IBM Cloud Docs
How can I find information about my job run?

How can I find information about my job run?

You can display information about your job run instances to help you manage runs of your jobs from the console or with the CLI.

If you cannot find information about your job runs, determine whether one of the following cases is true.

  1. Access details of your job with the console or the CLI.

    • From the console, go to the job details page for your job and click the Job runs tab for a list of all your job runs that have been submitted from your job configuration.

    • From the CLI,

      • To view details about all job runs for a particular job configuration, run the ibmcloud ce job get command. For example, to get details about the myjob job including all job runs that are associated with this configuration,

        ibmcloud ce job get --name myjob

        Example output

        Getting job 'myjob'...
        Name:          myjob
        ID:            abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1a2b3c4d5e6f
        Project Name:  myproject
        Project ID:    01234567-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdabcd1111
        Age:           2m4s
        Created:       2021-02-17T15:41:12-05:00
        Last Job Run:
        Name:     myjob-jobrun-abcde
        Age:      32d
        Created:  2021-10-06T13:50:02-04:00
        Resource Allocation:
            CPU:     1
            Memory:  4G
            Mode:                  task
            Array Indices:         0
            Array Size:            1
            Max Execution Time:    7200
            Retry Limit:           3
      • To view details of a specific job run, use the jobrun get command. It can be helpful to first view a list of all job runs with the jobrun list command. For example, to view details of the myjob-jobrun-abcde job run,

        ibmcloud ce jobrun get --name myjob-jobrun-abcde

        Example output

        Getting jobrun 'myjob-jobrun-abcde'...
        Getting instances of jobrun 'myjob-jobrun-abcde'...
        Getting events of jobrun 'myjob-jobrun-abcde'...
        For troubleshooting information visit:
        Run 'ibmcloud ce jobrun events -n myjob-jobrun-abcde' to get the system events of the job run instances.
        Run 'ibmcloud ce jobrun logs -f -n myjob-jobrun-abcde' to follow the logs of the job run instances.
        Name:          myjob-jobrun-abcde 
        ID:            cd86393d-8150-46d5-b012-15f5225871b0  
        Project Name:  myproject  
        Project ID:    1b52c15b-7f4f-4d0c-b4fd-08cd2f2b8c29  
        Age:           4m52s  
        Created:       2022-08-29T14:26:53-04:00  
        Job Ref:              myjob  
        Resource Allocation:    
        CPU:                1  
        Ephemeral Storage:  400M  
        Memory:             4G  
            Mode:                  task
            Array Indices:         0-2 
            Array Size:            3
            JOP_ARRAY_SIZE Value:  3
            Max Execution Time:    7200
            Retry Limit:           3
        Completed:          4m45s  
        Instance Statuses:    
            Succeeded:  3  
            Type      Status  Last Probe  Last Transition  
            Pending   True    4m52s       4m52s  
            Running   True    4m49s       4m49s  
            Complete  True    4m45s       4m45s  
        Type    Reason     Age                    Source                Messages  
        Normal  Updated    4m46s (x6 over 4m53s)  batch-job-controller  Updated JobRun "myjob-jobrun-abcde"  
        Normal  Completed  4m46s                  batch-job-controller  JobRun completed successfully  
        Name                    Running  Status     Restarts  Age  
        myjob-jobrun-abcde-0-0  0/1      Succeeded  0         4m53s  
        myjob-jobrun-abcde-1-0  0/1      Succeeded  0         4m53s  
        myjob-jobrun-abcde-2-0  0/1      Succeeded  0         4m53s  
  2. Code Engine keeps job runs that you trigger in the system until you delete them. However, Code Engine automatically deletes job runs after some time, depending on system resources, to free up resources that are associated with instances of a job run.

  3. If your job is triggered by an event subscription, such as Cron or IBM Cloud Object Storage, then the associated job runs are deleted after after 10 minutes. See Where is my job run?.

Try one of these solutions.

  1. Debug runs of your job by getting logs.

    To view logs from the console, you must first add logging capabilities by creating an IBM Log Analysis instance in the same region as your Code Engine project. See Viewing job logs from the console.

    To view logs with the CLI,

  2. Debug runs of your job by getting system event data.

    To view system event information for your job runs with the CLI,

These CLI commands can retrieve logs and system event information as long as the job run instances are in the system. If you want to access logs for job runs that have been completed hours or days ago, then use IBM Log Analysis capabilities. Log Analysis offers various plans to control the retention period for logs. If your job runs are no longer in the system, use an IBM Log Analysis instance in the same region as your Code Engine project. See Getting started with IBM Log Analysis.

For more information about working with jobs and job runs, see Working with jobs and job runs.