IBM Cloud Docs
Querying data

Querying data

In IBM Cloud Logs, you can query your log data by using Lucene queries, DataPrime queries, or by querying directly data from an IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) bucket. You can also apply filters to your queries.

Query data from the UI

In the Explore Logs page, you can:

Filtering can be used in conjunction with searching using Lucene or DataPrime.

After you define a query, you can save it for later reuse by creating a view. For more information, see Creating custom views.

Considerations when querying data from a bucket

You can query data from the Explorer logs page or by running an archive query.

There are considerations when querying log data from the data bucket:

  • Data stored in the data bucket include data ingested through the Priority insights, Analyze and alert, and Store and search data pipelines. It also includes logs that are matched through a Parsing Block rule that has the View blocked logs in Live tail and archive to IBM Cloud Object Storage option enabled.
  • You maintain the data in the bucket. You can keep the data for as long as you need and query it via the Logs page, selecting the All logs option.
  • Filtering can be used in conjunction with searching using Lucene or DataPrime.
  • You can query data with unlimited time frames. There are no restrictions on how far back in time your data can go. You maintain the data and you ahve access to the data for as long as you keep it.
  • You can query logs regardless of log priority and daily quota. Only blocked logs are not sent to the archive.
  • Archive Query lets you to directly query your logs from your archive using any text or a wide range of syntax queries. You can query logs regardless of log priority, daily quota, or the time frame of your data. For more information, see Querying archived data.

Limitations querying data through the Explorer

Limits exist when querying data in IBM® Cloud Logs.

Log query limits for Direct HTTP API Archive Query

Results returned

The maximum number of rows that are returned from a query depends if you are querying from Priority insights or data that is stored in IBM Cloud Object Storage.

  • The maximum number of results that are returned from Priority insights is 12 K.
  • The maximum number of results that are returned from IBM Cloud Object Storageis 50 K.

Bytes scanned

A maximum of 100 MB is scanned for Priority insights data. No limit exists when data stored in IBM Cloud Object Storage is scanned.

Rate limiting

A maximum of 10 queries per minute can be submitted.

When the rate limit is exceeded, an HTTP 429 is returned.

Archive query limitations

The following are the limitations placed on queries.

Archive query limitations
Limitation Description
Bytes processed Up to 30% of daily ingested bytes
Parquet files Scanned up to 500K files
Clone results Up to 1M results while running Archive Query
Time out Up to 5 minutes of query execution

You also need to be aware of the following when querying archived data:

  • You can use the same query syntax (Lucene or DataPrime) on the Archive Queries page.

  • You might see slight delays when querying archived data when compared with other Explore queries.

  • Once a limit is reached, a warning message is displayed. Refine your query results to avoid reaching a limit.

Refining archive query results

You can refine your query results using the following methods:

  • Apply more selective filters to your queries (for example, application or subsystem).

  • If using the DataPrime extract operator and subsequently filtering its results, create a parsing rule and filter on the parsed field instead.

  • Avoid regular expressions or wildcards in filters.

  • In DataPrime, switch from using the contains operator on strings to the free text search operator (~).