IBM Cloud Docs
Upgrading to a new Major Version

Upgrading to a new Major Version

When a major version of a database is at its end of life (EOL), upgrade to the current major version. You can upgrade IBM Cloud® Databases for Elasticsearch deployments to use the newest version of Elasticsearch.

Upgrade to the latest version of Elasticsearch available to Databases for Elasticsearch. Find the latest version through the catalog, the Cloud Databases CLI plug-in, or the Cloud Databases API.

Upgrading is handled by restoring a backup of your data into a new deployment. Restoring from a backup has a number of advantages:

  • The original database stays running and production work can be uninterrupted.
  • You can test the new database out of production and act on any application incompatibilities.
  • The entire process can be rerun at any point.
  • A fresh restoration reduces the likelihood that unneeded artifacts of the older version of the database are carried over to the new database.

Before upgrading

Before you upgrade your cluster to version 7.x, take the following actions:

  • Check the deprecation logs that are automatically enabled on Databases for Elasticsearch and sent to IBM® Log Analysis to see whether you are using any deprecated features and update your code.
  • Review the breaking changes and make any necessary changes to your code and configuration for version 7.x.
  • If you use plug-ins, make sure that each plug-in version is compatible with Elasticsearch version 7.x.

Index mappings

Mapping types are removed in Elasticsearch 7.x and above. Indexes that are created in Elasticsearch 7.x or later no longer accept a default mapping. Types are also deprecated in APIs in 7.x. For more information, see Elasticsearch removal of mapping types.

Reindexing guidelines

Databases for Elasticsearch indexes are only compatible with the same version or plusOne version from the release on which they are created. Only an explicit reindex operation updates an index to the current database version.

Connection to Kibana

If you are deploying Kibana to connect to your Databases for Elasticsearch instance, remember that the version of Kibana that you deploy must match the version of your Elasticsearch instance. Provision a new version of Kibana to maintain connectivity with your upgraded instance.

Upgrading in the UI

To upgrade from Elasticsearch 7.9/7.10 to version 7.17, you must change your plan from Standard to Enterprise. Change your plan by clicking Restore on the Provisioning page on the backup that you want to restore, then select 7.17 from the dropdown.

Upgrade to a new version when restoring a backup from the Backups tab of your Deployment Overview. Click Restore on a backup. This brings up a dialog box where you can change some options for the new deployment. One of the options is the Database Version, which is auto-populated with the versions available to you. Select a version and click Restore to start the provision and restore process.

Upgrading through the CLI

To upgrade from Elasticsearch 7.9/7.10 to version 7.17, you must change your plan from Standard to Enterprise. Change your plan by clicking Restore on the Provisioning page on the backup that you want to restore, then select 7.17 from the dropdown menu.

When you upgrade and restore from backup through the IBM Cloud CLI, use the provisioning command from the resource controller.

ibmcloud resource service-instance-create <service-name> <service-id> <service-plan-id> <region>

The parameters service-name, service-id, service-plan-id, and region are all required. You also supply the -p with the version and backup ID parameters in a JSON object. The new deployment is automatically sized with the same disk and memory as the source deployment at the time of the backup.

ibmcloud resource service-instance-create example-es-upgrade databases-for-elasticsearch standard us-south \
-p \ '{
  "backup_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-elasticsearch:us-south:a/54e8ffe85dcedf470db5b5ee6ac4a8d8:1b8f53db-fc2d-4e24-8470-f82b15c71717:backup:06392e97-df90-46d8-98e8-cb67e9e0a8e6",

Upgrading through the API

To upgrade from Elasticsearch 7.9/7.10 to version 7.17, you must change your plan from Standard to Enterprise. Change your plan by clicking Restore on the Provisioning page on the backup that you want to restore, then select 7.17 from the dropdown menu.

Similar to provisioning through the API, you need to complete the necessary steps to use the resource controller API before you can use it to upgrade from a backup. Then, send the API a POST request. The parameters name, target, resource_group, and resource_plan_id are all required. You also supply the version and backup ID. The new deployment has the same memory and disk allocation as the source deployment at the time of the backup.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "name": "my-instance",
    "target": "bluemix-us-south",
    "resource_group": "5g9f447903254bb58972a2f3f5a4c711",
    "resource_plan_id": "databases-for-elasticsearch-standard",
    "backup_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-elasticsearch:us-south:a/54e8ffe85dcedf470db5b5ee6ac4a8d8:1b8f53db-fc2d-4e24-8470-f82b15c71717:backup:06392e97-df90-46d8-98e8-cb67e9e0a8e6",

Migration Notes for New Elasticsearch 7.x Users

As in previous version upgrades, there are many changes. For more information, see Elastic documentation.

Retrieve and update user passwords

Retrieve Elasticsearch user passwords

A restore to Elasticsearch 7.17 invalidates existing user passwords. Existing user passwords must be reset after the restore. Follow this procedure to list all users and change user passwords.

First, run the ibmcloud plug-in update command:

ibmcloud plugin update cloud-databases

Then, log in to your IBM Cloud® account:

ibmcloud login -a -r <region> --sso

Next, run the user-list command with the --help flag. This command outputs various options for your account's user list.

ibmcloud cloud-databases es user-list --help

The user-list command output looks like:

ibmcloud cloud-databases es user-list --help
  user-list, ul - List all users from the database internal credential store.

  ibmcloud cdb elasticsearch user-list (NAME|ID) (ADMIN_PASSWORD) [--json] [-c DIRECTORY] [--api-version]

  --json, -j         --json, -j                     Results as JSON.
  --certroot, -c     --certroot value, -c value     Certificate Root. (default: "< >") [$CERTROOT]
  --api-version, -v  --api-version value, -v value  API Version used for request.

Before running the command to update user passwords, ensure that you have updated the admin password. For more information, see Setting the Admin Password. Then, run the following command:

ibmcloud cloud-databases es user-list <formation_name> <admin_password>

If this command is run without the --json option, the plug-in user-list also prints the reset password commands for all users.

The user-list command output looks like:

ibmcloud cloud-databases es user-list es-akshay-res-717-new 12345678987654321
Getting user list for es-akshay-res-717-new...
8 user accounts are present in the Elasticsearch credential store:
Username                                         Fullname         Email
fred                                             Fred Name
admin                                            admin Name
ibmkibana                                        ibmkibana Name

You can use these commands to set new passwords for them:
ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-password "es-akshay-res-717-new" fred

ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-password "es-akshay-res-717-new" admin

ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-password "es-akshay-res-717-new" ibmkibana

ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-password "es-akshay-res-717-new" ibm_cloud_d68c8129_fea9_4e83_abc8_4a6c514248ac

ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-password "es-akshay-res-717-new" ibm_cloud_2a526d0b_e101_49f3_bd13_7c065870a7b1

ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-password "es-akshay-res-717-new" ibm_cloud_7052ee45_d702_4073_aea2_a5435989568e

ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-password "es-akshay-res-717-new" ibm_cloud_29075661_76d0_405a_9619_480eb7a173d4

ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-password "es-akshay-res-717-new" ibm_cloud_eb148643_099a_4334_a88a_f2e5e1f8ccdd


Update Elasticsearch user passwords

To update user passwords, run the following command for each user. You are then prompted to enter the new password for that user.

ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-password "example-deployment" <your-user-1>

The deployment-user-password command needs to be run for each user.

Check your endpoints

If your deployment of version 7.9 or 7.10 had private endpoints, the private endpoints need to be re-enabled after the upgrade to version 7.17, as these were converted to public endpoints. For more information, see Service endpoint integration on how to set service endpoints.