IBM Cloud Docs
Migrating 1 Activity Tracker instance in the account using the migration tool

Migrating 1 Activity Tracker instance in the account using the migration tool

Use this topic to migrate 1 IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker instance and configure the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing service by running the migration tool.


Migrating IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker instances to IBM Cloud Logs in IBM Cloud requires the configuration of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing service in the account to define where events are routed and the provisioning of IBM Cloud Logs instances. A migration tool is provided to help you migrate.

Options to migrate:

When you configure the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing service, you are controlling where events are routed in the account. For migration, it is very important that when you configure IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing, that you define first a logdna target and a route for the region where the IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker instance is available so you configure the current default behavior in the account. Afterwards, you can define a cloud_logs target and route to send the same data to the migrated IBM Cloud Logs instance. If you do not define a logdna target first, events will stop being routed to your current IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker instance.

Always run the migration tool in a development or staging environment to test and validate the migration command and steps.

The IBM Cloud Logs migration tool migrates IBM Log Analysis and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance configurations. Only configuration information is migrated. Data is not migrated.

The following list outlines the services that you need access to migrate an IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker instance:

  • Cloud Object Storage (to store data and metrics)

  • Event Notifications (to trigger alerts through Email, PagerDuty, Slack, webhook)

  • IBM Cloud Logs (the new logging service in IBM Cloud Observability)

  • IBM Cloud Activity Tracker Event Routing for managing how events are routed in the account

  • Event Streams for managing streaming of data through a topic

The migration tool helps you migrate the following configuration:

  • 1 Activity Tracker instance and resources such as views, alerts, data usage, dashboards (limited), log groups (limited), exclusion rules (limited). Limited means that to complete you must take manual action as the technologies are very different.
  • Archiving configuration, if the Activity Tracker instance has archiving enabled. The migration tool also creates the IAM authorizations between the Cloud Logs instance and the Cloud Object Storage buckets
  • Alerting configuration, including the configuration required in Event Notification to trigger alerts to your notification channels (destinations).
  • IAM policies to grant permissions to work with the Cloud Logs instance based on the access report of the Activity Tracker instance.
  • Creates the Activity Tracker Event Routing configuration to keep data going to your deprecated instance and to the migrated instance.


Complete these steps before you begin:

  1. Make sure you use an ID that has permissions for migrating your instance.

    See Required permissions for running the migration tool.

    If you have the IAM permission to create policies and authorizations, you can grant only the level of access that you have as a user of the target service. For example, if you have viewer access for the target service, you can assign only the viewer role for the authorization. If you attempt to assign a higher permission such as administrator, it might appear that permission is granted, however, only the highest level permission you have for the target service, that is viewer, will be assigned.

  2. Generate an API key to use when you apply your Terraform scripts to create resources. You must have these permissions.

  3. Install the Terraform CLI. Complete the steps in Geting started with Terraform.

  4. To send alerts to your destinations, you must provision an instance of the Event Notifications service in the account.


Always use a new directory when running the migration tool. If you are making changes to the Terraform files generated by the migration tool and run the migration tool again using the same directory, your changes to the Terraform files will be overwritten. The Terraform files will also be overwritten if you update the migration tool and run the migration tool again using the same directory.

Queries for views and alerts are migrated. However, since mapping is applied in a generic form across all environments, you might need to modify the proposed mapping created by the migration tool to meet your requirements.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Create a directory from where you plan to run the migration tool. Then, go to that directory and set the API key that to create resources for migration.

    Run export IC_API_KEY=xxxxxx in the command line where you plan to run the Terraform CLI commands.

    If running in Windows, use set IC_API_KEY=xxxxxx instead.

  2. Run the migration tool to generate and apply the terraform files. Take time to review the terraform files and customize them before applying them if you need to make changes.

    ibmcloud logging migrate create-resources --scope instance --instance-crn CRN_VALUE --ecrn EVENT_NOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_CRN --platform --ingestion-key INGESTION_KEY [--instance-name INSTANCENAME] [--instance-resource-group-id RESOURCEGROUPID] [--cos-instance-crn cos-instance-crn] [--cos-kms-key-crn cos-kms-key-crn] [--data-bucket-name data-bucket-name] [--metrics-bucket-name metrics-bucket-name]  -t [-f]

    You can configure the integration with the Event Notifications service with the option --ecrn EVENT_NOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_CRN.

    You can change the name of the instance that is created in Cloud Logs by adding the option --instance-name INSTANCENAME.

    You can change the resource group ID associated with the instance that is created in Cloud Logs by adding the option --instance-resource-group-id RESOURCEGROUPID.

    You can change the default values for the Cloud Object Storage resources by adding the options [--cos-instance-crn cos-instance-crn] [--cos-kms-key-crn cos-kms-key-crn] [--data-bucket-name data-bucket-name] [--metrics-bucket-name metrics-bucket-name].

    The -f option will run the migration tool without any additional prompts. Run the migration tool with the option -f to apply the Terraform files when you run the command. If you just want to generate Terraform files so you can review and modify them, do not include this option. Once reviewed or modified you can apply the Terraform files by running terraform apply from the directory containing the Terraform files.

  3. Use the following checklist to verify that the following assets are created in your account when you migrate the instance:

    The migration tool only migrates configuration of selected resources.

    • Cloud Logs instance, including resources such as views, dashboards, screens, alerts and exclusion rules. The type of resources varies depending on your IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker instance resources.

    • Cloud Object Storage resources:

  4. Verify the Activity Tracker Event Routing configuration.

  5. Manually migrate parsing and exclusion rules.

    If you have parsing rules and exclusion rules configured in the Activity Tracker instance, you must manually recreate them in Cloud Logs.

    In Cloud Logs, you must use Regex to parse the data. For more information, see Extracting specific values as JSON keys.

  6. Verify your views and alert configurations in Cloud Logs.

    In Activity Tracker, a view and an alert are tightly coupled. You define the triggering condition (query) in the view and configure an alert to indicate when and to how many notification channels to send the event.

    In Cloud Logs, Views (known as Logs) and Alerts are resources that you manage separately. The migration tool creates a view and an alert as independent resources. The query is the same in both cases. The migration tool also adds an integration to the Event Notifications service so when an alert is triggered, an event is sent to your destinations.

    When you verify the query of a view, if you make any changes to a view configuration such as changing the applicationName or the subsystemName, you must make the same changes to the alerts resource.

    You can check that alerts trigger in the Incidents page in your Cloud Logs instance. For more information, see Managing triggered alerts in IBM Cloud Logs.

  7. Apply the Event Notification terraform files located in migration-tool/cl/accountID/manual-tf-files/event-notifications-tf-files/activityTrackerInstanceID/and verify that alerts are triggered.

    The migration tool generates the event notification resources files but does not apply them. After you verify your views and alerts, apply them to validate that events are generated and you are getting notifications in your destinations.

    The migration tool does not generate templates. You can manually configure templates for your resources. For more information, see Creating an Event Notifications template.

    The following Event Notification resources are required:

    Checklist of tasks:

  8. If you have log groups configured in your Activity Tracker instance, manually map the data access rule query to a Data Expression (DPXL).

    If you have log groups configured, the migration tool creates a data access rule for each log group and copies the Activity Tracker log group queries. You must manually migrate these queries to data access rules by using the Data Expression language. For more information, see Create a rule in the IBM Cloud Logs service.

  9. Apply the IAM terraform files located in migration-tool/cl/accountID/manual-tf-files/iam-policies/activityTrackerInstanceID/and verify that permissions have been applied.

    The IAM policies that are defined in the file are configured for the Cloud Logs instance ID. Why? Activity Tracker and Log Analysis are 2 different services that you must migrate. In the new architecture, the same service is used to manage the different types of data that Activity Tracker and Log Analysis monitor. Therefore, to avoid granting higher permissions than required when you give policies for both services in an access group or for a user, for example, the policies included are specific to the Cloud Logs Instance ID to which they apply. The roles are identified by running the access report that you can also run manually to verify who has access to your instance.

  10. Add other IAM configurations manually

    Make sure that before you generate the API keys, the permissions to work with the Cloud Logs instance and Activity Tracker Event Routing are set.

  11. If you have streaming configured, you must manually migrate the configuration. For more information, see Streaming data.

  12. After you have completed the migration and verification process, remove your Activity Tracker instance and related resources by following the instructions in Removing deprecated IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instances.