IBM Cloud Docs


You can uninstall services from IBM Cloud Pak® for Data, or you can uninstall IBM Cloud Pak® for Data.

Uninstalling IBM Cloud Pak® for Data

To uninstall IBM Cloud Pak® for Data, you can use the Schematics Workspaces console or the command-line interface.

Note: The uninstall action deletes the project. Before you delete a project, make sure that the project does not contain any other applications. For more information, see Uninstalling the platform and services.

To uninstall IBM Cloud Pak® for Data from the Schematics Workspaces console, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Schematics > Workspaces.
  2. Select the workspace of your installed IBM Cloud Pak® for Data, and then click Delete.
  3. Or, click the actions menu for your workspace, and then click Delete.
  4. Choose Delete workspace or Delete all associated resources or both, and enter the name of the workspace to confirm.
  5. Click Delete to delete the workspace and wait for the uninstall to complete.
  6. Verify that IBM Cloud Pak® for Data is uninstalled by accessing the IBM Managed Red Hat OpenShift Cluster web console and verifying that the components that are related to IBM Cloud Pak® for Data, such as any related pods, are no longer installed.

To uninstall IBM Cloud Pak® for Data by using the command-line interface, see Uninstalling an instance of IBM Cloud Pak for Data.

Uninstalling services in IBM Cloud Pak® for Data

To uninstall a service in IBM Cloud Pak® for Data, see the uninstall topic for Services.