IBM Cloud Docs
Monitoring integration

Monitoring integration

Monitoring for Cloud Databases is provided through integration with the IBM Cloud® Monitoring service. Your instances forward select information so that you can monitor instance health and resource usage. To start collecting and viewing monitoring data, follow the instructions to enable Platform Metrics. Platform Metrics need to be enabled in the same region as your instance. If you have instances in more than one region, enable platform metrics in each region.

You can then access your monitoring dashboard for each region from the IBM Cloud Monitoring area in the Cloud console (under Observability).

IBM Cloud Monitoring is available for instances in every region. Instances in Multi-zone Regions (MZRs) - eu-gb, eu-de, us-east, us-south, jp-tok, au-syd - have their metrics in the same region. If you have instances that are in a Single-zone Region (SZR) (e.g. che01) then your logs are forwarded to an IBM Cloud Monitoring instance in another region. You need to provision monitoring instances in the region where your metrics are forwarded to. Metrics for instances in che01 go to jp-tok.

Use IBM Cloud Monitoring dashboards to monitor your environments and applications. IBM Cloud Monitoring dashboards are designed around time. Select your dashboard based on specific data gathered over a set time range.

Common metrics

Here is a detailed description about two of the common metrics across all Cloud Databases offerings.

CPU cores used per member

The usage that is presented in this dashboard is the number of CPU cores used per member, which is measured in core seconds. This metric is available for all hosting models; you can monitor this metric for both, databases that are hosted either as a single-tenant on underlying hardware and databases running on multi-tenant hosts. We recommend that you use this metric to track historical CPU allocation over time, which can help you to decide how many CPU cores to allocate for your database to match desired performance.

CPU used per member (data only available with dedicated cores)

The usage that is presented in this dashboard is a percentage of total CPU being used, based on the number of cores in your Cloud Databases instance. For example, if you have 8 cores and your usage is 12.5%, then that percentage reflects that your database member is using 1 core's worth of CPU seconds. However, this does not guarantee that your member's workload is pinned to 1 core – the workload might be distributed unevenly among your 8 cores. In the same example, 25% usage reflects that your database member is using 2 core's worth of CPU seconds out of your available 8 cores.

Metrics available by service plan

In addition to the above metrics, each database service has its own set of metrics that can be monitored.

MongoDB metrics

Metrics available by plan names
Metric name
MongoDB Average time spent acquiring locks in microseconds
MongoDB Average time spent acquiring locks in microseconds
MongoDB Connections
MongoDB Disk read latency mean
MongoDB Disk write latency mean
MongoDB IO utilization in percent 15-minute average
MongoDB IO utilization in percent 30-minute average
MongoDB IO utilization in percent 5-minute average
MongoDB IO utilization in percent 60-minute average
MongoDB IOPS read and write total count for an instance
MongoDB Maximum allowed memory for an instance
MongoDB Oplog gigabyte per hour
MongoDB Oplog used bytes
MongoDB Oplog used bytes percent of total
MongoDB Oplog window hours
MongoDB Page faults
MongoDB Process resident memory in bytes
MongoDB Process virtual memory in bytes
MongoDB Replica set member state
MongoDB Replication lag
MongoDB Total disk space for an instance
MongoDB Used CPU for an instance
MongoDB Used disk space for an instance
MongoDB Used disk space for an instance
MongoDB Used memory for an instance
MongoDB Used memory for an instance

MongoDB metric descriptions

MongoDB Average time spent acquiring locks in microseconds total W-average

Average time spent acquiring exclusive (W) locks in microseconds

Average time spent acquiring exclusive (W) locks in microseconds metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_locks_time_acquiring_microseconds_W_average
Metric Type gauge
Value Type second
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Average time spent acquiring locks in microseconds total_average

Average time spent acquiring locks in microseconds

Average time spent acquiring locks in microseconds metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_locks_time_acquiring_microseconds_total_average
Metric Type gauge
Value Type second
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Connections

The number of connections to the database

Connections metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_connections
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_disk_read_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_disk_write_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB IO utilization in percent 15-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 15 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 15 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_15m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB IO utilization in percent 30-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 30 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 30 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_30m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB IO utilization in percent 5-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 5 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 5 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_5m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB IO utilization in percent 60-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 60 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 60 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_60m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB IOPS read & write total count for an instance

How many input-output operations per second your instance is performing

IOPS read & write total count for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_disk_iops_read_write_total
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Maximum allowed memory for an instance

The maximum amount of memory available to your instance

Maximum allowed memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_memory_limit_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Oplog gigabyte per hour

The gigabytes of oplog per hour the primary generates

Oplog gigabyte per hour metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_oplog_gb_per_hour
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Oplog used bytes

The total amount of space used by the oplog in bytes.

Oplog used bytes metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_oplog_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Oplog used bytes percent of total

The total used oplog space in percent

Oplog used bytes percent of total metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_oplog_used_bytes_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Oplog window hours

The approximate number of hours available in the oplog.

Oplog window hours metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_oplog_window_hours
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Page faults

The number of times per second that MongoDB had to request data from disk. Scale RAM to reduce the number of disk requests

Page faults metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_page_faults
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Process resident memory in bytes

Amount of actual physical memory used by the MongoDB process.

Process resident memory in bytes metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_process_resident_memory_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Process virtual memory in bytes

Amount of virtual memory used by the MongoDB process.

Process virtual memory in bytes metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_process_virtual_memory_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Replica set member state

An integer between 0 and 10 that represents the replica state of the current member.

Replica set member state metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_status
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Replication lag

The replication lag in seconds

Replication lag metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_replica_lag
Metric Type gauge
Value Type second
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Total disk space for an instance

Represents the total amount of disk space available to your deployment

Total disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_disk_total_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Used CPU for an instance

How much CPU is used as a percentage of total CPU available. Only for deployments that have dedicated CPU

Used CPU for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_cpu_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Used disk space for an instance bytes

How much disk space your instance is using

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_disk_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Used disk space for an instance

How much disk space is used as a percentage of total disk available

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_disk_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Used memory for an instance

How much memory your instance is using

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_memory_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MongoDB Used memory for an instance percent

How much memory is used as a percentage of total memory available

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mongodb_memory_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Metrics

Metrics Available by Plan Names
Metric Name
PostgreSQL Cache hit ratio
PostgreSQL Disk read latency mean
PostgreSQL Disk write latency mean
PostgreSQL IO utilization in percent 15-minute average
PostgreSQL IO utilization in percent 30-minute average
PostgreSQL IO utilization in percent 5-minute average
PostgreSQL IO utilization in percent 60-minute average
PostgreSQL IOPS read & write total count for an instance
PostgreSQL Maximum allowed memory for an instance
PostgreSQL Read replica replication lag
PostgreSQL Successful archive rate
PostgreSQL Temporary files size in bytes
PostgreSQL The total number of PostgreSQL connections being used
PostgreSQL Total disk space for an instance
PostgreSQL Transaction commit count
PostgreSQL Transaction commit rate
PostgreSQL Transaction rollback count
PostgreSQL Transaction rollback rate
PostgreSQL Tuples deleted count
PostgreSQL Tuples deleted rate
PostgreSQL Tuples fetched count
PostgreSQL Tuples fetched rate
PostgreSQL Tuples inserted count
PostgreSQL Tuples inserted rate
PostgreSQL Tuples returned rate
PostgreSQL Tuples updated count
PostgreSQL Tuples updated rate
PostgreSQL Used CPU for an instance
PostgreSQL Used disk space for an instance
PostgreSQL Used disk space for an instance
PostgreSQL Used memory for an instance
PostgreSQL Used memory for an instance
PostgreSQL WAL logs used bytes
PostgreSQL Blocks hit rate
PostgreSQL Blocks read rate
PostgreSQL Buffers backend rate
PostgreSQL Buffers checkpoint rate
PostgreSQL Deadlocks count
PostgreSQL Deadlocks rate

PostgreSQL Metric Descriptions

PostgreSQL Blocks hit rate

Blocks hit rate

Blocks hit rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_blocks_hit_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Blocks read rate

Blocks read rate

Blocks read rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_blocks_read_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Buffers backend rate

Buffers backend rate

Buffers backend rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_buffers_backend_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Buffers checkpoint rate

Buffers checkpoint rate

Buffers checkpoint rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_buffers_checkpoint_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Cache hit ratio

Cache hit ratio

Cache hit ratio metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_cache_hit_ratio
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Deadlocks count

Deadlocks count

Deadlocks count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_deadlocks_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Deadlocks rate

Deadlocks rate

Deadlocks rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_deadlocks_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_disk_read_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_disk_write_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL IO utilization in percent 15-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 15 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 15 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_15m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL IO utilization in percent 30-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 30 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 30 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_30m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL IO utilization in percent 5-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 5 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 5 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_5m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL IO utilization in percent 60-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 60 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 60 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_60m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL IOPS read & write total count for an instance

How many input-output operations per second your instance is performing

IOPS read & write total count for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_disk_iops_read_write_total
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Maximum allowed memory for an instance

The maximum amount of memory available to your instance

Maximum allowed memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_memory_limit_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Read replica replication lag

How far behind a PostgreSQL read-only replica is, in bytes

Read replica replication lag metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_read_replica_replication_lag_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Successful archive rate

Successful archive rate

Successful archive rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_successful_archive_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Temporary files size in bytes

Temporary files size in bytes

Temporary files size in bytes metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_temp_bytes_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL The total number of PostgreSQL connections being used

The total number of PostgreSQL connections being used

The total number of PostgreSQL connections being used metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_total_connections
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Total disk space for an instance

Represents the total amount of disk space available to your deployment

Total disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_disk_total_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Transaction commit count

Transaction commit count

Transaction commit count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_transaction_commit_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Transaction commit rate

Transaction commit rate

Transaction commit rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_transaction_commit_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Transaction rollback count

Transaction rollback count

Transaction rollback count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_transaction_rollback_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Transaction rollback rate

Transaction rollback rate

Transaction rollback rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_transaction_rollback_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Tuples deleted count

Tuples deleted count

Tuples deleted count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_tuples_deleted_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Tuples deleted rate

Tuples deleted rate

Tuples deleted rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_tuples_deleted_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Tuples fetched count

Tuples fetched count

Tuples fetched count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_tuples_fetched_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Tuples fetched rate

Tuples fetched rate

Tuples fetched rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_tuples_fetched_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Tuples inserted count

Tuples inserted count

Tuples inserted count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_tuples_inserted_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Tuples inserted rate

Tuples inserted rate

Tuples inserted rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_tuples_inserted_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Tuples returned rate

Tuples returned rate

Tuples returned rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_tuples_returned_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Tuples updated count

Tuples updated count

Tuples updated count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_tuples_updated_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Tuples updated rate

Tuples updated rate

Tuples updated rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_tuples_updated_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Used CPU for an instance

How much CPU is used as a percentage of total CPU available. Only for deployments that have dedicated CPU

Used CPU for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_cpu_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Used disk space for an instance bytes

How much disk space your instance is using

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_disk_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Used disk space for an instance

How much disk space is used as a percentage of total disk available

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_disk_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Used memory for an instance bytes

How much memory your instance is using

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_memory_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL Used memory for an instance percent

How much memory is used as a percentage of total memory available

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_memory_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

PostgreSQL WAL logs used bytes

How much WAL log file uses, in bytes

WAL logs used bytes metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_postgresql_wal_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Metrics

Metrics Available by Plan Names
Metric Name
EnterpriseDB Blocks hit rate
EnterpriseDB Blocks read rate
EnterpriseDB Buffers backend rate
EnterpriseDB Buffers checkpoint rate
EnterpriseDB Cache hit ratio
EnterpriseDB Deadlocks count
EnterpriseDB Deadlocks rate
EnterpriseDB Disk read latency mean
EnterpriseDB Disk write latency mean
EnterpriseDB IO utilization in percent 15-minute average
EnterpriseDB IO utilization in percent 30-minute average
EnterpriseDB IO utilization in percent 5-minute average
EnterpriseDB IO utilization in percent 60-minute average
EnterpriseDB IOPS read & write total count for an instance
EnterpriseDB Maximum allowed memory for an instance
EnterpriseDB Read replica replication lag
EnterpriseDB Successful archive rate
EnterpriseDB Temporary files size in bytes
EnterpriseDB The total number of EnterpriseDB connections being used
EnterpriseDB Total disk space for an instance
EnterpriseDB Transaction commit count
EnterpriseDB Transaction commit rate
EnterpriseDB Transaction rollback count
EnterpriseDB Transaction rollback rate
EnterpriseDB Tuples deleted count
EnterpriseDB Tuples deleted rate
EnterpriseDB Tuples fetched count
EnterpriseDB Tuples fetched rate
EnterpriseDB Tuples inserted count
EnterpriseDB Tuples inserted rate
EnterpriseDB Tuples returned rate
EnterpriseDB Tuples updated count
EnterpriseDB Tuples updated rate
EnterpriseDB Used CPU for an instance
EnterpriseDB Used disk space for an instance
EnterpriseDB Used disk space for an instance
EnterpriseDB Used memory for an instance
EnterpriseDB Used memory for an instance
EnterpriseDB WAL logs used bytes

EnterpriseDB Metrics Descriptions

EnterpriseDB Blocks hit rate

Blocks hit rate

Blocks hit rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_blocks_hit_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Blocks read rate

Blocks read rate

Blocks read rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_blocks_read_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Buffers backend rate

Buffers backend rate

Buffers backend rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_buffers_backend_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Buffers checkpoint rate

Buffers checkpoint rate

Buffers checkpoint rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_buffers_checkpoint_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Cache hit ratio

Cache hit ratio

Cache hit ratio metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_cache_hit_ratio
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Deadlocks count

Deadlocks count

Deadlocks count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_deadlocks_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Deadlocks rate

Deadlocks rate

Deadlocks rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_deadlocks_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_disk_read_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_disk_write_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB IO utilization in percent 15-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 15 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

Table 9: IO utilization in percent 15 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_15m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB IO utilization in percent 30-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 30 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

Table 10: IO utilization in percent 30 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_30m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB IO utilization in percent 5-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 5 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 5 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_5m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB IO utilization in percent 60-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 60 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 60 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_60m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB IOPS read & write total count for an instance

How many input-output operations per second your instance is performing

IOPS read & write total count for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_disk_iops_read_write_total
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Maximum allowed memory for an instance

The maximum amount of memory available to your instance

Maximum allowed memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_memory_limit_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Read replica replication lag

How far behind an EnterpriseDB read-only replica is, in bytes

Read replica replication lag metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_read_replica_replication_lag_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Successful archive rate

Successful archive rate

Successful archive rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_successful_archive_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Temporary files size in bytes

Temporary files size in bytes

Temporary files size in bytes metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_temp_bytes_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

The total number of EnterpriseDB connections being used

The total number of EnterpriseDB connections being used

The total number of EnterpriseDB connections being used metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_total_connections
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Total disk space for an instance

Represents the total amount of disk space available to your deployment

Total disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_disk_total_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Transaction commit count

Transaction commit count

Transaction commit count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_transaction_commit_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Transaction commit rate

Transaction commit rate

Transaction commit rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_transaction_commit_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Transaction rollback count

Transaction rollback count

Transaction rollback count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_transaction_rollback_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Transaction rollback rate

Transaction rollback rate

Transaction rollback rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_transaction_rollback_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Tuples deleted count

Tuples deleted count

Tuples deleted count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_tuples_deleted_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Tuples deleted rate

Tuples deleted rate

Tuples deleted rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_tuples_deleted_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB EnterpriseDB Tuples fetched count

Tuples fetched count

Tuples fetched count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_tuples_fetched_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Tuples fetched rate

Tuples fetched rate

Tuples fetched rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_tuples_fetched_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Tuples inserted count

Tuples inserted count

Tuples inserted count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_tuples_inserted_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Tuples inserted rate

Tuples inserted rate

Tuples inserted rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_tuples_inserted_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Tuples returned rate

Tuples returned rate

Tuples returned rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_tuples_returned_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Tuples updated count

Tuples updated count

Tuples updated count metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_tuples_updated_count
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Tuples updated rate

Tuples updated rate

Tuples updated rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_tuples_updated_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type rate
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Used CPU for an instance

How much CPU is used as a percentage of total CPU available. Only for deployments that have dedicated CPU

Used CPU for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_cpu_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Used disk space for an instance

How much disk space your instance is using

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_disk_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Used disk space for an instance percent

How much disk space is used as a percentage of total disk available

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_disk_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Used memory for an instance bytes

How much memory your instance is using

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_memory_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB Used memory for an instance percent

How much memory is used as a percentage of total memory available

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_memory_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

EnterpriseDB WAL logs used bytes

How much WAL log file uses, in bytes

WAL logs used bytes metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_enterprisedb_wal_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Metrics

Metrics Available by Plan Names
Metric Name
MySQL Cache hit ratio
MySQL Connection usage for an instance
MySQL Disk read latency mean
MySQL Disk write latency mean
MySQL IO utilization in percent 15-minute average
MySQL IO utilization in percent 30-minute average
MySQL IO utilization in percent 5-minute average
MySQL IO utilization in percent 60-minute average
MySQL IOPS read & write total count for an instance
MySQL Maximum allowed memory for an instance
MySQL The maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections.
MySQL Percent of threads connected
MySQL Percent of threads running
MySQL The number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly
MySQL The number of threads created to handle connections
MySQL The number of threads in the thread cache
MySQL The number of threads in the thread cache
MySQL The open file usage
MySQL The pool hit rate
MySQL The pool utilization
MySQL The rate of bytes received from all clients
MySQL The rate of bytes sent to all clients
MySQL The rate of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server
MySQL The rate of joins that did a full scan of the first table
MySQL The rate of joins that perform table scans because they do not use indexes
MySQL The rate of joins that used a range search on a reference table
MySQL The rate of joins that used ranges on the first table
MySQL The rate of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row
MySQL The rate of merge passes that the sort algorithm has had to do
MySQL The rate of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds
MySQL The rate of sorted rows
MySQL The rate of sorts that were done by scanning the table
MySQL The rate of sorts that were done using ranges
MySQL The rate of statements executed by the server
MySQL The rate of times that a request for a table lock could be granted immediately
MySQL The rate of times that a request for a table lock could not be granted immediately and a wait was needed
MySQL The rate of times that the log buffer was too small and a wait was required for it to be flushed before continuing
MySQL The rate of total command statements executed
MySQL Total disk space for an instance
MySQL Used CPU for an instance
MySQL Used disk space for an instance
MySQL Used disk space for an instance
MySQL Used memory for an instance
MySQL Used memory for an instance
MySQL Total active connections to the database
MySQL Replica lag
MySQL Replica state

MySQL Metrics Descriptions

Replica state

Represents the state of the replicas.

Replica state metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_replica_state
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Resource Id, Service instance name

Replica lag

Represents the delay of a replica relative to the leader.

Replica lag metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_replica_lag
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Resource Id, Service instance name

MySQLCache hit ratio

Cache hit ratio

Cache hit ratio metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_cache_hit_ratio
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Connection usage for an instance

Represents the connection usage for your deployment.

Connection usage for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_connection_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_disk_read_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_disk_write_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL IO utilization in percent 15-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 15 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 15 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_15m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL IO utilization in percent 30-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 30 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 30 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_30m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL IO utilization in percent 5-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 5 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 5 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_5m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL IO utilization in percent 60-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 60 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 60 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_60m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL IOPS read & write total count for an instance

How many input-output operations per second your instance is performing

IOPS read & write total count for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_disk_iops_read_write_total
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Maximum allowed memory for an instance

The maximum amount of memory available to your instance

Maximum allowed memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_memory_limit_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections.

Represents the maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections.

The maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections. metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_max_connections
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Percent of threads connected

Percent of threads connected.

Percent of threads connected metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_threads_connected_usage
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Percent of threads running

Percent of threads running.

Percent of threads running metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_threads_running_usage
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly

The number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly.

The number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_aborted_clients_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The number of threads created to handle connections

The number of threads created to handle connections.

The number of threads created to handle connections metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_threads_created
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The number of threads in the thread cache size

The number of threads in the thread cache.

The number of threads in the thread cache metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_thread_cache_size
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The number of threads in the thread cache

The number of threads in the thread cache.

The number of threads in the thread cache metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_threads_cached
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The open file usage

The open file usage.

The open file usage metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_open_file_usage
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The pool hit rate

The pool hit rate.

The pool hit rate metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_pool_hit_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The pool utilization

The pool utilization.

The pool utilization metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_pool_utilization
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of bytes received from all clients

The rate of bytes received from all clients.

The rate of bytes received from all clients metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_bytes_received_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of bytes sent to all clients

The rate of bytes sent to all clients.

The rate of bytes sent to all clients metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_bytes_sent_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server

The rate of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server.

The rate of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_aborted_connects_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of joins that did a full scan of the first table

The rate of joins that did a full scan of the first table.

The rate of joins that did a full scan of the first table metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_select_scan_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of joins that perform table scans because they do not use indexes

The rate of joins that perform table scans because they do not use indexes.

The rate of joins that perform table scans because they do not use indexes metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_select_full_join_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of joins that used a range search on a reference table

The rate of joins that used a range search on a reference table.

The rate of joins that used a range search on a reference table metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_select_full_range_join_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of joins that used ranges on the first table

The rate of joins that used ranges on the first table.

The rate of joins that used ranges on the first table metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_select_range_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row

The rate of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row.

The rate of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_select_range_check_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of merge passes that the sort algorithm has had to do

The rate of merge passes that the sort algorithm has had to do.

The rate of merge passes that the sort algorithm has had to do metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_sort_merge_passes_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds

The rate of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds.

The rate of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_slow_queries_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of sorted rows

The rate of sorted rows.

The rate of sorted rows metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_sort_rows_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of sorts that were done by scanning the table

The rate of sorts that were done by scanning the table.

The rate of sorts that were done by scanning the table metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_sort_scan_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of sorts that were done using ranges

The rate of sorts that were done using ranges.

The rate of sorts that were done using ranges metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_sort_range_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of statements executed by the server

The rate of statements executed by the server.

The rate of statements executed by the server metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_questions_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of times that a request for a table lock could be granted immediately

The rate of times that a request for a table lock could be granted immediately.

The rate of times that a request for a table lock could be granted immediately metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_table_locks_immediate_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of times that a request for a table lock could not be granted immediately and a wait was needed

The rate of times that a request for a table lock could not be granted immediately and a wait was needed.

The rate of times that a request for a table lock could not be granted immediately and a wait was needed metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_table_locks_waited_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of times that the log buffer was too small and a wait was required for it to be flushed before continuing

The rate of times that the log buffer was too small and a wait was required for it to be flushed before continuing.

The rate of times that the log buffer was too small and a wait was required for it to be flushed before continuing metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_innodb_log_waits_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL The rate of total command statements executed

The rate of total command statements executed.

The rate of total command statements executed metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_commands_total_rate
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Total disk space for an instance

Represents the total amount of disk space available to your deployment

Total disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_disk_total_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Used CPU for an instance

How much CPU is used as a percentage of total CPU available. Only for deployments that have dedicated CPU

Used CPU for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_cpu_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Used disk space for an instance

How much disk space your instance is using

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_disk_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Used disk space for an instance percent

How much disk space is used as a percentage of total disk available

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_disk_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Used memory for an instance

How much memory your instance is using

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_memory_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Used memory for an instance percent

How much memory is used as a percentage of total memory available

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_memory_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

MySQL Total active connections to the database

Represents the total number of active connections to the database

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_mysql_total_connections
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Metrics

Metrics Available by Plan Names
Metric Name
Elasticsearch Cluster status
Elasticsearch Disk read latency mean
Elasticsearch Disk write latency mean
Elasticsearch GC Percentage
Elasticsearch IO utilization in percent 15-minute average
Elasticsearch IO utilization in percent 30-minute average
Elasticsearch IO utilization in percent 5-minute average
Elasticsearch IO utilization in percent 60-minute average
Elasticsearch IOPS read & write total count for an instance
Elasticsearch Maximum allowed memory for an instance
Elasticsearch Number of unassigned shards
Elasticsearch Total disk space for an instance
Elasticsearch Used CPU for an instance
Elasticsearch Used JVM heap for a database member of the instance in percent
Elasticsearch Used disk space for an instance
Elasticsearch Used disk space for an instance
Elasticsearch Used memory for an instance
Elasticsearch Used memory for an instance

Elasticsearch Metrics Descriptions

Elasticsearch Cluster status

A number derived from the status value of the /_cluster/health endpoint. Possible Values: 'green' = 1.0, 'yellow' = 0.5, 'red' = 0, ERROR = -1

Cluster status metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_cluster_status
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_disk_read_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_disk_write_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch GC Percentage

Percentage of time the Elasticsearch JVM spends on garbage collection

GC Percentage metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_garbage_collection_percent_average_15m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch IO utilization in percent 15-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 15 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 15 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_15m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch IO utilization in percent 30-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 30 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 30 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_30m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch IO utilization in percent 5-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 5 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 5 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_5m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch IO utilization in percent 60-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 60 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 60 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_60m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch IOPS read & write total count for an instance

How many input-output operations per second your instance is performing

IOPS read & write total count for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_disk_iops_read_write_total
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Maximum allowed memory for an instance

The maximum amount of memory available to your instance

Maximum allowed memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_memory_limit_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Number of unassigned shards

Number of unassigned shards

Number of unassigned shards metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_unassigned_shards_total
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Total disk space for an instance

Represents the total amount of disk space available to your deployment

Total disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_disk_total_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Used CPU for an instance

How much CPU is used as a percentage of total CPU available. Only for deployments that have dedicated CPU

Used CPU for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_cpu_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Used JVM heap for a database member of the instance in percent

How much JVM heap is used as a percentage of total JVM heap is available

Used JVM heap for a database member of the instance in percent metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_jvm_heap_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Used disk space for an instance bytes

How much disk space your instance is using

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_disk_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Used disk space for an instance percent

How much disk space is used as a percentage of total disk available

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_disk_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Used memory for an instance

How much memory your instance is using

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_memory_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Elasticsearch Used memory for an instance percent

How much memory is used as a percentage of total memory available

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_elasticsearch_memory_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd Metrics

Metrics Available by Plan Names
Metric Name
etcd Disk read latency mean
etcd Disk write latency mean
etcd IO utilization in percent 15-minute average
etcd IO utilization in percent 30-minute average
etcd IO utilization in percent 5-minute average
etcd IO utilization in percent 60-minute average
etcd IOPS read & write total count for an instance
etcd Maximum allowed memory for an instance
etcd Total disk space for an instance
etcd Used CPU for an instance
etcd Used disk space for an instance
etcd Used disk space for an instance
etcd Used memory for an instance
etcd Used memory for an instance

etcd Metrics Descriptions

etcd Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean

Disk read latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_disk_read_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean

Disk write latency mean metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_disk_write_latency_mean
Metric Type gauge
Frequency 60ms
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd IO utilization in percent 15-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 15 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 15 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_15m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd IO utilization in percent 30-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 30 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 30 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_30m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd IO utilization in percent 5-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 5 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 5 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_5m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd IO utilization in percent 60-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 60 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 60 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_60m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd IOPS read & write total count for an instance

How many input-output operations per second your instance is performing

IOPS read & write total count for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_disk_iops_read_write_total
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd Maximum allowed memory for an instance

The maximum amount of memory available to your instance

Maximum allowed memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_memory_limit_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd Total disk space for an instance

Represents the total amount of disk space available to your deployment

Total disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_disk_total_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd Used CPU for an instance

How much CPU is used as a percentage of total CPU available. Only for deployments that have dedicated CPU

Used CPU for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_cpu_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd Used disk space for an instance bytes

How much disk space your instance is using

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_disk_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd Used disk space for an instance percent

How much disk space is used as a percentage of total disk available

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_disk_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd Used memory for an instance bytes

How much memory your instance is using

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_memory_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

etcd Used memory for an instance

How much memory is used as a percentage of total memory available

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_etcd_memory_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis metrics

Metrics Available by Plan Names
Metric Name
Redis IO utilization in percent 15-minute average
Redis IO utilization in percent 30-minute average
Redis IO utilization in percent 5-minute average
Redis IO utilization in percent 60-minute average
Redis IOPS read & write total count for an instance
Redis maximum allowed memory for an instance
Redis total disk space for an instance
Redis used CPU for an instance
Redis used disk space for an instance
Redis used disk space for an instance
Redis used memory for an instance
Redis used memory for an instance
Redis blocked clients
Redis connected clients
Redis rejected connections
Redis instantaneous ops
Redis total commands processed

Redis metrics descriptions

Redis IO utilization in percent 15-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 15 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 15 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_15m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis IO utilization in percent 30-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 30 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 30 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_30m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis IO utilization in percent 5-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 5 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 5 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_5m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis IO utilization in percent 60-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 60 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 60 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_60m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis IOPS read & write total count for an instance

How many input-output operations per second your instance is performing

IOPS read & write total count for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_disk_iops_read_write_total
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis maximum allowed memory for an instance

The maximum amount of memory available to your instance

Maximum allowed memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_memory_limit_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis total disk space for an instance

Represents the total amount of disk space available to your deployment

Total disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_disk_total_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis used CPU for an instance

How much CPU is used as a percentage of total CPU available. Only for deployments that have dedicated CPU

Used CPU for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_cpu_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis used disk space for an instance

How much disk space your instance is using

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_disk_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis used disk space for an instance percent

How much disk space is used as a percentage of total disk available

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_disk_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis used memory for an instance bytes

How much memory your instance is using

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_memory_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis used memory for an instance percent

Memory used as a percentage of total memory available.

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_memory_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis blocked clients

Number of clients pending on a blocking call.

Redis blocked clients
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_blocked_clients
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis connected clients

Number of client connections.

Higher number of client connections can impact performance of the Redis instance, as aggregate memory consumption can be extremely high, leading to out-of-memory errors. It is recommended to use Connection pooling.

Redis connected clients
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_connected_clients
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis rejected connections

Number of connections rejected because of maxclients limit. Read more about Managing connections.

Redis rejected connections
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_rejected_connections
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis Instantaneous Ops

Number of commands processed per second. Note: Operations per second is averaged over a minute scale, and is disaplyed in metrics.

Commands proceesed by Redis per second
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_instantaneous_ops
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Redis Total Commands Processed

Total number of commands processed by the server. Note: This is an incremental number which resets when your Redis instance restarts.

Total commands processed by Redis
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_databases_for_redis_total_commands_processed
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ Metrics

Metrics Available by Plan Names
Metric Name
Messages for RabbitMQ IO utilization in percent 15-minute average
Messages for RabbitMQ IO utilization in percent 30-minute average
Messages for RabbitMQ IO utilization in percent 5-minute average
Messages for RabbitMQ IO utilization in percent 60-minute average
Messages for RabbitMQ IOPS read & write total count for an instance
Messages for RabbitMQ Maximum allowed memory for an instance
Messages for RabbitMQ Total disk space for an instance
Messages for RabbitMQ Used CPU for an instance
Messages for RabbitMQ Used disk space for an instance
Messages for RabbitMQ Used disk space for an instance
Messages for RabbitMQ Used memory for an instance
Messages for RabbitMQ Used memory for an instance

Messages for RabbitMQ Metrics Descriptions

Messages for RabbitMQ IO utilization in percent 15-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 15 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 15 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_15m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ IO utilization in percent 30-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 30 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 30 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_30m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ IO utilization in percent 5-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 5 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 5 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_5m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ IO utilization in percent 60-minute average

How much disk I/O has been used over 60 minutes as a percentage of total disk I/O available

IO utilization in percent 60 minute average metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_disk_io_utilization_percent_average_60m
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ IOPS read & write total count for an instance

How many input-output operations per second your instance is performing

IOPS read & write total count for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_disk_iops_read_write_total
Metric Type gauge
Value Type count
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ Maximum allowed memory for an instance

The maximum amount of memory available to your instance

Maximum allowed memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_memory_limit_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ Total disk space for an instance

Represents the total amount of disk space available to your deployment

Total disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_disk_total_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ Used CPU for an instance

How much CPU is used as a percentage of total CPU available. Only for deployments that have dedicated CPU

Used CPU for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_cpu_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ Used disk space for an instance bytes

How much disk space your instance is using

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_disk_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ Used disk space for an instance percent

How much disk space is used as a percentage of total disk available

Used disk space for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_disk_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ Used memory for an instance bytes

How much memory your instance is using

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_memory_used_bytes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type byte
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Messages for RabbitMQ Used memory for an instance percent

How much memory is used as a percentage of total memory available

Used memory for an instance metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_messages_for_rabbitmq_memory_used_percent
Metric Type gauge
Value Type percent
Segment By Service instance, Service instance name

Attributes for segmentation

Global attributes

The following attributes are available for segmenting all of the metrics listed above

Global segmentation attributes
Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Description
Cloud Type ibm_ctype The cloud type is a value of public, dedicated or local
Location ibm_location The location of the monitored resource - this may be a region, data center or global
Resource ibm_resource The resource being measured by the service - typically a indentifying name or GUID
Resource Type ibm_resource_type The type of the resource being measured by the service
Scope ibm_scope The scope is the account, organization or space GUID associated with this metric
Service name ibm_service_name Name of the service generating this metric

Additional Attributes

The following attributes are available for segmenting one or more attributes as described in the reference above. Please see the individual metrics for segmentation options.

Additional Segmentation Attributes
Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Description
Service instance ibm_service_instance The service instance segment identifies the instance the metric is associated with