IBM Cloud Docs
Using the document status webhook API

Using the document status webhook API

You can use the document status webhook feature to send a webhook event to your external application when the status of ingested documents becomes available or failed. The webhook event helps you to take the next action on indexed documents, without having to get the document status first through the Get document details API.

IBM Cloud Pak for Data IBM Software Hub When you run Discovery in an air-gapped environment, you must connect to the external application through an HTTP proxy. For more information, see Setting up HTTP proxy in air-gapped environments.

For using the document status webhook feature, do the following things:

  1. Set up the external application that can receive webhook notifications from Discovery.

    To do so, you must register your external application as a webhook endpoint on a collection by using the create collection or update collection API methods. For more information, see Create collection or update collection in the API reference.

    The external application receives a webhook ping event, which notifies that the webhook is sucessfully created. The external application must be accessible from IBM Cloud.

  2. Ingest the documents to the collection. When the status of the ingested documents becomes available or failed, the external application receives the document.status webhook event.

    You can verify the status of the ingested documents in the data object of the document.status webhook event. The document_ids and status parameters show the IDs of the ingested documents and their status. For more information, see Data model of the ping event and Data model of the document.status event.

The following image shows the webhook configuration flow.

Shows the document status webhook feature configuration flow
Document status webhook feature configuration flow

The following image shows the document status webhook feature process flow.

Shows the document status webhook feature process flow
Document status webhook feature process flow

For more information about the query API, see Query a project API method in the API reference.

You can also refer to the webhook-doc-status-sample application for the document status webhook API feature. To view the sample application, you must have access to the Discovery doc-tutorial-downloads repository.

Authentiating the request for webhook security

To authenticate the webhook request, verify the JSON Web Token (JWT) that is sent with the request. The webhook microservice automatically generates a JWT and sends it in the Authorization header with each webhook call. It is your responsibility to add code to the external service that verifies the JWT.

The system can generate a JWT based on the sample secret that you specify, and in the Authorization header, you can pass this system-generated JWT to the external application. If you specify a value in the header, then the webhook microservice sends that value to the external application instead of the JWT.

For example, if you specify sample secret in the Secret field of the Webhooks object in the Create collection or update collection APIs, you might add sample code such as the following in Node.js:

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const token = request.headers.authentication; // grab the "Authentication" header
try {
  const decoded = jwt.verify(token, 'sample secret');
} catch(err) {
  // error thrown if token is invalid

Data model of the ping event

Following are the ping event parameters:

Ping event
Parameter Description
event The event name is ping.
instance_id The Discovery instance ID.
version The Discovery API version in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

An object with the event information: url, events, and metadata.

  • url: The configured webhook endpoint (URL).

  • events: An array of event string values. The events in this array are sent to the webhook URL.

  • metadata: An object with information that is specific to the created webhook.

created_at The date and time the event was created.

For example, following is a ping event that is sent to a webhook:


Authorization: Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l
X-Global-Transaction-ID: 5144bb45-dc81-402c-a045-249fd1318515
Content-Type: application/json
  "event": "ping",
  "version": "2023-03-31",
  "instance_id": "1a5d4916-6097-4150-977a-ca897226565c",
  "data": {
    "url": "",
    "events": [
    "metadata": {
      "project_id": "02a803f9-c814-4fcb-a764-e01e3d4dd002",
      "collection_id": "f41ae858-0ca9-d0ed-0000-01890118cc5b"
  "created_at": "2023-08-16T08:34:46.000Z"

Data model of the document.status event

Following are the document.status event parameters:

Document.status event
Parameter Description
event The event name is document.status.
instance_id The Discovery instance ID.
version The Discovery API version in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
data An object with the event specific information: project_id, collection_id, and document_ids.
status The status of the documents.
created_at The date and time the event was created.

For example, following is a document.status event that is sent to a webhook:


Authorization: Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l
X-Global-Transaction-ID: 5144bb45-dc81-402c-a045-249fd1318515
Content-Type: application/json
  "event": "document.status",
  "version": "2023-03-31",
  "instance_id": "1a5d4916-6097-4150-977a-ca897226565c",
  "data": {
    "project_id": "02a803f9-c814-4fcb-a764-e01e3d4dd002",
    "collection_id": "f41ae858-0ca9-d0ed-0000-01890118cc5b",
    "document_ids": [
    "status": "available"
  "created_at": "2023-08-16T08:34:46.000Z"