IBM Cloud Docs
Why does the Ingress status show an ERRHPAETPI error?

Why does the Ingress status show an ERRHPAETPI error?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure Satellite

When you check the status of your cluster's Ingress components by running the ibmcloud ks ingress status-report get command, you see an error similar to the following example.

Autoscaling is ineffective (ERRHPAETPI).

The ExternalTrafficPolicy setting for the LoadBalancer service of your ALB is set to Local. This configuration is incompatible with ALB autoscaling for clusters running on classic infrastructure.

ALB autoscaling is not supported for ALBs with ExternalTrafficPolicy set to Local.

To resolve the issue, choose one of the following options.

  • Change the ExternalTrafficPolicy setting.
  • Disable ALB autoscaling.

Before you change the ExternalTrafficPolicy setting, review the information about Enabling source IP preservation for details on how this change might impact your cluster setup. If you decide that need to maintain source IP preservation, follow the step to disable ALB autoscaling instead.

  • To change the ExternalTrafficPolicy setting

    1. Run the command to edit the load balancer service.

      kubectl edit service -n kube-system <albID>
    2. Find the spec.externalTrafficPolicy line and update the value to Cluster.

    3. Save and apply the changes. Wait 10 to 15 minutes for the updates to apply. Then, check to see if the warning is resolved.

    4. If the issue persists, contact support. Include a detailed list of the troubleshooting steps you took. Open a support case. In the case details, be sure to include any relevant log files, error messages, or command outputs.

  • To disable ALB autoscaling

    1. Run the command to disable autoscaling for the cluster.

      ibmcloud ks ingress alb autoscale unset -c <clusterID>
    2. Wait 10 to 15 minutes for the updates to apply. Then, check to see if the warning is resolved.

    3. If the issue persists, contact support. Include a detailed list of the troubleshooting steps you took. Open a support case. In the case details, be sure to include any relevant log files, error messages, or command outputs.