IBM Cloud Docs
Return code 500 returned when an alert is sent to IBM Cloud Event Notifications

Return code 500 returned when an alert is sent to IBM Cloud Event Notifications

A return code 500 is returned when attempting to send an alert to IBM Cloud Event Notifications.

Sending an alert to IBM Cloud Event Notifications fails with a 500 return code.

The group_by value in the condition block in the alert payload is not identical to the group_by_fields value in the notification_groups block. These values must be the same.

"condition": {
        "more_than": {
            "parameters": {
                "threshold": 20,
                "timeframe": "timeframe_5_min_or_unspecified",
                "group_by": [
                "ignore_infinity": true,
                "relative_timeframe": "hour_or_unspecified"
            "evaluation_window": "rolling_or_unspecified"
"notification_groups": [
            "group_by_fields": [
            "notifications": [
                    "integration_id": 81

Change the values so they are identical.