IBM Cloud Docs
Best practices for IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

Best practices for IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

Keep your cluster environment up to date

Check monthly for available security and operating system patches to update your worker nodes.

Make sure to update your cluster regularly to remain on a supported version Kubernetes Service.

Keep your command line tools up to date

In the command line, you are notified when updates to the ibmcloud CLI and plug-ins are available. Be sure to keep your CLI up-to-date so that you can use all available commands and options.

Make sure that your kubectl CLI client matches the same Kubernetes version as your cluster server. Kubernetes does not support kubectl client versions that are 2 or more versions apart from the server version (n +/- 2).

Document your environment architecture

Maintaining up-to-date documentation and diagrams can help when debugging issues. For more information, see Documenting your environment architecture.

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