IBM Cloud Docs
Setting up a CI toolchain using Terraform

Setting up a CI toolchain using Terraform

With this tutorial, you can use the toolchain template for continuous integration (CI) with the Security and Compliance Center related practices in DevSecOps for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Terraform. It is preconfigured for continuous deployment (CD) with inventory integration, change management with Git Repos and Issue Tracking, evidence collection, and deployment of the infrastructure to IBM Cloud.

Before you begin

Complete the following steps before you begin this tutorial.

  1. Complete Setting up the prerequisites. For more information, see the importance of CI for IaC.
  2. View the Getting started with DevSecOps in the IBM Cloud - Part 1 video.

Start the CI toolchain setup

The Continuous Delivery service provides templates that guide you through the toolchain setup and create processes in a logical order. A progress indicator shows the steps to complete the configuration. Follow the steps to access the template for the CI toolchain.

  1. In the IBM Cloud console, click the Menu icon Menu icon > Platform Automation > Toolchains.
  2. On the Toolchains page, click Create toolchain.
  3. Check Infrastructure as Code.
  4. Click CI - Develop secure infrastructure as code with DevSecOps practices tile.

Set up the CI toolchain settings

The Welcome page summarizes the purpose of the toolchain along with pointers to the documentation and related materials.

  1. Click Start.

  2. Enter a Toolchain name within your toolchain for the same region and resource group in the IBM Cloud.

  3. Select a region from the dropdown list.

  4. Select a resource group from the dropdown list.

  5. Click Continue.

    You can advance to the next step only when the configuration for the current step is complete and valid. You can always click Back to view previous steps in the guided installer. The toolchain installer retains all the configuration settings from the successive steps.

    Some steps include a Switch to advanced configuration toggle button. These steps by default present you with the minimum configuration. However, advanced users that need finer grained control can click the Switch to advanced configuration toggle to reveal the options for the underlying integration.

Set up CI tool integrations

Review the default settings and provide the user-defined configurations wherever necessary to set up CI tool integration. Configure multiple repositories during the setup. You can clone the sample repositories or you can use your own, but the toolchain supports Git Repos and Issue Tracking repositories only.

Infrastructure code

The infrastructure code repository is the project or module that the CI toolchain and pipeline builds, tests, and delivers the target artifact. The infrastructure code repository is hosted on GitHub Enterprise. For consistency, this tutorial refers to Git Repos and Issue Tracking.

Review the default information for the infrastructure code:

  1. Accept Use default sample. If you want to link an existing IaC repository for the toolchain, select Bring your own infrastructure code, and provide as input to the Repository URL field. The toolchain currently supports linking only to existing Git Repos and Issue Tracking repositories. For more information, see Bringing your own infrastructure code to DevSecOps.
  2. Enter a name for New repository name.
  3. Click Continue.


The inventory repository records the details of the artifacts that are created by the CI toolchains.

  1. You can accept the default configuration provided in the template.
  2. Click Continue.


The issues repository records issues that are found while the CI pipeline is running.

  1. You can accept the default configuration provided in the template.
  2. Click Continue


Specify the secret vault integrations to be added to your toolchain by using the toggles, as explained in Managing IBM Cloud secrets.

  1. This tutorial uses IBM Cloud® Secrets Manager as the vault for secrets. The Region, Resource group, and Service name fields are automatically populated based on available choices. Click the drop-down indicators to see the other choices.
  2. Type your Secrets Manager instance name.
  3. Select the Authorization type from the drop down list.
  4. Click Continue.

Evidence Storage

The evidence repository stores all the evidence and artifacts generated by the DevSecOps CI pipeline.

  1. Toggle the IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket slider to store all the evidence in the IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket that can be configured on the next page.
  2. Accept the default settings.
  3. Click Continue.

Cloud Object Storage bucket

You must have the IBM Cloud Object Storage instance and a bucket to act as a compliance evidence locker.

  1. The Cloud Object Storage instance, Bucket name, and Cloud Object Storage endpoint fields are automatically populated.
  2. Enter your Service ID API key.
    • Preferred: An existing key can be imported from a secrets vault by clicking the key icon.
    • An existing key can be copied and pasted.
  3. Click Continue.

The endpoint field is not mandatory. You can select or provide the endpoint during the setup of the toolchain or during the pipeline run.


Configure the target Schematics workspace where the Terraform states are maintained. If the workspace name is not provided, then toolchain creates a default Schematics workspace with the ToolchainName-ToolchainId-PipelineID.

  1. Type your IBM Cloud API Key. If the API key has sufficient access. The Schematics workspace, Git repositories, and Resource group details are automatically populated. You can change any of these fields to match your configuration.

    • Preferred: An existing key can be imported from a secrets vault by clicking the key icon.
    • An existing key can be copied and pasted.
    • A new key can be created from here by clicking the New +.

    The newly generated API key can be immediately saved to a secrets vault.

  2. Enter the Schematic Workspace Name.

  3. Click Continue.


The artifacts that are created by the toolchain and recorded in the inventory must be signed before deployed to production.

  1. Enter the GnuPG Private Key. Alternatively you can create a new GPG key by clicking NEW. For more information, see Generating a GPG key.
  2. Click Continue.

Optional tools


Configure the Slack to receive notifications about your pull requests, or CI pipeline events. You can also add the Slack tool after the toolchain creation.

  1. Enter your Slack webhook. For more information, see Slack webhook.
  2. Enter your Slack channel to post message.
  3. Enter the Slack team name. For example, if your team URL is, the team name is team.
  4. Choosing Automated Slack Notifications for the events which you want to receive notifications.
  5. Click Continue.

Optionally, you can toggle sending notifications with the slack-notifications environment property in your CD pipeline by using 0 = off, and 1 = on.

Create the CI toolchain

  1. On the Summary page, click Create toolchain.

  2. Wait for the toolchain creation.

    Other toolchain integrations can be configured after the pipeline is created.

Explore the CI toolchain

The CI toolchain contains pr-pipeline and ci-pipeline. These pipelines trigger when a new merge request is submitted or merged to the main branch in the infrastructure code repository.

Follow the steps to access your toolchain:

  1. In the IBM Cloud console, click the Menu icon Menu icon > Platform Automation > Toolchains.

  2. On the Toolchains page, click Create toolchain.

  3. Click your toolchain to view the output as shown in the screen capture.

    The sample that is used in this tutorial expects a resource_group to create the Key Protect instance. The default resource_group name is Default. If the default is not appropriate for your account, replace the default resource_group variable in the file. Else specify the resource_group variable by setting the TF_VAR_resource_group environment property in the PR pipeline and CI pipeline to the appropriate resource group name.

    DevSecOps IaC CI toolchain
    DevSecOps CI toolchain

Run the pr pipeline

To start the pr-pipeline, create a merge request in your application repository:

  1. From the CI toolchain page, click the application repository tile. By default it gets created with a name compliance-app-<timestamp>.

  2. Create a branch from main branch.

  3. Update some code in the application or add a readme file and save changes.

  4. Submit Merge request.

  5. On the CI toolchain page, click the pr-pipeline tile. Verify that the PR pipeline is triggered by the creation of the merge request.

  6. Wait for the pr-pipeline run to complete. The corresponding merge request that is in your application repository is in Pending state until all the stages of the PR pipeline finish successfully.

  7. After the PR pipeline run is successful, click the pipeline to explore numerous steps that are completed and to view the page as shown in the screen capture.

    DevSecOps IaC PR pipeline successful
    DevSecOps PR pipeline successful

  8. Navigate back to the Merge request.

  9. Merge the request so that your changes are copied to the main branch of your application repository. See that your CI pipeline is automatically triggered.

Run the CI pipeline

Start the CI pipeline in one of the following ways:

  • Automatically: after a successful PR pipeline, by approving and merging the PR to the main branch.
  • Manually: to trigger the CI pipeline manually, select the Delivery Pipeline card and click Run Pipeline and select Manual Trigger.

In this tutorial, the CI pipeline was triggered after you merged your code changes to the master branch of your application repository.

  1. On the CI toolchain page, click the ci-pipeline tile.

  2. Click Run against your pipeline name. Observe a pipeline run is running. Wait for the pipeline run to complete.

  3. After the CI pipeline run is successful, click the pipeline to explore the completed steps to view the page as shown in the screen capture.

    DevSecOps IaC CI Pipeline Successful
    DevSecOps CI pipeline

Evidence from all compliance checks in the CI pipeline is uploaded to the evidence locker repository, but also to the IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket.

To evaluate if you have any failures in your pipeline run, check the final step of your pipeline.

Customizing the pipeline

For more information about pipeline customization, see How do a user customize the pipeline?

Next steps

You successfully created a DevSecOps CI toolchain for Terraform, edited the code in the infrastructure code repository, ran ci-pipeline to build, test, and deploy your changes to the development environment.

Now, explore to Setting up a CD toolchain for Terraform.