IBM Cloud Docs
Managing users and roles

Managing users and roles

IBM Cloud® Databases for Redis instances come with authentication enabled and use Redis's built-in access control. Redis 5.x and older support only a single admin user. Redis 6 introduced Access Control List (ACL) support. Upgrade to take advantage of multiple users and authentication.

Managing Redis users

The admin user

When you provision a new instance in IBM Cloud, you are automatically given access to the Admin user. If you are using Redis 5.x and older, the Admin user is the only user available on your instance. If you are using Redis 6.x and newer, you have the Admin user and the ability to create users and credentials.

To use the Admin user to connect to your instance, first set the Admin password.

Setting the admin password in the UI

Set your Admin password through the UI by selecting your instance from the Resource List in the IBM Cloud Dashboard. Then, select Settings. Next, select Change Database Admin Password.

Setting the admin password in the CLI

Use the cdb user-password command from the Cloud Databases CLI plug-in to set the admin password.

For example, to set the admin password for your instance, use the following command:

ibmcloud cdb user-password <INSTANCE_NAME_OR_CRN> admin <NEWPASSWORD>

Setting the admin password in the API

The Foundation Endpoint that is shown in the Overview Deployment Details section of your service provides the base URL to access this instance through the API. Use it with the Set specified user's password endpoint to set the admin password.

curl -X PATCH `https://api.{region}{id}/users/admin` \
-H `Authorization: Bearer <>` \
-H `Content-Type: application/json` \
-d `{"password":"newrootpasswordsupersecure21"}` \

The default user

Before the arrival of ACL support in Redis 6, the default user had broad permissions and was used internally by Cloud Databases and external users to manage Databases for Redis instances.

With Redis 6.x, Databases for Redis no longer uses the default user internally. Instead, Databases for Redis instances are managed by the Cloud Databases ibm-user.

If your instances currently use the default user (Redis 5.x), it's possible to continue doing so in the later versions, like 6.2. However, continued usage of the default user after upgrading to v6.2 requires a password change, which is expected to limit permissions. These permission limitations are an expected behavioral change as part of a major version upgrade. Specifically, the following permissions are restricted for the default user, starting with Redis v6.2:

  • config: The default user cannot view, add, update, or delete database configurations. The default user also cannot create or manage database users and roles.
  • acl: The default user cannot create new users.

Upgrading to Redis 6.2 and the default user

If you are using Redis 5, upgrade directly to Redis 6.2. After upgrading, thoroughly test your applications by using the default user to make sure that your applications are fully functional. Upgrading to v6.2 and continuing to use the default user requires a password change.

To update the default user password, use a command like:

ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-password <INSTANCE_NAME_OR_CRN> default <NEW PASSWORD>

For more information, see Upgrading to a new major version.

Managing Redis roles

Role-based access control (RBAC)

Role-based access control (RBAC) allows you to configure the level of access each user has.

Databases for Redis currently supports the following roles:

  • The admin role provides full control and access to all admin commands and operations.
  • The all role provides admin, read and write access, giving users full control over all commands and operations.
  • The read role allows read-only access to commands. Users with this role can run read operations but cannot perform write operations.
  • The write role allows write-only access to commands. Users with this role can run write operations but cannot perform read operations.

The admin commands config get, config reset, acl whoami, acl cat, acl users, acl genpass, acl log, and acl help are available for use in admin and all but all other acl and config commands are not.

These roles can also be combined to configure a user's level of access.

RBAC role combinations

+ includes commands

- excludes commands

+@ includes command categories

-@ excludes command categories

  • admin + read: Full admin control with the ability to run read operations.
  • admin + write: Full admin control with the ability to run write operations.
  • admin + all: Simplifies to all, which includes admin, read, and write.
  • read + write: Users with both read and write roles can perform both read and write operations, but they won't have administrative privileges.
  • read + all: Simplifies to all, which includes admin, read, and write.
  • write + all: Simplifies to all, which includes admin, read, and write.
  • admin + read + write: Full admin control with the ability to run both read and write operations.
  • admin + read + all: Simplifies to all, which includes admin, read, and write.
  • admin + write + all: Simplifies to all, which includes admin, read, and write.
  • read + write + all: Simplifies to all, which includes admin, read, and write.

These combinations provide different levels of access control. Choose the combination that aligns with your specific requirements and security considerations.

Create a user with RBAC roles through the API

To create a user using RBAC roles, use a command like:

Create User

POST /deployments/{id}/users/{user_type}
  "user": {
  "username": "#{USER}",
  "password": "<PASSWORD>",
  "role": "<+/-@all> <+/-@read> <+/-@write> <+/-@admin>"

Create a user with RBAC roles through the CLI

To create a user using RBAC roles, use a command like:

ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-create <INSTANCE_NAME_OR_CRN> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> -r "+@read +@write"

For -r USER_ROLE, use some combination of <+/-@all> <+/-@read> <+/-@write> <+/-@admin> to grant access.

Once the task is finished, retrieve the new user's connection strings with the ibmcloud cdb deployment-connections command.

Create a user with RBAC roles through Terraform

To create a user using RBAC roles, use a configuration like:

resource "ibm_database" "redis" {
  name = "example-redis"
  plan = "standard"
  location = "us-south"
  service = "databases-for-redis"
  resource_group_id =
  tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
  version = "6"

  users {
    name = "<user_name>"
    password = "securepassword123"
    role = "-@all +@read"

For role, use some combination of <+/-@all> <+/-@read> <+/-@write> <+/-@admin> to grant access.

Redis roles

The Admin user and all other users on your instance have full access to the set of Redis commands, except for the subcommand config and acl - this includes the Admin user. config get, config reset, acl whoami, acl cat, acl users, acl genpass, acl log, and acl help are useable.

In Redis 6.x and newer, any user that you create; whether through Service Credentials, the CLI, API, or directly in Redis; have the same access. You cannot use Redis itself to create users or roles with access that is limited to specific keys or ranges of keys, as they are not propagated automatically in a cluster deployment. All other means to manage users ensure propagation across the cluster.

Creating users through the UI

  1. Navigate to the service dashboard for your service.
  2. Select Service Credentials.
  3. Select New Credential.
  4. Choose a descriptive name for your new credential.
  5. (Optional) Specify whether the new credentials use a public or private endpoint. Use either { "service-endpoints": "public" } / { "service-endpoints": "private" } in the Add Inline Configuration Parameters field to generate connection strings using the specified endpoint. Use of the endpoint is not enforced. It just controls which hostnames are in the connection strings. Public endpoints are generated by default.
  6. Click Add to provision the new credentials. A username, password, and an associated user are auto-generated.

The new credentials appear in the table, and the connection strings are available as JSON in a click-to-copy field under View Credentials.

Creating users from the API

The Foundation Endpoint that is shown in the Overview of your service provides the base URL to access this instance through the API. To create and manage users, use the base URL with the users endpoint:

curl -X POST https://api.{region}{id}/users/{user_type} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $APIKEY" \ 
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{"user": {"username": "user", "password": "v3ry-1-secUre-pAssword-2"}}" \

To retrieve a user's connection strings, use the base URL with the /users/{userid}/connections endpoint.

Internal-use users - Redis 6.x and newer

There are four reserved users on your instance. Modifying these users causes your instance to become unstable or unusable.

  • ibm-user - An internal admin user for managing the instance and exposing metrics.
  • replication-user - The user account that is used for replication.
  • sentinel-user - The user account for sentinels to handle monitoring and failovers.
  • admin - The default user provided to access your instance.