IBM Cloud Docs
Debugging the cluster autoscaler

Debugging the cluster autoscaler

Review the options that you have to debug your cluster autoscaler and find the root causes for failures.

Before you begin: Log in to your account. If applicable, target the appropriate resource group. Set the context for your cluster.

Step 1: Check the version

  1. Verify that the cluster autoscaler add-on is installed and ready.
    ibmcloud oc cluster addon ls --cluster <CLUSTER_NAME>
    Example output
    Name                 Version   Health State   Health Status   
    cluster-autoscaler   1.0.4     normal         Addon Ready 
  2. Compare the version that runs in your cluster against the latest version in Cluster autoscaler add-on change log.
  3. If your version is outdated, deploy the latest cluster autoscaler version to your cluster.

Step 2: Check the configuration

Check that the cluster autoscaler is configured correctly.

  1. Get the YAML configuration file of the cluster autoscaler ConfigMap.

    kubectl get cm iks-ca-configmap -n kube-system -o yaml > iks-ca-configmap.yaml
  2. In the data.workerPoolsConfig.json field, check that the correct worker pools are enabled with the minimum and maximum size per worker pool.

    • "name": "<worker_pool_name>": The name of your worker pool in the ConfigMap must be exactly the same as the name of the worker pool in your cluster. Multiple worker pools must be comma-separated. To check the name of your cluster worker pools, run ibmcloud ks worker-pool ls -c <cluster_name_or_ID>.
    • "minSize": 2: In general, the minSize must be 2 or greater. Remember that theminSize value can't be 0, and you can only have a minSize of 1 if you disable the public ALBs.
    • "maxSize": 3: The maxSize must be equal to or greater than the minSize.
    • "enabled": true: Set the value to true to enable autoscaling the worker pool.
        workerPoolsConfig.json: |
            [{"name": "default", "minSize": 2, "maxSize": 3, "enabled": true }]
  3. In the metadata.annotations.workerPoolsConfigStatus field, check for a FAILED CODE error message. Follow any recovery steps that are in the error message. For example, you might get a message similar to the following, where you must have the correct permissions to the resource group that the cluster is in.

        workerPoolsConfigStatus: '{"1:3:default":"FAILED CODE: 400
        to validate the request with resource group manager.\",\"type\":\"Authentication\\"recoveryCLI\":\"To
        list available resource groups, run ''ibmcloud resource groups''. Make sure
        that your cluster and the other IBM Cloud resources that you are trying to use
        are in the same resource group. Verify that you have permissions to work with
        the resource group. If you think that the resource group is set up correctly
        and you still can't use it, contact IBM Cloud support.\"}"}'

Step 3: Review the cluster autoscaler status

Review the status of the cluster autoscaler.

kubectl describe cm -n kube-system cluster-autoscaler-status
  • status: Review the status message for more troubleshooting information, if any.
  • Health: Review the overall health of the cluster autoscaler for any errors or failures.
  • ScaleUp: Review the status of scale up activity. In general, if the number of worker nodes that are ready and registered match, the scale up has NoActivity because your worker pool has enough worker nodes.
  • ScaleDown: Review the status of scale down activity. If the cluster autoscaler identifies NoCandidates, your worker pool is not scaled down because none of the worker nodes can be removed without taking away requested resources from your workloads.
  • Events: Review the events for more troubleshooting information, if any.

Example of a healthy cluster autoscaler status

Cluster-autoscaler status at 2020-02-04 19:51:50.326683568 +0000 UTC:
Health:      Healthy (ready=2 unready=0 notStarted=0 longNotStarted=0 registered=2longUnregistered=0)
            LastProbeTime:      2020-02-04 19:51:50.324437686 +0000 UTC m=+9022588.836540262
            LastTransitionTime: 2019-10-23 09:36:25.741087445 +0000 UTC m=+64.253190008
ScaleUp:     NoActivity (ready=2 registered=2)
            LastProbeTime:      2020-02-04 19:51:50.324437686 +0000 UTC m=+9022588.836540262
            LastTransitionTime: 2019-10-23 09:36:25.741087445 +0000 UTC m=+64.253190008
ScaleDown:   NoCandidates (candidates=0)
            LastProbeTime:      2020-02-04 19:51:50.324437686 +0000 UTC m=+9022588.836540262
            LastTransitionTime: 2019-10-23 09:36:25.741087445 +0000 UTC m=+64.253190008
Events:  none

Step 4: Check the cluster autoscaler pod

Check the health of the cluster autoscaler pod.

  1. Get the cluster autoscaler pod. If the status is not Running, describe the pod.

    kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler
  2. Describe the cluster autoscaler pod. Review the Events section for more troubleshooting information.

    kubectl describe pod -n kube-system <pod_name>
  3. Review the Command section to check that the custom cluster autoscaler configuration matches what you expect, such as thescale-down-delay-after-add value.


Step 5: Search the pod logs

Search the logs of the cluster autoscaler pod for relevant messages, such as failure messages like lastScaleDownFailTime, the Final scale-up plan, or cluster autoscaler events.

If your cluster autoscaler pod is unhealthy and can't stream logs, check your IBM® Log Analysis instance for the pod logs. Note that if your cluster administrator did not enable Log Analysis for your cluster, you might not have any logs to review.

kubectl logs -n kube-system <pod_name> > logs.txt

Step 5: Restart the pod

If you don't find any failures or error messages and you already enabled logging, restart the cluster autoscaler pod. The deployment re-creates the pod.

kubectl delete pod -n kube-system <pod_name>

Step 6: Disable and reenable

Optional: If you completed the debugging steps and your cluster still does not scale, you can disable and reenable the autoscaler by editing the config map.

  1. Edit the iks-ca-configmap.

    kubectl edit cm iks-ca-configmap -n kube-system

    Example output:

    apiVersion: v1
    workerPoolsConfig.json: |
        [{"name": "default", "minSize": 2, "maxSize": 5, "enabled": true }]
    kind: ConfigMap
        workerPoolsConfigStatus: '{"2:5:default":"SUCCESS"}'
    creationTimestamp: "2020-03-24T17:44:35Z"
    name: iks-ca-configmap
    namespace: kube-system
    resourceVersion: "40964517"
    selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps/iks-ca-configmap
    uid: 11a1111a-aaaa-1a11-aaa1-aa1aaaa11111
  2. Set the enabled parameter to false and save your changes.

  3. Edit the iks-ca-configmap again. Set the enabled parameter to true and save your changes.

    kubectl edit cm iks-ca-configmap -n kube-system
  4. If your cluster still does not scale after disabling and reenabling the cluster autoscaler,you can edit the minSize or maxSize parameters in the iks-ca-configmap. Sometimes,editing the minSize and maxSize worker parameters successfully restarts the cluster autoscaler.

    kubectl edit cm iks-ca-configmap -n kube-system
  5. Edit the minSize or maxSize parameters and save your changes.

Step 8: Check if the issue is resolved

Monitor the cluster autoscaler activities in your cluster to see if the issue is resolved. If you still experience issues, see Feedback, questions, and support.