IBM Cloud Docs
Debugging service bindings

Debugging service bindings

Use the tips to learn how to troubleshoot IBM Cloud® Code Engine service bindings.

Limits to consider

When you create service bindings with Code Engine, secrets are created. Every new service binding that does not reuse a service credential creates a secret. The maximum number of secrets per project is 100 secrets.

For more information about limits for secrets, see Limits and quotas for Code Engine.

Be sure to also consider limits for the specific service instance that you are binding to.

For more information about service bindings, see Working with service bindings to integrate IBM Cloud services with Code Engine.

Configuring service binding operations

Did you know that you can configure project-wide service binding operations with the Code Engine console?

With the right permissions, use the Integrations page in the console to configure settings for service binding operations so that all users of a specific project can create and delete bindings without having to assign all necessary privileges to their personal user IDs. For more information, see Configuring project-wide service binding operations.

If you configure project-wide settings for service binding operations, do not manually update or remove the service ID or API key that is created as part of the configuration of service binding operations. See Configuring service bindings operations with a Code Engine autogenerated service ID.

Listing service bindings

You can list service bindings that are set for a Code Engine app or job.

From the console, use one of the following ways.

  • After your project is in Active status, click the name of your project on the Code Engine Projects page. From the Overview page, click Service bindings. This view displays all service bindings for the selected project.
  • View existing service bindings to a specific app or job from the specific Code Engine app or job page in the console. To view service bindings within the context of your app or job, go to the Service bindings tab for your specific app or job. You can also work with service bindings for your app from this view.

With the CLI, use the ibmcloud ce application get command or the ibmcloud ce job get command to display service bindings from the context of your app or job.

For example, suppose the myapp application is bound to an IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance. Use the application get command to list the services that are bound to this app.

ibmcloud ce application get -n myapp

Example output

Run 'ibmcloud ce application events -n myapp' to get the system events of the application instances.
Run 'ibmcloud ce application logs -f -n myapp' to follow the logs of the application instances.

Name:               myapp

Service Bindings:    
  Name                     ID                                    Service Instance  Service Type          Role / Credential  Environment Variable Prefix  Age  
  ce-service-access-wcfap  e04f4cbe-abcd-abcd-abcd-0ec858d33b82  my-object-storage cloud-object-storage  Writer             CLOUD_OBJECT_STORAGE         26h