IBM Cloud Docs
The high-availability read-only replica

The high-availability read-only replica

A high-availability Databases for PostgreSQL read-only replica provides benefits such as improved read scalability, increased availability, reduced read latency, backup and disaster recovery capabilities, and the ability to distribute read traffic efficiently. It contributes to a more robust and responsive database infrastructure for your application.

Provision a high-availability read-only replica

High-availability Databases for PostgreSQL read-only replicas must initially be provisioned in the single-member (non-HA) configuration. To provision a read-only replica, follow the procedure that is outlined in Provisioning a Read-only Replica.

After your read-replica is provisioned, use the Cloud Databases API to scale up the read replica to two (or more) members.

To scale up your read-replica, use the Scaling groups endpoint of the Cloud Databases API.

Use a command like:

curl -XPATCH -H 'Authorization: Bearer <>' "https://api.{region}{id}/groups/member" -d '{"members": {"allocation_count": 2}}'

Verifying the state of your read-replica

To verify the current state of your read-replica, use the Scaling groups endpoint of the Cloud Databases API.

Use a command like:

curl -XGET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <>' "{id}/groups"