IBM Cloud Docs
Resolving problems when using data from CSV files in Cognos Dashboard Embedded

Resolving problems when using data from CSV files in Cognos Dashboard Embedded

You import a data asset based on a comma-separated values (CSV) file that contains dates or times, however the visualization results in IBM® Cognos Dashboard Embedded are not what you expected.

What's happening

When you create a visualization in a dashboard that displays dates or that is filtered by dates, the results are not what you expect. For example, you have a data asset that contains one row of data for each month. However, a visualization displays only dates from January for each year. Or, you have data from one month, but the visualization displays dates for a year. The following image explains the situation.


Why it's happening

The problems that you see might be caused by the format of the dates in your data, if the source for your data was a CSV file. For example, you have the following dates:

  • 1-1-2015
  • 1-2-2015
  • 1-3-2015
  • 1-4-2015
  • 1-5-2015
  • 1-6-2015

When your data is imported, Cognos Dashboard Embedded tries to determine the appropriate format to use for dates. However, you might get unexpected results. The first number in each date might be interpreted either as January or as the day, leading to different results. The date 1-2-2015 is interpreted as either January 2 or February 1.

To determine whether the format of dates is the potential cause of the problem, open your original CSV data file and review the format of the dates.

How to fix it

If you have dates that represent a day, month, and year, change the format to be one that is supported by Cognos Dashboard Embedded. Several formats are supported, but some can be ambiguous, as shown in the example above. If you format the dates in the yyyy-mm-dd format (ISO 8601), the dates are always interpreted correctly.

Cognos Dashboard Embedded supports the ISO 8601 standard formats for dates (yyyy-mm-dd) and times. For more information about the standard, please see

Supported date formats

MMM d, y
MMMM d, y

Supported time formats

h:mm a
h:mm:ss a
h:mm:ss a z
HH:mm z
HH:mm:ss z
HH:mm:ss.SS z

After you change your original data asset, open the dashboard again.