IBM Cloud Docs
Configure Metrics for IBM Cloud® Object Storage

Configure Metrics for IBM Cloud® Object Storage

Use the IBM Cloud® Monitoring service to monitor your IBM Cloud® Object Storage data. IBM Cloud Monitoring is a cloud-native management system. The metrics produced by your COS buckets can be displayed in dashboards built in IBM Monitoring. Documentation from Monitoring can guide you in how to use the comprehensive dashboards. Additionally, specify the conditions when a metrics alert is trigged to set notifications when custom thresholds are exceeded.

When metrics monitoring is enabled on your bucket, the default target service that captures these metrics is IBM Cloud Monitoring. Ensure that you have a platform instance of IBM Cloud Monitoring at the receiving location corresponding to your bucket location as specified in COS Service Integration.

Alternatively, use IBM Cloud Metrics Routing rules to send metrics to other target services or to IBM Cloud Monitoring instances in locations other than the bucket location.

Enable metrics monitoring on your bucket via the IBM Cloud® Object Storage Resource Configuration API or through the UI directly. This is done during bucket provisioning or afterwards by updating the bucket configuration.

IBM COS supports enabling metrics tracking on the following metric types:

  • Usage Metrics – These are metrics related to the overall usage of your COS bucket such as total storage consumed in bytes.
  • Request Metrics – The metrics report the counts for certain types of API requests made to your bucket

See the IBM Cloud® Object Storage metrics details section below for the full list of metrics sent to IBM Monitoring.

This feature is not currently supported in Object Storage for Satellite.

This feature supports SCC monitoring.

IBM Cloud® Object Storage metrics can only be consumed by IBM Monitoring platform instances. If a platform instance does not exist at the final receiving location, ensure one is created.

Route Metrics with IBM Cloud Metrics Routing

Use IBM Cloud® Metrics Routing to route metrics for your IBM Cloud® Object Storage buckets to locations different from the bucket location or to other target services. You can use Metrics Routing, a platform service, to manage targets and routes that define where metrics data is routed.

When enabling monitoring on your IBM Cloud® Object Storage buckets, metrics are sent to a default receiving location as defined in COS Service Integration. You must have an instance of IBM Monitoring at this location or configure a routing rule to another location with a Monitoring instance, to ensure metrics are received.

See Getting started with IBM Cloud Metrics Routing for more information.

Configure Metrics on your IBM Cloud® Object Storage Bucket (Recommended)

Enable metrics tracking on your IBM Cloud® Object Storage bucket at the time of bucket provisioning or by updating the bucket configuration after bucket creation. Metrics monitoring will only apply to IBM Cloud® Object Storage metrics produced after enablement.

Refer to the IBM Cloud® Object Storage Metrics Details to see the full list of Usage and Request metrics available for tracking.

Use the IBM Cloud® Object Storage Resource Configuration API to configure tracking of these metrics for your bucket.

When metrics tracking is enabled, all metrics are sent to the default receiving location for IBM Cloud Metrics Router based on the location of the bucket. Refer to IBM Cloud® Object Storage Service Integration to see this default mapping. Use Metrics Router rules to route metrics to a location other than the bucket location or to another target service. See Managing Routes for more information.

Configure Metrics on your IBM Cloud® Object Storage Bucket (Legacy)

Enable IBM Metrics Monitoring on your IBM Cloud® Object Storage bucket by specifying the target CRN of the Monitoring instance in the IBM Cloud® Object Storage Resource Configuration API. Specify the CRN to define the route for COS metrics.

IBM Cloud Metrics Routing is the standardized way for customers to manage routing of platform observability data. Service-specific routing configurations like IBM Cloud® Object Storage are being deprecated.

It is recommended that customers remove these legacy routing configurations (make this a link to upgrade section below) that use CRNs and instead use the IBM Metrics Router service to route metrics to other locations.

IBM Cloud® Object Storage will continue to support legacy configurations where a CRN was specified that differs from the default location.

Upgrading from Legacy to the Recommended Metrics Monitoring on your COS bucket:

To upgrade from the legacy configuration using the Resource Configuration API, remove the target Metrics Monitoring instance CRN. Metrics will now route to the default Metrics Router receiving location as described in COS Service Integration. Provision an instance of Monitoring at this location or define a routing rule prior to upgrading to ensure there’s no interruption in metrics monitoring.

Example patch to transition from the Legacy to Recommend event tracking configuration on your COS bucket

Select the UI, API or Terraform tab at the top of this topic to see examples of patchs.

UI example patch to transition from the Legacy to Recommend event tracking configuration on your COS bucket

Example patch to transition from the Legacy to Recommend metrics monitoring configuration on your IBM Cloud® Object Storage bucket (SDK, RC API, UI, Terraform)

  1. From the IBM Cloud console resource list, select the service instance that contains the bucket you wish to upgrade to the recommended metrics monitoring configuration. This takes you to the Object Storage Console.
  2. Choose the bucket for which you want to upgrade.
  3. Navigate to the configuration tab.
  4. Scroll down to the advanced configuration section and locate the configuration panel for metrics monitoring.
  5. Click on the top right corner of the panel and select upgrade.
  6. Confirm you would like to upgrade metrics monitoring for this bucket.




public class MetricsMonitoringExample {

   private static final String BUCKET_NAME = <BUCKET_NAME>;
   private static final String API_KEY = <API_KEY>;

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      IamAuthenticator authenticator = new IamAuthenticator.Builder()
      ResourceConfiguration RC_CLIENT = new ResourceConfiguration("resource-configuration", authenticator);
      MetricsMonitoring metricsMonitoringConfig = new MetricsMonitoring().Builder()
      BucketPatch bucketPatch = new BucketPatch.Builder().metricsMonitoring(metricsMonitoringConfig).build();
      UpdateBucketConfigOptions update = new UpdateBucketConfigOptions

      GetBucketConfigOptions bucketOptions = new GetBucketConfigOptions.Builder(BUCKET_NAME).build();
      Bucket bucket = RC_CLIENT.getBucketConfig(bucketOptions).execute().getResult();
      MetricsMonitoring metricsMonitoringResponse = bucket.getMetricsMonitoring();
      System.out.println("Usage Metrics Enabled  : " + metricsMonitoringResponse.usageMetricsEnabled());
      System.out.println("Request Metrics Enabled : " + metricsMonitoringResponse.requestMetricsEnabled());


const ResourceConfigurationV1 = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/resource-configuration/v1');
IamAuthenticator      = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/auth');

var apiKey = "<API_KEY>"
var bucketName = "<BUCKET_NAME>"

authenticator = new IamAuthenticator({apikey: apiKey})
rcConfig = {authenticator: authenticator}
const client = new ResourceConfigurationV1(rcConfig);

function addMM() {
   console.log('Updating bucket metadata...');

   var params = {
      bucket: bucketName,
      metricsMonitoring: {
               "metrics_monitoring_crn": metricsCrn,
         "request_metrics_enabled": true,
         "usage_metrics_enabled": true

   client.updateBucketConfig(params, function (err, response) {
      if (err) {
            console.log("ERROR: " + err);
      } else {


Python SDK

from ibm_cos_sdk_config.resource_configuration_v1 import ResourceConfigurationV1
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator

api_key = "<API_KEY>"
bucket_name = "<BUCKET_NAME>"

authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(apikey=api_key)
client = ResourceConfigurationV1(authenticator=authenticator)
metrics_monitoring_config = {'metrics_monitoring':
                        'metrics_monitoring_crn': mm_crn,

client.update_bucket_config(bucket_name, bucket_patch=metrics_monitoring_config


import (
rc ""

apiKey := "<ApiKey>"
bucketName := "<BucketName>"

authenticator := new(core.IamAuthenticator)
authenticator.ApiKey = apiKey
optionsRC := new(rc.ResourceConfigurationV1Options)
optionsRC.Authenticator = authenticator
rcClient, _ := rc.NewResourceConfigurationV1(optionsRC)

patchNameMap["metrics_monitoring"] = &rc.MetricsMonitoring{
MetricsMonitoringCrn: core.StringPtr(MMCrn),
RequestMetricsEnabled:     core.BoolPtr(true),
UsageMetricsEnabled:    core.BoolPtr(true)

updateBucketConfigOptions := &rc.UpdateBucketConfigOptions{
Bucket:      core.StringPtr(bucketName),
BucketPatch: patchNameMap,


resource "ibm_resource_instance" "cos_instance" {
   name              = "cos-instance"
   resource_group_id =
   service           = "cloud-object-storage"
   plan              = "standard"
   location          = "global"

resource "ibm_cos_bucket" "metric_monitoring_bucket" {
   bucket_name          = “bucket_name”
   resource_instance_id =
   region_location      = “us-south”
   storage_class        = “standard”
   metrics_monitoring {
      usage_metrics_enabled   = true
      request_metrics_enabled = true
      metrics_monitoring_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:sysdig-monitor:us-east:a/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:4xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-fxxxxxxxxx4c::"

Cloud Object Storage metrics details

Usage metrics

There are a set of basic metrics that track usage:

  • ibm_cos_bucket_used_bytes
  • ibm_cos_bucket_object_count
  • ibm_cos_bucket_hard_quota_bytes

Request metrics

There are metrics that report the aggregates for different classes of HTTP requests:

  • ibm_cos_bucket_all_requests
  • ibm_cos_bucket_get_requests
  • ibm_cos_bucket_put_requests
  • ibm_cos_bucket_delete_requests
  • ibm_cos_bucket_post_requests
  • ibm_cos_bucket_list_requests
  • ibm_cos_bucket_head_requests

Errors are also collected, with server-side (5xx) errors broken out:

  • ibm_cos_bucket_4xx_errors
  • ibm_cos_bucket_5xx_errors

The minimum, maximum, and average bytes transferred by network type are reported:

  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_download_public_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_download_public_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_download_public_avg
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_download_private_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_download_private_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_download_private_avg
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_download_direct_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_download_direct_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_download_direct_avg
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_upload_public_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_upload_public_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_upload_public_avg
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_upload_private_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_upload_private_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_upload_private_avg
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_upload_direct_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_upload_direct_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_bytes_upload_direct_avg

Latency metrics (first byte and general) for requests are broken down by request type:

  • ibm_cos_bucket_first_byte_latency_read_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_first_byte_latency_read_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_first_byte_latency_read_avg
  • ibm_cos_bucket_first_byte_latency_write_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_first_byte_latency_write_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_first_byte_latency_write_avg
  • ibm_cos_bucket_first_byte_latency_misc_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_first_byte_latency_misc_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_first_byte_latency_misc_avg
  • ibm_cos_bucket_request_latency_read_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_request_latency_read_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_request_latency_read_avg
  • ibm_cos_bucket_request_latency_write_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_request_latency_write_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_request_latency_write_avg
  • ibm_cos_bucket_request_latency_misc_min
  • ibm_cos_bucket_request_latency_misc_max
  • ibm_cos_bucket_request_latency_misc_avg

All metrics are reported as float64 numeric values:

Attributes for Segmentation

You can filter your results by attributes. In this guide, we'll look at some general examples as well as those specific to IBM Cloud Object Storage.

Global Attributes

The following attributes are available for segmenting all the metrics listed above

Table 4: IBM global attributes
Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Description
Cloud Type ibm_ctype public, dedicated or local
Location ibm_location The location of the monitored resource. This may be a Cross Region, Regional, or Single Site bucket.
Resource ibm_resource COS bucket name
Resource Type ibm_resource_type COS bucket
Scope ibm_scope The scope is the account associated with this metric.
Service name ibm_service_name cloud-object-storage

Additional Attributes

The following attributes are available for segmenting one or more attributes as described in the reference above. Please see the individual metrics for segmentation options.

Table 5: COS specific attributes
Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Description
IBM COS Bucket storage class ibm_cos_bucket_storage_class Storage class of the bucket
Service instance ibm_service_instance The service instance segment identifies the guide of the instance the metric is associated with.