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Getting help

Frequently asked questions about Discovery.

Where can I get technical support for Discovery?

If you cannot find a solution to the issue you are having, search this documentation. You can also try the resources available from the Developer community section of the table of contents.

If your service plan covers it, you can get help by creating a case from IBM Cloud Support.

How do you interpret the confidence score that appears in query results?

Discovery returns a confidence score for both natural language queries and those written in the Discovery Query Language. For more information, see Confidence scores.

How do you integrate Watson Discovery with Watson Assistant?

If you create a chatbot in IBM Watson™ Assistant, you can route complex customer inquiries to Discovery using a search skill. When a customer asks a question that the dialog is not designed to answer, your assistant can search for relevant information from Discovery, extract the information, and return it as the response. See Creating a search skill for details. (This feature is available only to Watson Assistant Plus or Premium plan users.)

What does the "Only one free environment is allowed per resource group" error message mean?

If you have recently deleted a Lite instance and then receive a 400 - Only one free environment is allowed per resource group error message when creating a new environment in a new Lite instance, you need to finish deleting the original Lite instance. See ibmcloud resource reclamations and follow the reclamation-delete instructions.

Is there size limitation on the length of Natural Language Queries (NLQ)?

The maximum query string length for a natural language query is 2048. For more information, see Natural language query.

How do you improve query results?

The relevance of natural language query results can be improved in IBM Watson Discovery with training. You can train your private collections using either the Discovery tooling, or the Discovery APIs. For information, see Improving result relevance with the tooling.

How do you know that relevancy training is complete?

For answers to common questions about training a collection and explanations of common error and warning messages, see Relevancy training tips.

Where can I learn more about uploading documents to Watson Discovery?

You can upload documents using the API or the Discovery tooling. You can also connect to several different data sources (including Box, Salesforce, SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2016, and IBM Cloud Object Storage), or do a web crawl. For details, see Adding content.

What document types are supported for ingestion?

Refer to Supported document types and browsers for a list of the available document types by plan.

How do you use the Smart Document Understanding editor?

The SDU editor functions are available in the Discovery tooling. Read Using the Smart Document Understanding editor to get started.

How much does Discovery cost?

Discovery has several options available. See Discovery pricing plans.

How do I upgrade my existing Discovery plan?

For information on resizing your plan from Lite to Advanced, or switching from one Advanced tier to another, see Upgrading your plan.

How do I create a stopwords list?

Discovery applies a default list of stopwords for several languages at query time. However, you can define and upload a custom list of stopwords that override the default list. Discovery applies the appropriate default or custom stopword list to your private collections, based on the language specified for that collection. For more information, see Defining Stopwords.

What is a query expansion list?

Query expansion terms are usually synonyms, antonyms, or typical misspellings for common terms. You can expand the scope of a query beyond exact matches - for example, you can expand a query for "ibm" to include "international business machines" and "big blue" - by uploading a list of query expansion terms. For more information, see Query expansion.

What is the length of Watson Discovery News query results?

IBM Watson™ Discovery News queries display approximately 50 words from each article in the text JSON field. For more information, see Watson Discovery News.

How do you query Watson Discovery News using the API?

For information about querying a collection via the API, see API Reference. The collection_id of the English language version of Watson Discovery News is news-en. The collection_id of the Korean collection is news-ko, the Spanish collection_id is news-es, the German collection_id is news-de, the French collection_id is news-fr, and the Japanese collection_id is news-ja. For more information, see Querying Watson Discovery News.

Can I upload JSON arrays?

You can upload a JSON array, but each section must be uploaded individually. For example, the following JSON cannot be uploaded to the service:

  "accepted": 1,
  "answer": "You shouldn't have any issues keeping it on all the time however some thing to consider is any counters you may have like the use of millis code . From the Arduino docs on millis a This number will overflow go back to zero after approximately 50 days. blockquote So for projects that are on for long periods of time you may not see an issue immediately but something like this could pop up and cause errors down the road. ",
  "answerScore": "49",
  "authorUserId": "3",
  "authorUsername": "Butzke",
  "downModVotes": 0,
  "id": 2,
  "subtitle": "I'm making a simple Arduino web server and I want to keep it turned on all the time. So it must endure to stay working continuously. I'm using an Arduino Uno with a Ethernet Shield. It's powered with a simple outlet power supply 5V 1A. My Questions Will I have any problems leaving the Arduino turned on all the time? li Is there some other Arduino board better recommended for this? li Are there any precautions that I need to heed regarding this? li ul ",
  "tags": "<arduino-uno><web-server><ethernet>",
  "title": "Is an Arduino capable of running 24 7?",
  "upModVotes": 49,
  "userId": "11",
  "userReputation": 4535,
  "username": "sachleen",
  "views": 3234
}, {
  "accepted": 0,
  "answer": "A couple of things to keep in mind outside of Sachleen's mention of Milli's Like any electronics heat can be disruptive. The micro controller itself isn't likely going to be a huge issue from the perspective of heat but other components like the power supply might cause issues. li If your code uses EEPROMWrite a be aware that the EEPROM is only rated for something in the neighbourhood of 100 000 writes. li ul ",
  "answerScore": "24",
  "authorUserId": "3",
  "authorUsername": "Butzke",
  "downModVotes": 0,
  "id": 3,
  "subtitle": "I'm making a simple Arduino web server and I want to keep it turned on all the time. So it must endure to stay working continuously. I'm using an Arduino Uno with a Ethernet Shield. It's powered with a simple outlet power supply 5V 1A. My Questions Will I have any problems leaving the Arduino turned on all the time? li Is there some other Arduino board better recommended for this? li Are there any precautions that I need to heed regarding this? li ul ",
  "tags": "<arduino-uno><web-server><ethernet>",
  "title": "Is an Arduino capable of running 24 7?",
  "upModVotes": 24,
  "userId": "13",
  "userReputation": 489,
  "username": "Matthew G.",
  "views": 3234

To upload this information to the service, break down the array and upload each section, as follows:

Section 1:

  "accepted": 1,
  "answer": "You shouldn't have any issues keeping it on all the time however some thing to consider is any counters you may have like the use of millis code . From the Arduino docs on millis a This number will overflow go back to zero after approximately 50 days. blockquote So for projects that are on for long periods of time you may not see an issue immediately but something like this could pop up and cause errors down the road. ",
  "answerScore": "49",
  "authorUserId": "3",
  "authorUsername": "Butzke",
  "downModVotes": 0,
  "id": 2,
  "subtitle": "I'm making a simple Arduino web server and I want to keep it turned on all the time. So it must endure to stay working continuously. I'm using an Arduino Uno with a Ethernet Shield. It's powered with a simple outlet power supply 5V 1A. My Questions Will I have any problems leaving the Arduino turned on all the time? li Is there some other Arduino board better recommended for this? li Are there any precautions that I need to heed regarding this? li ul ",
  "tags": "<arduino-uno><web-server><ethernet>",
  "title": "Is an Arduino capable of running 24 7?",
  "upModVotes": 49,
  "userId": "11",
  "userReputation": 4535,
  "username": "sachleen",
  "views": 3234

Section 2:

  "accepted": 0,
  "answer": "A couple of things to keep in mind outside of Sachleen's mention of Milli's Like any electronics heat can be disruptive. The micro controller itself isn't likely going to be a huge issue from the perspective of heat but other components like the power supply might cause issues. li If your code uses EEPROMWrite a be aware that the EEPROM is only rated for something in the neighbourhood of 100 000 writes. li ul ",
  "answerScore": "24",
  "authorUserId": "3",
  "authorUsername": "Butzke",
  "downModVotes": 0,
  "id": 3,
  "subtitle": "I'm making a simple Arduino web server and I want to keep it turned on all the time. So it must endure to stay working continuously. I'm using an Arduino Uno with a Ethernet Shield. It's powered with a simple outlet power supply 5V 1A. My Questions Will I have any problems leaving the Arduino turned on all the time? li Is there some other Arduino board better recommended for this? li Are there any precautions that I need to heed regarding this? li ul ",
  "tags": "<arduino-uno><web-server><ethernet>",
  "title": "Is an Arduino capable of running 24 7?",
  "upModVotes": 24,
  "userId": "13",
  "userReputation": 489,
  "username": "Matthew G.",
  "views": 3234

How can you protect your data when using Watson Discovery?

To learn about securing your data when using Watson Discovery, refer to Protecting sensitive information in your Watson service. For general information about the security architecture, review Securing AI apps: Watson on IBM Cloud security.

What Watson solutions are available to respond to Covid-19 questions?

IBM Watson Assistant for Citizens on the IBM public cloud brings together Watson Assistant, Natural Language Processing capabilities from IBM Research, and state-of-art enterprise AI search capabilities with Watson Discovery, to understand and respond to common questions about COVID-19. For information on what’s available with Watson Discovery, review Using the COVID-19 kit.

Can I migrate documents from one Discovery instance to another?

You cannot migrate original documents from one instance to another. Instead, ingest the documents to the newly created instance.

How do I delete documents from my Discovery collection?

Use the Delete method in the Discovery API to delete documents. There is no delete option within the user interface.