IBM Cloud Docs
Why does encryption fail with an invalid KMS endpoint?

Why does encryption fail with an invalid KMS endpoint?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure

When you provision Portworx and set up encryption, you receive an error similar to the following:

`kp.Error: correlation_id='673bb68a-be17-4720-9ae1-85baf109924e', msg='Unauthorized: The user does not have access to the specified resource'"`

The endpoint that you entered in your Kubernetes secret is incorrect. If the KMS endpoint is entered incorrectly, Portworx can't access the KMS provider that you configured.

For more information about enabling encryption on your Portworx volumes, see Setting up encryption.

Edit your Kubernetes secret to include the correct endpoint for your KMS provider.

  1. Retrieve the correct endpoint for your KMS provider.

  2. Encode the endpoint to base64.

    echo -n "<endpoint>" | base64
  3. Edit the Kubernetes secret that you created to include the correct endpoint for your KMS provider.

    kubectl edit <secret-name> -n portworx
  4. Save and close your Kubernetes secret to reapply it to your cluster.

If you find information that you entered incorrectly or you must change the setup of your cluster, correct the information or the cluster setup.