IBM Cloud Docs
Why does my app fail with a group ID error for NFS file storage permissions?

Why does my app fail with a group ID error for NFS file storage permissions?

Classic infrastructure

After you create or add existing NFS storage to your cluster, your app's container deployment fails. You see group ID (GID) error messages.

When you create a container from an image that does not specify a user and user ID (UID), all instructions in the Dockerfile are run by the root user (UID: 0) inside the container by default.

However, when you want to mount an NFS file share to your container, the user ID 0 inside the container is mapped to the user ID nobody on the NFS host system. Therefore, the volume mount path is owned by the user ID nobody and not by root. This security feature is also known as root squash. Root squash protects the data within NFS by mounting the container without granting the user ID root permissions on the actual NFS host file system.

Use a Kubernetes DaemonSet to enable root permission to the storage mount path on all your worker nodes for NFSv4 file shares.

To allow root permission on the volume mount path, you must set up a ConfigMap on your worker node. The ConfigMap maps the user ID nobody from the NFS host system to the root user ID 0 in your container. This process is also referred to as no root squash. An effective way of updating all your worker nodes is to use a daemon set, which runs a specified pod on every worker node in your cluster. In this case, the pod that is controlled by the daemon set updates each of your worker nodes to enable root permission on the volume mount path.

The deployment is configured to allow the daemon set pod to run in privileged mode, which is necessary to access the host file system. Running a pod in privileged mode does create a security risk, so use this option with caution.

While the daemon set is running, new worker nodes that are added to the cluster are automatically updated.

Before you begin:


  1. Copy the norootsquash daemon set deployment YAML file

  2. Create the norootsquash daemon set deployment.

    kubectl apply -f norootsquash.yaml
  3. Get the name of the pod that your storage volume is mounted to. This pod is not the same as the norootsquash pods.

    kubectl get pods
  4. Log in to the pod.

    kubectl exec -it mypod /bin/bash
  5. Verify that the permissions to the mount path are root.

    root@mypod:/# ls -al /mnt/myvol/
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb  7 20:49 .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Feb 20 18:19 .

    This output shows that the UID in the first row is now owned by root (instead of previously nobody).

  6. If the UID is owned by nobody, exit the pod and reboot your cluster's worker nodes. Wait for the nodes to reboot.

    ibmcloud ks worker reboot --cluster <my_cluster> --worker <my_worker1>,<my_worker2>
  7. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 to verify the permissions.