IBM Cloud Docs
Classic: Why do I see a timeout error when I try to log in to a pod on a new worker node?

Classic: Why do I see a timeout error when I try to log in to a pod on a new worker node?

Classic infrastructure

You deleted a worker node in your cluster and then added a worker node. When you deployed a pod or Kubernetes service, the resource can't access the newly created worker node, and the connection times out.

If you delete a worker node from your cluster and then add a worker node, the new worker node might be assigned the private IP address of the deleted worker node. Calico uses this private IP address as a tag and continues to try to reach the deleted node.

Manually update the reference of the private IP address to point to the correct node.

  1. Confirm that you have two worker nodes with the same Private IP address. Note the Private IP and ID of the deleted worker.

    ibmcloud ks worker ls --cluster <cluster_name_or_id>
    ID                                                 Public IP       Private IP       Machine Type   State     Status   Zone   Version
    kube-dal10-cr9b7371a7fcbe46d08e04f046d5e6d8b4-w1    b3c.4x16       normal    Ready    dal10      1.29
    kube-dal10-cr9b7371a7fcbe46d08e04f046d5e6d8b4-w2    b3c.4x16       deleted    -       dal10      1.29
  2. Install the Calico CLI.

  3. List the available worker nodes in Calico. Replace <path_to_file> with the local path to the Calico configuration file.

    calicoctl get nodes --config=filepath/calicoctl.cfg
  4. Delete the duplicate worker node in Calico. Replace NODE_ID with the worker node ID.

    calicoctl delete node NODE_ID --config=<path_to_file>/calicoctl.cfg
  5. Reboot the worker node that was not deleted.

    ibmcloud ks worker reboot --cluster <cluster_name_or_id> --worker <worker_id>

The deleted node is no longer listed in Calico.