IBM Cloud Docs
Deprecation of Databases for EnterpriseDB

Deprecation of Databases for EnterpriseDB

IBM Cloud® is announcing the full deprecation of IBM Cloud® Databases for EnterpriseDB on 15 October 2025. After this date, any deployments of Databases for EnterpriseDB that are still running will be permanently disabled and deprovisioned.

The following describes the details of the deprecation, possible migration targets for your applications, and additional information.

Important dates

Deprecation timeline
Stage Date Description
Deprecation announcement 17 January 2025 Announcement of the Databases for EnterpriseDB deprecation. Existing instances will continue to run.
End of marketing 16 June 2025 No new instances of Databases for EnterpriseDB can be created or purchased. Existing instances will continue to run.
End of support 15 October 2025 Support is no longer available. Running instances of Databases for EnterpriseDB are permanently disabled and deprovisioned.

Deprecation details

Review the following details about the Databases for EnterpriseDB deprecation:

  • A deprecation is a process, and we announced the beginning of that process. It begins with the announcement (this page), continues with end of marketing, and ends with end of support. Nothing happens until those announced dates above.

  • At the end of marketing, users who don't have Databases for EnterpriseDB running workloads will be blocked from deploying new applications. However, all users Databases for EnterpriseDB instances deployed can keep using them and restore from backups if necessary.

  • At the end of support stage, all Databases for EnterpriseDB deployments will be disabled and deleted.

  • All other services you have been using in IBM Cloud are unaffected — the Databases for EnterpriseDB deprecation refers only to the specific Databases for EnterpriseDB deployed instances.

  • Reminders of the approaching end of support date will continue to be sent periodically by email to all users that have Databases for etcd deployments.

Next steps for current users

The following is a suggested checklist to plan your migration:

  • Understand and plan for the timeline and key milestone dates.

  • Evaluate the IBM Cloud database migration options.

  • Pick an IBM Cloud service migration database target that best meets your requirements and goals.

  • IBM recommends ICD PostgreSQL for customer consideration. Also, refer to our blog post for detailed information on the latest PostgreSQL version.

  • Migrate your data to the target IBM Cloud service and compare the operation of your applications.

  • When ready, move application traffic as appropriate.