IBM Cloud Docs
Getting started with Watson Query

Getting started with Watson Query

Use IBM® Watson Query to break data silos across hybrid data sources and build a data fabric solution for data management. You can use Watson Query just as you would any data source, but without the time and expense of hardware setup or software installation and maintenance.

To get started, see Quick start: Virtualize data.

For information about using Watson Query with Cloud Pak for Data as a Service, see Virtualizing data with Watson Query.

  1. After you create the Watson Query service on IBM Cloud®, you must create IAM service credentials by clicking the Service credentials tab on your service page and selecting New credential. You can log in to the web console without credentials, but you need the service credentials to use many of the Watson Query tools.

  2. To retrieve your service credentials, select the Service credentials tab from your service page and expand the credentials that you want to view.