IBM Cloud Docs
Supported integrations for Code Engine

Supported integrations for Code Engine

IBM Cloud® Code Engine supports or is supported by the following IBM Cloud and third-party integrations.

IBM Cloud integrations

IBM Cloud integrations
Integration Description
IBM Cloud Activity Tracker View, manage, and audit user-initiated activities made in your Code Engine service instance (project). For more information, see Auditing events for Code Engine.
IBM Cloud Monitoring Use the IBM Cloud® Monitoring service to monitor your Code Engine workloads. For more information, see Monitoring for Code Engine.
IBM Cloud Logs Add log management capabilities to your project by creating an IBM Cloud Logs instance. For more information, see Viewing logs.
IBM Cloud Container Registry Set up your own container registry to safely store and share images. For more information, see Getting started with IBM Cloud Container Registry.
IBM Cloud Object Storage Subscribe to Object storage event producers from your application or job. For more information, see Working with the IBM Cloud Object Storage event producer.
IBM® Event Streams for IBM Cloud® Subscribe to Kafka and Event Streams event producers from your application or job. For more information, see Working with the Kafka event producer.
IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery Automate your app and job builds by using a toolchain. For more information about the setup, see Integrating Code Engine workloads with Continuous Delivery.

Third-party integrations

Code Engine is supported by the following third-party integrations. For issues in open source projects that are used by IBM Cloud, see the IBM open source and third-party policy.

Third-party integrations
Integration Description
Lithops Lithops is an open source framework that designed to massively scale your Python applications. See Running jobs with Lithops framework.
Ray Ray is an open technology that enables data scientists and application developers to run their code in a distributed fashion. It also provides a lean and easy interface for distributed programming with many different libraries, best suited to perform machine learning and other intensive compute tasks. See Ray on IBM Cloud Code Engine: Boost Your Serverless Compute.
Iter8 Iter8 is the release engineering tool for Kubernetes that enables SLO validation, A/B testing, and progressive rollouts for Kubernetes applications. You can use Iter8 to validate your Code Engine applications. See Validating your application code and latency with Iter8.
Guard Guard is a workload runtime-security solution, well-equipped to protect Serverless Services. Code Engine users may use Guard as a security layer to protect Code Engine applications. See Securing your application with Guard.