Explore the geospatial search capabilities of Databases for MongoDB
MongoDB's geospatial capabilities allow you to efficiently execute queries where geographical location is the key consideration. Consider, for example, how much of your everyday life is about your location or that of others. Where is the nearest Uber taxi? Where is the nearest Chinese restaurant? Which of my friends is nearest right now? These are all questions that apps like Uber, Google Search, and Whatsapp are constantly answering for their customers.
This tutorial guides you through the steps of importing location-based data about taxis in London into a Databases for MongoDB database, and then querying that data in a variety of ways.
Databases for MongoDB is a paid-for service, so following this tutorial will incur charges.
Before you start
Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
- An IBM Cloud Account.
- Terraform to deploy infrastructure.
Obtain an API key to deploy infrastructure to your account
Follow these steps to create an IBM Cloud API key that enables Terraform to provision infrastructure into your account. You can create up to 20 API keys.
For security reasons, the API key is only available to be copied or downloaded at the time of creation. If the API key is lost, you must create a new API key.
Clone the project
Get a local copy of the code that you need by cloning the public Github repository. Use the following command:
git clone https://github.com/IBM/ibm-mongodb-geospatial-queries
Deploy an instance of Databases for MongoDB to your account
In this step you deploy an instance of Databases for MongoDB and obtain key information to connect to it.
Navigate into the Terraform folder of the cloned project.
cd ibm-mongodb-geospatial-queries/terraform
In that folder, create a document that is named
with the following fields:ibmcloud_api_key = "<your_api_key_from_step_1>" region = "<the IBM region where you will deploy the MongoDB database>" admin_password = "<the password of your mongodb admin user>"
document contains variables that you might want to keep secret. -
Install the infrastructure with the following command:
terraform init terraform apply --auto-approve
Upload taxi data
The previous step produces two elements that you need to gain access to the database:
The deployment certificate (
). You need this certificate to connect securely to the database. Decode the certificate, save it to a file in the root folder of the project, and export the file name as an environment variable. You can do this on your terminal like this:cd .. echo "<the_cert_from_the_output>" | base64 --decode > ca.cert export MONGO_CA_FILE="./ca.cert"
to access the deployment. Replace the$PASSWORD
parameter in that URL with the admin password from yourterraform.tfvars
file. Then, export it as an environment variable from the terminal like this:export MONGO_URL="<the_url_from_the_output>"
You are ready to upload data. The import.js
script uses a Node utility called datamaker to generate a large amount of random data in the format
specified in the taxi.json
file, and uploads that data into MongoDB. The format is a standard GeoJSON format, which is required for MongDB geospatial queries to work.
The script also creates a geo index on the geometry
field of the data, which is the one that contains the coordinates of each vehicle. In this case, you will create a 2dsphere index.
To run the script, use the following command:
npm install --save #install all required node packages, including datamaker and mongodb
node import.js
Query your data
There are two scripts that you can use to query your data:
- With this script you feed it a lat/long pair and it returns the nearest taxi to that location, as in the following example:node find_by_point.js --longitude="-0.13" --latitude=50.3
You get a response like this:
{ _id: new ObjectId('66bc7dd80fbd69a0f41c029b'), type: 'Feature', geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -0.1002, 51.3611 ] }, properties: { driver_name: 'Elisabeth Acuna', taxi_id: 'ECJK0AG87JB00991', vehicle_type: 'van', phone_number: '+352-1224-498-598', timestamp: '2024-08-14T09:50:16.884Z' } }
You can optionally add a
and avehicle_type
parameter to get more results, or filter by certain type of car (for example, sedan, van, sevenseater, minibus). See the following example.node find_by_point.js --longitude="-0.13" --latitude=50.3 --num_taxis=10 --vehicle_type=minibus
The script uses the
operator of the geospatial capabilities of MongoDB. -
- With this script you feed it a bounding box and it returns up to five taxis within that, such as in the following example:node find_by_bounding_box.js --topleftlat=51.5019647 --topleftlong=-0.1494702 --bottomrightlong=-0.1249548 --bottomrightlat=51.4881758
You can also add the
parameters.The script uses the
operator of the geospatial capabilities of MongoDB.
Conclusion and next steps
In this tutorial you used an Databases for MongoDB instance to store data where location is an important factor. This data was stored as GeoJSON object, which allows the data to be indexed in MongoDB geospatial indexes. You can use these indexes to search over data for nearest results to a given point or within geographic boundaries.
You can explore more geospatial search features in the MongoDB documentation.
Tear down your infrastructure
Your Databases for MongoDB incurs charges. After you finish this tutorial, you can remove all the infrastructure by going to the terraform
directory of the project and using the following command:
terraform destroy