IBM Cloud Docs
Why does my Object Storage subscription never become ready?

Why does my Object Storage subscription never become ready?

A cos subscription was created, but it does not have a ready status.

Check to see whether one of the following cases is true.

  1. The Notifications Manager role is not set for your account nor project.
  2. The Object Storage bucket doesn't exist, is not set to regional resiliency, or exists in a different region as the project.
  3. An application or job is missing.

Look at the subscription source to see whether any error messages returned by running the ibmcloud ce sub cos get --name SUB_NAME command.

  1. If the error message includes Verify you have assigned the Notifications Manager role to your project,

    1. Go to Manage access and users and click Authorizations.
    2. Click Create.
    3. Select Code Engine as the Source Service and Cloud Object Storage as the Target Service.
    4. Be sure to select the Notifications Manager service access checkbox.
    5. Click Authorize.
  2. If the error message includes Error accessing bucket in region, check the region that your project is in by running ibmcloud ce project current. Find your bucket region by running ibmcloud cos bucket-location-get --bucket BUCKET_NAME. Both the project and bucket must be in the same region. In addition, be sure that the resiliency is set to regional.

  3. If the error message shows NotFound : Sink not found, then your destination app or job is not available. Run the ibmcloud ce app list command or the ibmcloud ce job list command to make sure that your destination app or job exists. If the app or job doesn't exist, create the application with the ibmcloud ce app create command or create the job with the ibmcloud ce job create command.

If these solutions do not solve your issue, retrieve the logs of the Object Storage subscription for further debugging by using IBM Cloud Logs for log management capabilities.

If these solutions do not solve your issue, try one of the resources in getting support.