IBM Cloud Docs
Getting started with IBM Cloud Pak for Integration on IBM Cloud

Getting started with IBM Cloud Pak for Integration on IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration is a comprehensive set of software integration tools within a single, unified experience. With this tool set, you can connect your applications, data, systems, and services, across cloud or on-premises environments, as part of a managed, scalable, and secure deployment that is based on Red Hat OpenShift. You can install Cloud Pak for Integration alongside other IBM Cloud Paks to help you quickly build and modernize applications across any cloud or IT infrastructure.

This product guide covers the installation process and trial license for Cloud Pak for Integration on a managed Red Hat OpenShift cluster that is provided by IBM Cloud®. For other information, including more information about the product and installation processes for other environments, see the full product documentation in IBM Documentation.

Before you begin

Use this documentation only if you are installing the Cloud Pak on a managed Red Hat OpenShift cluster that is provided by IBM Cloud®. If you want to install the Cloud Pak in other environments, see Installing in IBM Documentation.

Before you can install the Cloud Pak on IBM Cloud®, you must set up a Red Hat OpenShift cluster by using the Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud service.

For information about resource requirements, see Compute resources for development environments in IBM Documentation.

The IBM Cloud software catalog installer does not support the installation of Cloud Pak for Integration on MZR clusters. For more information, see Known limitations.

Step 1. Obtain a license

If you don't already have a license, use one of the following methods to obtain one:

  • Purchase a license through IBM Passport Advantage

  • Register for a 60-day trial license of IBM Cloud Pak for Integration

    Important: The trial is for IBM Cloud Pak for Integration software only. The trial does not include entitlement to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

Step 2. Assign a license

To assign your license, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up to, or log in to, your IBM Cloud account.
  2. In the IBM Cloud banner, click Manage > Account to open the Account page.
  3. In the navigation menu, click Licenses and entitlements under Account resources.
  4. If no licenses are available to assign, click Check IBM Passport Advantage to open the Your licenses dialog.
  5. Select the appropriate license, then click Assign.

Step 3. Configure installation settings

Open Cloud Pak for Integration from the IBM Cloud Catalog then log in with your IBM Cloud account.

In the Create tab, configure the following settings:

  1. In the Select your cluster section, select the target Red Hat OpenShift Cluster. You can filter the table by entering the name of the Red Hat OpenShift cluster that you created earlier (see Before you Begin) in the search field.

  2. In the Select a project section, select an existing project, or create a new one by entering a unique project name. A project is a Kubernetes cluster namespace, and the list is populated from your Red Hat OpenShift environment. This project name is used as the namespace for the Platform UI.

  3. In the Configure your workspace section, accept the default settings. IBM Cloud Paks use a Schematics workspace to automate the installation. This workspace is used only during the installation process.

Step 4. Install

Review the information in the Summary pane. Read and accept the Cloud Pak for Integration license agreement, then click Install.

Next steps

  1. After the installation completes, click Offering Dashboard to open the Platform UI. You can also find the host URL for the Platform UI by running the following command:

    oc get consolelink | grep "IBM Cloud Pak for Integration"
  2. The Platform UI requires a username and password to access. The installation process creates temporary values for you. To find these values, run the following commands, where <namespace> is the project name that you specified in the installation settings:

    • Username:
      oc get secret integration-admin-initial-temporary-credentials -n <namespace> -o jsonpath='{.data.username}' | base64 --decode
    • Password:
      oc get secret integration-admin-initial-temporary-credentials -n <namespace> -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode
  3. Use the Platform UI to create integrations. For more information, see Deploying instances and Building integrations in IBM Documentation.

Known limitations

The IBM Cloud software catalog installer for Cloud Pak for Integration does not support installation in the following environments:

  • Multi-zone region (MZR) clusters in IBM Cloud Classic infrastructure
  • Clusters that are deployed in IBM Cloud VPC, in either single-zone or multi-zone topologies

These environments do not provide the storage that is required to deploy Cloud Pak for Integration in a resilient way.

You can install into these environments by following a manual installation process instead. During manual installation, you can specify appropriate storage. For more information, see Storage considerations in IBM.