IBM Cloud Docs
Configuring collection of SLSA attestations for images

Configuring collection of SLSA attestations for images

The tool tekton-chains collects evidence of the built images with SLSA attestations.

The tekton-chains tool monitors build-artifact stage of CI pipeline and attests the built images. The evidence collection tool runs for each image in the saved artifacts list_artifacts method and collects the attestation. Then, the tool creates the necessary evidences. For more information, see list_artifacts.

The tekton chains tool is deployed to IBM managed workers by default. For information about Private workers, see What is Tekton Chains?.

SLSA attestation parameters

You can set the following SLSA attestation parameters with the tekton-chains tool.

Table 1. SLSA attestation parameters
Parameter name Type Description Required or Optional
slsa-attestation ENUM Set this parameter to an enum value of 0 or 1. Set the value to 1 to enable the collection of SLSA attestation reports. The default value is 0 Required
icr-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that stores credential information for IBM Container Registry. Set this parameter if the images must be stored in IBM Container Registry. Optional
artifactory-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that stores credential information for Artifactory. Set this parameter if images are stored in Artifactory or other container registries. Optional
slsa-attestation-public-key SECRET The base64-encoded public key to verify SLSA attestation reports. Optional

These secrets can be created manually by running:

kubectl create secret docker-registry mysecret \
--dry-run \
--docker-server=<container registry url>  \
--docker-username=<username> \
--docker-password=<artifactory token> \
--docker-email=<email> \
-o yaml

For IBM Container Registry, use iamapikey as the username and the IBM Cloud API key as the password.

This process outputs a response that is similar to the following code snippet:

apiVersion: v1
  .dockerconfigjson: <your secret>
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: regcred

In the pipeline properties, update the artifactory-dockerconfigjson or icr-dockerconfigjson parameter with the .dockerconfigjson value.

Evidence and attachments

Based on the values that you set based on the details in table 2, evidences get generated. The DevSecOps pipeline uploads evidence to the locker and includes the evidence in the evidence summary for change requests.

Table 2. Evidence fields and values
Field Value
tool type tekton-chains
evidence type
asset type image
attachments Attestation report generated by the tekton chains as JSON

Debugging and logging

Set the following parameter for debugging and logging.

Table 3. Debug parameters
Parameter name Default value Description
pipeline-debug 0 Debug flag 0 off; 1 on

Accessing your scan results

You can access your scan results by using the following methods: