IBM Cloud Docs
Classic: Why is the bare metal instance ID inconsistent with worker records?

Classic: Why is the bare metal instance ID inconsistent with worker records?

Classic infrastructure

When you use ibmcloud ks worker commands with your bare metal worker node, you see a message similar to the following.

The worker node instance ID changed. Reload the worker node if bare metal hardware was serviced.

The machine ID can become inconsistent with the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service worker record when the machine experiences hardware issues. When IBM Cloud infrastructure resolves this issue, a component can change within the system that the service does not identify.

For IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service to re-identify the machine, reload the bare metal worker node. Note that reloading also updates the machine's patch version. For more information, see the Kubernetes version information.

You can also delete the bare metal worker node. Remember that bare metal instances are billed monthly.