


  • ibmcloud dl locations dedicated
  • ibmcloud dl locs dedicated --output json

ibmcloud dl offering-speeds

Lists all offering speeds for an offering type.

ibmcloud dl offering-speeds|ospeeds OFFERING_TYPE [--output format] [--help|-h]

Command options

Specify the Direct Link offering type. Values are dedicated or dedicated_hosting.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.
Get help on this command.


  • ibmcloud dl offering-speeds dedicated
  • ibmcloud dl ospeeds dedicated_hosting --output json

ibmcloud dl port

View details of a port.

ibmcloud dl port PORT_ID [--help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Specify the ID of the port.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl port a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3
  • ibmcloud dl port a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 --output json

ibmcloud dl ports

List all ports.

ibmcloud dl ports [--help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl ports
  • ibmcloud dl ports --output json

ibmcloud dl route-report

View details of a route report.

ibmcloud dl route-report|rr GATEWAY_ID REPORT_ID [--output format] [--help|-h]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
Specify the ID of the route report ID.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.
Get help on this command.


  • ibmcloud dl route-report a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 dea35ba0-7323-4d8d-9c8d-d7ecda55e23d
  • ibmcloud dl rr a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 dea35ba0-7323-4d8d-9c8d-d7ecda55e23d --output json

ibmcloud dl route-report-create

Create a route report.

ibmcloud dl route-report-create|rrc GATEWAY_ID [--output format] [--help|-h]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.
Get help on this command.


  • ibmcloud dl route-report-create a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3
  • ibmcloud dl rrc a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 --output json

ibmcloud dl route-report-delete

Delete a route report.

ibmcloud dl route-report-delete|rrd GATEWAY_ID REPORT_ID [--output format] [--help|-h]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
Specify the ID of the route report ID.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.
Get help on this command.


  • ibmcloud dl route-report-delete a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 dea35ba0-7323-4d8d-9c8d-d7ecda55e23d
  • ibmcloud dl rrd a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 dea35ba0-7323-4d8d-9c8d-d7ecda55e23d --output json

ibmcloud dl route-reports

List all route reports.

ibmcloud dl route-reports|rrs GATEWAY_ID [--output format] [--help|-h]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.
Get help on this command.


  • ibmcloud dl route-reports a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3
  • ibmcloud dl rrs a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 --output json

ibmcloud dl virtual-connection

View details of a virtual connection.

ibmcloud dl virtual-connection|vc GATEWAY_ID VIRTUAL_CONNECTION_ID [--output format] [--help|-h]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
Specify the ID of the virtual connection.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.
Get help on this command.


  • ibmcloud dl virtual-connection a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 dea35ba0-7323-4d8d-9c8d-d7ecda55e23d
  • ibmcloud dl vc a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 dea35ba0-7323-4d8d-9c8d-d7ecda55e23d --output json

ibmcloud dl virtual-connection-create

Creating a virtual connection.

ibmcloud dl virtual-connection-create|vcc --type TYPE --network-id NETWORK_ID --name VIRTUAL_CONNECTION_NAME [--help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

--type TYPE
Specify the type of virtual connection. Values are classic or vpc.
--network-id NETWORK_ID
Specify the ID of the network. Not required when you use classic type.
--name NAME
Specify the name of the virtual connection.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.
Get help on this command.


  • ibmcloud dl virtual-connection-create fb0df64a-ef8d-4b3c-b473-dc0230593529 --type vpc --network-id crn:v1:staging:public:is:us-south:a/28e4d90ac7504be694471ee66e70d0d5::vpc:r134-b8b62f60-f152-471f-971a-376da52721e0 --name newVC
  • ibmcloud dl vcc fb0df64a-ef8d-4b3c-b473-dc0230593529 --type vpc --network-id crn:v1:staging:public:is:us-south:a/28e4d90ac7504be694471ee66e70d0d5::vpc:r134-b8b62f60-f152-471f-971a-376da52721e0 --name newVC --output json

ibmcloud dl virtual-connection-delete

Delete a virtual connection.

ibmcloud dl virtual-connection-delete|vcd GATEWAY_ID VIRTUAL_CONNECTION_ID [--help|-h] [--force|-f]

Command options

Specify the ID of the gateway.
Specify the ID of the virtual connection.
Get help on this command.
Force the delete operation without confirmation.


  • ibmcloud dl virtual-connection-delete fb0df64a-ef8d-4b3c-b473-dc0230593529 0b1e165c-a89c-4682-9771-dbe062e3acf7
  • ibmcloud dl vcd fb0df64a-ef8d-4b3c-b473-dc0230593529 26284b6e-78a9-416c-ba5e-2b6ec085f18b -f

ibmcloud dl virtual-connection-update

Update a virtual connection.

ibmcloud dl virtual-connection-update|vcu [--name NAME] [--status STATUS] [--help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

--name NAME
Specify the name of the virtual connection.
--status STATUS
Specify the virtual connection status. Values are attached or rejected.
Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl virtual-connection-update fb0df64a-ef8d-4b3c-b473-dc0230593529 3d577350-9450-4fd0-94b6-2f6da21b828e --name newVCUpdated
  • ibmcloud dl vcu adaa0879-3509-4e71-b02b-0c7587ccbcfa 9b11fa61-6e74-4a8f-b978-bca1bead097f --name newVCUpdated --output json

ibmcloud dl virtual-connections

List virtual connections.

ibmcloud dl virtual-connections|vcs [--help|-h] [--output format]

Command options

Get help on this command.
--output VALUE
Specify whether you want the output to display in JSON format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


  • ibmcloud dl virtual-connections a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3
  • ibmcloud dl vcs a771366f-2c8c-49f6-a23b-9d49fad035a3 --output json